Because the original jews thay left isreal were the satanists, its those jews and islamists she's speaking for, they're truly satanists, occult of many different style worshippers, zoroastrian, zion, eugenics, scientologists. That's just to name a few but they all participate in pedophilia in some degree as well as cannibalism and other crimes against humanity
Ive been trying to convince my hubby to take all his funds out of our bank, i want to do the same but can't seem to convince him, i told father in law to move his money from stocks and he won't do it, the sad truth is you're right, ihonestly thought it was gonna tank this summer, i do feel the best is yet to come but we'll be the generation who goes through hell for it, we're the ones who will have to secure society and remind the future of what happened to America. Its important we find ways to write history.
For anyone else wanting this info see thomas renz and ana Garner's cases, Ohio Stands up lawsuit and New Mexico Stands up, the ones from fall and winter last year a class action contain evidence of Rothschild patents for covid 19 test and vaxx, this has been being cooked up a long time
Its extremely frustrating and it has put a wedge between me and the folks, as long as none of my idiot relatives don't insist i get my child vaxxed we'll be good. I'm grinding my teeth waiting for the day the truth comes out, but will they even believe it then?
Its true, we're slaves and we eat slave food, processed foods are more affordable on purpose to drive you consumerism and keeping whole foods out of financial reach and once your hooked your hooked