Quoted: while Bondi hit X at 3 p.m.: “Firing Rothschild-Mossad puppets—truth’s coming!” 💥💥💥 I searched her twitter and did not see that. If she did say that….calling out MOS-that would be YUGE💥
But I don’t think she did, so I’m calling bullshit
Snorting ants and licking piss was even gnarlier, as artfully portrayed in The Dirt
And he got that awesome tone with only 9 fingers
A lot of metal bands have anti war songs that sound violent to those who don’t know. War Ensemble and Mandatory Suicide by Slayer are great songs with powerful messages. Everybody knows Metallica’s “One”. Symphony of Destruction and a bunch of other Megadeth songs regarding the pain and misery of war.
Non-metal “normies” wouldn’t get it that loud, aggro metal fiends just want peace, love and harmony.
Followed by a reminder that “No One is Above The Law” 😆😆😆😆😆
Many people theorize that Bannon is too
I’m not surprised or shocked that it happened, I’m shocked and surprised that we (hopefully) know about it now. Smoking gun. Hard evidence. End of bullshit. Commence the prosecutions. I’m
Iraq has been fucking around, not cutting the ties to Iran and cleaning out the corruption that Marco requested that they do. This afternoon they started to take the steps that were requested of them, because they realized they don’t want to find out.
If we paid our taxpayer money to start this war, then gave much more to the other side to continue it, this would be the biggest scandal of all
I’ve been searching and I haven’t found much. Hoping that if this is true somebody here has some intel. Here’s John Kennedy bitching about it 3 years ago.
Full text:
I love it when we're proven right.
Now, thousands of people are sitting around scratching their asses wondering what happened because they refuse to believe that after the Russia hoax, after the covid scam, after the Afghan withdrawl disaster that there is no way Janet Yellen paid Putin the $18 billion Dollars to enter Ukraine border just like I told you she did.
Thanks for the post. Can you give a quick summary of the highlights?
“Trolling is fun!”-DJT
Sources in North Korea say that Little Rocket Man called Zelensky and said “Bro, you fucked up”
DJT and JDV….what a team!! 💥😃💥
I was lucky enough to have Fox on when that went live because that was most stunning beatdown I’ve ever seen
You might be on to something here…standby for Ft Knox audit. Gold ends the fed!
Rashida Tliba is furious that her taliban allies have been cut off
Coach says he did, and he’s a licensed notary public, so that makes it true.
President Trump has just signed an executive order making English the official language of America.
America is the birthplace of the English language, so this was long overdue. We shall not forget Ben Franklin writing and signing the declaration of independence and the constitution in ENGLISH during his presidency, nor the fact that another great American, Jesus, wrote the Bible in ENGLISH.
Thank you Mr President. The UK is in shambles
Edit: they finally reported, but only mentioned the one guy who killed Kiki Camarena. No mention of the other 28, or the historic collaboration between the two countries
Seems like very big news. Interesting that Fox News isn’t reporting on this.
Tomorrow? I thought it was today
Well since Pam did promise we’d have something today I’d say this is a very positive sign
I know how she feels. I got out of rehab and scored some blow. I got high as fuck and went back there asking for a refund. Didn’t work.