Jwhimsical 2 points ago +2 / -0

Defund the police? Well there's a new sheriff in town.....

Jwhimsical 2 points ago +2 / -0

All the videos I've seen have been white or Latinos, who have been killed or maimed by the shot. I don't think there was one black person in any of the videos.....

Jwhimsical 4 points ago +4 / -0

Like many, I saw a video of about 200 people, those hurt or killed by the shot... folks were white.....

Jwhimsical 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've always tried to be packed with compassionate for fellow humankind! Try to see both sides of stories.

I've watched AB, live his life as a bully, going postal over the years for the most insignificant offenses brought on by others. More recently, His politics spread upon media as if it's gospel truth.

Pathetic! I have no sympathy for what he's done. We don't know but he didn't do it on purpose, and that everything since then has it been one big political filled propaganda stunt. He turns my stomach and I think he deserves what he gets.

Jwhimsical 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've always tried to be packed with compassionate for fellow humankind! Try to see both sides of stories.

I've watched AB, live his life as a bully, going postal over the years for the most insignificant offenses brought on by others. More recently, His politics spread upon media as if it's gospel truth.

He makes me sick to my stomach. I have no sympathy for what he's done. We don't know but he didn't do it on purpose, and that everything since then has it been one big political filled propaganda stunt. He turns my stomach and I think he deserves what he gets.

Jwhimsical 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tested positive and then actually became sick. Not fun!

We're not allowed to give medical to advice here, but the REMDESIVIR, is deadly treatment for this covid. If you get sick they might use monoclonal antibodies. I think it depends on your set of circumstance .

Use DuckDuckGo to view tx with Ivermectin, if you'd like to head in that direction.

Jwhimsical 1 point ago +1 / -0

To each his own. Truth... experience it for yourself. Until then, much luck.

Jwhimsical 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wish it was that easy. Covid units are quarantined. No one allowed up to visit. She could sign out AMA, but... she'd have to have the strength to leave. I was discharged, but was wheelchaired out! On O2....

Jwhimsical 6 points ago +6 / -0

I took ivermectin when I first came down with CV, and still ended up in hospital. It was tough. The vaccine shaming is horrible, I was asked to sign a dnr, and they tried to get me to take REMDESIVIR...

I now have bilateral pneumonia and I'm home on oxygen. It has a survivability.... but not without God's help! Will pray for your family.

Jwhimsical 3 points ago +3 / -0

I lived, but it was some scary shit.... They asked if I wanted Remdesivir, lol.... I asked her if she badly needed my bed? She asked if I wanted to sign a DNR. They said I was going to die...

Still here....

Jwhimsical 2 points ago +2 / -0


Jwhimsical 3 points ago +3 / -0

As a nurse, I can testify to your assumption of what caused their loss. God be with your family! Btw.... I quit offering my opinions. Heaven knows I want to offer an opinion, but people need to learn for themselves, and even then truth isn't obvious.

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