Cocoa is the chief agricultural export of Ghana and Ghana's main cash crop.[1] The world largest irrigation scheme of cocoa is Ivory Coast, Ghana is the second largest cocoa exporter in the world.
With some two million children involved in the farming of cocoa in West Africa, primarily Ghana and Ivory Coast, child slavery and trafficking were major concerns in 2018.[9][10] However, international attempts to improve conditions for children were failing because of persistent poverty, absence of schools, increasing world cocoa demand, more intensive farming of cocoa, and continued exploitation of child labor. - Wikipedia
Mississippi has a large number of minority population, every year at tax time they are lined up at Walmart to get their tax returns done so the can get their "refunds" . The state the minimum amount of income you can list without a W2 or 1099, and they all get multiple EIC tax credits. Depending on how many kids they claim this can total thousands of dollars. This is why they are cracking down on the preparers signing on fraudulent claims
Many of these "kids" are 16 and 17 year old Ms-13 gang members, and the ones ho aren't soon will be.. We should be fore afraid "of than afraid "for". Fighting age young males, same as the middle eastern migrants.
I have been scouring the web for pictures of Biden-past and present. This looks like a completely different person. First, his forehead in this photo is a completely different color and texture than the rest of his face. There is a weird ridge on his temple that seems to be the separating point. The forehead looks like normal skin, the rest looks way to smooth except just under this eyes. Also notice there is a very long distance between the bottom of his nose and his upper lip. In younger pictures the distance is quite small. Plastic surgery? Chin implants? Go back and look at Biden younger pictures, also his official portrait fro W.H. and current pictures. Same person??
I agree, rank and file of "world" citizens(including U.S.) have no clue what's going on. I just meant the "world" response would have been the same to a U.S. Military solution. I wouldn't be surprised to see UN forces deployed in Myanmar with the full support of US current admin, EU and ASEAN.
This is exactly why things had to be done the way they are. Look what's happening. The military in Myanmar does not have the support of the world, they are being painted as the enemy. In addition the chaos there is being fomented and organized. The same thing would have happened here. We would be in a civil war right now. Let's be patient and see what happens.
you can search sanctions from EO 13848 , there are many, Under program search election-EO13848
The DNI report was section 1a of the E.O.,
The DNI report (section 1a) was delivered on Jan 7th
**Section 1b ** "after DNI report is delivered", calls for a report by AG and DHS to be delivered within 45 days to POTUS, DOD, and SOS detailing extent of interference,
The Ukraine sanctions do indeed seem to indicate the report "1b" was delivered and acted upon on Jan 11th. Even though the Ukraine sanctions were against the so-called "good guys" who released the Biden video, there could be other sanctions which were not announced publicly. Is it possible the Ukraine sanctions were announced to signal the report (1b) had been received and was being acted upon?
I think Lin is the real deal. Dropping lots of truth bombs. Whistleblower in video can be easily identified if you take some time to do research. Don't want to name names for obvious reasons. Time frame, place, access, contractor?...He is credible.
Mittens Bain Capital was a big investor in Solar Winds
"Bain Capital and Insight’s investment was in the form of equity. Post closing, Bain Capital and Insight owned a majority share of SolarWinds on a fully diluted basis with the transaction being structured to include equity investments and grants to key management and personnel. "
Hacked SolarWinds platform was used in Dominion Voting Systems, making the entire election subject to cyber interference
and...'Poor Kids' Just as Bright as 'White Kids,'
Question: Has she left D.C. since the inauguration? Remember when Van der Veen wanted to call Nancy and Kamala as witnesses, he made a point of saying he wanted to depose them in Philadelphia.
I think white hats have everything they need to prove voter fraud. For whatever reason, they are waiting. It had to be this way,if Trump had won they planned to accuse him of voter fraud and there would have been widespread riots/violence. The uni-party was allowed to prevail. Think about what has transpired since Jan 20. All the RINO's have been outed. Lincoln project imploded, Senators who certified the vote are being censured- voters see what's going on, Trump has been acquitted and is sitting pretty in the winter white house-the quieter he is, the more desperate they become, Biden's EO's will be stopped with legal challenges, PA SOS resigned-more to come, election fraud cases will work thier way through the courts, new blood in the house will shake things up, Nancy is losing her hold, the squad will go down, the left will destroy itself. Furthermore what's going on now is a big red pill, people cannot ignore the threat that is upon us. It had to be this way for a time. Sun Tzu, appear weak when you are strong. And don't forget, we have God on our side.
This is an interesting video, she went to the fake whitehouse lot at Culver City and got some scoop from a construction worker there. Some billionaire has recently bought up a lot of the studios around the area. Netflix also films there. Hmmmm, who is on the board of Netflix??
Kathy Boockvar, PA Sec of State, resigns on unrelated issue. Freedom in exchange for testimony?
You are correct, however it could have been achieved between Jan 07 and Jan 20th. That would have been within the deadline of 45 days. Why did DNI wait until after the votes were certified? Also the DNI report , 1a is just an "assesment" the following report 1b is the actual analysis and call to action. Consider this, all the players were recently appointed except SOS. Miller, Gaynor and Acting AG Rosen. Scaarmucci model?
The DNI report was section 1a of the E.O.,
**Section 1b ** after DNI report is delivered, calls for a report by AG and DHS to be delivered within 45 days to POTUS, DOD, and SOS detailing extent of interference, aslo:
**section 1d **states that "Nothing in this order shall prevent the head of any agency or any other appropriate official from tendering to the President, at any time through an appropriate channel, any analysis, information, assessment, or evaluation of foreign interference in a United States election."
Section 1e says that " if foreign interference in a State, tribal, or local election within the United States has occurred is identified, it may be included, as appropriate,"
Section 1f states "Not later than 30 days following the date of this order, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of National Intelligence shall develop a framework for the process that will be used to carry out their respective responsibilities pursuant to this order. The framework, which may be classified in whole or in part"
So how I understand this E.O. to read, once the initial DNI report was delivered on January 7th there is no real time frame for the remainder (sections 1b-1f) to be accomplished. It could have easily been done between January 7 and January 20th considering there would already be a framework in place per section 1f. The framework is most likely classified. According to section 1d the Navarro report could easily have been factored in, also intelligence collected by other agencies and countries.
Keep in mind the report outlined in section 1b would have been delivered to POTUS, Sec of State, Sec. of Treasury and Sec. of Defense, so the military would be informed. Also keep in mind the last minute changes within DOD, and DHS (Gaynor and Miller) may be important.
I am not sure what it all means, maybe nothing, or maybe something is happening behind the scenes. I do know there have been a lot of foreign powers stepping down. I don't think the "short squeeze" is organic in nature either. I guess we will have to wait and see.
The report was actually delivered on January 07. It's it was due on Dec. 18th and delayed till Jan 7th.
Pray for Lin.
What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?
drop 140
I generally agree, but the interview with Brent Johnson sounds pretty credible. I checked out the website for and it also looks to be ok. Everyone has to make up their own mind, I try to use discernment when viewing these things, of course at this point no one know what to believe.
Good interview, they don't sound like complete crazy people like some of these folks out there pushing far out theories. I hope all they say is true.
Right or wrong, that will probably be the consequence of this action. TPTB will not allow this to continue.
It's pretty clear Trump's intention is to rid the GOP of bad actors and support good candidates. He has disavowed the Patriot Party. I wish things were different and still haven't completely given up hope on a miracle, but we may have to face reality, re-group and continue to fight.
**Read it again. In section 5 they lump mental health and Covid together.**and authorize student nurses to staff these facilities.
"related rules are hereby suspended to the extent necessary to authorize professionals ..., to perform tasks outside of their licensed scope of practice or if such tasks are performed in an inpatient psychiatric facility, in a behavioral health residential facility, or by a behavioral health crisis services provider licensed under Title 33 pursuant to a facility or provider-specific, COVID-19-related plan of delegation that has been submitted by the facility's or provider's chief medical or chief executive officer and jointly approved by the Commissioner of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services or the Commissioner's designee and the Commissioner of Health or the Commissioner's designee."
In section 11 they set up funding for "skilled Covid Nursing facilities"
In section 13 they suspend certification requirements
"to the extent necessary to allow hospitals, nursing homes, and home health agencies that would otherwise be subject to certificate of need requirements to temporarily increase their number of licensed hospital beds at any location or temporarily"
In section 14 Telephone assessments for involuntary commitment cases are permitted. (see section 5 lumping mental health and covid together)
In section 16, the director can monitor these facilities remotely without any kind of on site inspections.
In section 18
"Temporary quarantine and isolation facilities may b constructed"
19 and 20 any kind of required inspections based on complaints etc. are suspended.