Wow, these people are sick. 1:34 timestamp
They stated a 50% death rate projection!?!? Can you link a source of them saying that
Feel like that’s a stretch. Its 113B not 11.3
This is what the true great awakening is.
I will re-explain it. You had media heads doubt his vaccine before flipping their script, do you remember seeing/hearing that? If trump came out straight against the vaccine, the media was already in lockstep with it and operation warp speed would have failed giving the enemy the ultimate win of years of lockdown.
Good people who trust government authority blindly. I voted for trump in 2016/2020 and will in 2024. This issue is complex and involved countering a massive brainwash operation which scared billions of people in pure submission. I asked questions to libs/cons alike about “why do we need to shut down society and what it would take to re-open from lockdown” all said the same thing: vaccine
If he said the opposite we’d still be under lockdown. The people already awake were the real winners. Consequences of not waking up
Not true, they would swap via convention rules. Still is problematic because it robs people of choice still
Q Implies with high confidence on multiple posts that the remainder is enough to cause a massive great awakening. The rest of the truth will eventually leak itself out but way later down the road IMO
No, the end of the D party comes from the marker of the great awakening for the black population. Which is why the military surveilled and mapped the BLM protests and did not stop them. The awakening marker is the reveal about Haiti and the Clinton foundation. Therfore this post relates to this and the Down she goes, relates to hillary in this matter
How is your debt tied to the fed? What did Q say about the fed?
Great answer and thank you for that. It’s an interesting distinction and choice of words personally
Why do I need to fear god? I embrace god and do not fear men. Am I doing it wrong christians?
Blood clots I bet.
Thanks for the heads up, I’ll wear a mask
They don’t want us dead. They want to own our souls; much different
To think the elites would let you have these. Lol
Q hints that the people will decide to either regulate heavily the industry that poisoned billions or completely destroy it
The “we are just trying to find out how much money china pays Joe” is the tell. He knows the amount and the investigation is already done. He did the same thing with North Korea, met ahead of time and pre-planned everything, the MSM piece was the “show”
The best way is placing the “strongest” seeds of truth which eventually flower to awakening
No civil unrest? You mean the unrest that BLM caused in 2020? My take on things is that the military/NG will shut down the streets with martial law to quell mass unrest
You can’t do it with just “data”. Look at RFKs approach and how he uses logical persuasion, lack of evidence on certain risk points. You wont win him over that way
Iron dome failed
The wall failed
The intelligence agencies failed
The cameras failed
The soldiers failed
The drones failed
Surely all a coincidence and not related to biden being weak and sending them 6 billion dollars
We have already been subjected to their genetic tampering. The jab was recently one of those massive events at damaging yourself
Or there could be more. Time will tell, thanks for reading