If this is the case, supporting republicans anyway will give them no incentive to change. They know they’ll win so it doesn’t look obvious. Democrats will keep power just barely and even let a change of power from time to time and we go on.
Apparently your job can ask you if you have an alcohol problem or depression or any other health issue. See that when you get hired? They ask if you are disabled. HIPAA was to stop exes from calling your hospital and getting information from you without your permission. It’s not about asking you for your health information. They can directly ask and you can directly refuse and if it’s an at will state they can directly fire you. A HIPAA violation would be if you worked for a health system and they accessed your records without asking. They can certainly ask me for health information as they always have done.
I’m a nurse so trained in HIPAA and I just want you to have the right information. I certainly don’t agree with them asking you like my employer showed me their vaccine policy. I signed. Then they looked up my health information because I got vaccinated in their system so I asked if they could do that and they said you signed the policy, that gave us permission to access your health records but only for vaccines. In fact the Dept of public health gives any employer your vax status regardless of a policy so fake vax cards won’t work, they look up a nationwide database for when you were vaxxed.
All people despite their cultural influence and how they identify politically are prone to violence. The left can be so hostile but I see it as a human trait, not you have these opinions therefore you’re a calm rational person lol.
Violence is never okay in my opinion. Jesus taught us the commandment to pray for our enemies and he never said violence was ever okay.
I’m super sorry you lost a friend if you can call him that still. No q is not a cult. There’s a lot of disinformation I’m not happy about, and on that count he might have a point, that people following it need to be super careful about the interference of psyops and disinformation. But that’s just terrible and I hope you feel supported because we support you.
Yep and I cited above that it’s oxidized adrenaline and seen after heart attacks, it causes psychosis and is responsible in schizophrenia. This doesn’t have any rationale whatsoever. It’s readily available. You could just pay someone to scare the shit out of you causing psychosis and a heart attack. No need to scare kids you can make your own in your body. It ages you as adrenaline does and would cause rapid health deterioration
Has any scientist or specialist actually said taking adrenochrome is beneficial?
It makes you feel flight or fight that thing where you’re extremely anxious. It causes psychosis according to this source.
“As I highlighted earlier, adrenochrome is essentially oxidized adrenalin. Adrenalin is part of the sympathetic nervous system, so the pathway it travels begins with the adrenal glands (where adrenalin is released), and then travels and circulates throughout the bloodstream of the body and also enters the brain. It is released during flight-or-fight situations, and there are numerous ways to increase adrenalin production. Inside the brain, there are receptors that are sensitive to oxidized adrenalin (aka adrenochrome), and as a result, brain wave changes are exerted as well as electrical disturbances. When the limbic system becomes overaroused by adrenochrome, psychosis occurs.”
If you read on it’s the chemical involved in schizophrenia.
It’s oxidized adrenaline. Oxidation is extremely bad and aging.
“In vivo effects of adrenochrome (1-32 mg/kg), an oxidation product of catecholamines, on the heart ultrastructure, ECG and blood pressure were studied in rats over a period of 60 min following a single i.v. injection of the drug. One milligram of the drug had no influence on the myocardium or the cardiovascular system, whereas maximum changes in these parameters were recorded at 32 mg/kg of adrenochrome. The maximum structural damage, reached within 5-10 min, included marked swelling of mitochondria and sarcotubular system, intracellular and perinuclear oedema, hypercontraction of myofibrils and partial separation of the intercalated disc. Ultrastructural changes in the myocardium due to 4 and 8 mg of adrenochrome were not accompanied by any cardiovascular effects and the changes were fully reversed within 60 min of the injection of the drug. However, at 16 and 32 mg/kg of adrenochrome both heart rate and blood pressure were depressed within 5 min of drug administration.”
It makes no sense to take adrenaline product. You can give yourself an adrenaline rush very easily. What’s the logic here that it does? Adrenaline ages you and is a stress hormone. I looked up adrenochrome also, it’s rapidly metabolized because it will cause heart damage. In fact adrenochrome itself is a by product of a heart attack and I can easily cite that. They use it to test treatments after a heart attack.
Hunter S Thompson coined adrenochrome for a larger population. Oddly, I know hunters godson who golfs with Bill Murray since he filmed Where the Buffalo Roam. I asked him about it. You don’t want to know what he said lol. Apparently an inside joke. But that’s what he says.
We can change our genes through Epigenetics, it’s very important people know the power of focus and prayer because it has effects on the body.
I grew up on a farm and we had gardens and fruit trees and berries. Picking the mulberry, raspberry and strawberries were my favorite.
Apparently I wanted to work in the gardens all the time and ride the tractor with my grandpa. It does change your whole outlook, the peacefulness and nutrition is life changing.
I’ve always been healthy because of it.
Elderberries and echinacea have this dark blue pigment and along with all other berries, just like quercetin, these fight aging and do change your genes. If you dedicate time to the process of finding these foods with joy in your heart, making a cup of elderberry tea and dandelion tea, eat berries, pick them fresh, it boosts your health and does so permanently.
Yes these treatments can have effects but we have so much power through the joy we get in praising god for his blessings and really understanding what he’s done through these gifts.
I just want people to know if they’ve had to rely on any modern medicine that these effects can be countered through faith, through the joy of the gifts our father has made for us and the act of praise.