Seems like it's only to protect their money and power. If one is prosecuted and has their money confiscated or has to pay, the other is more protected than if they were joined. There's no loyalty among the cabal. If one falls, the others defend only themselves.
They have set so many precedents while trying to stop President Trump but have only succeeded in painting themselves into a corner. They can no longer charge President Trump with anything they haven't already done a thousand times over. NCSWIC. Period. Full stop.
CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens... maybe people are waking up to treatments disguised as cures.
Keep in mind that a lot of the sheep's rage comes from the MSM (nearly irrelevant) and folks paying for division like Soros/Rothschild et al (hemorrhaging money). The pawns may have been removed, now we're after the ones pulling the strings.
Even with a giant rack and perfect rear end, people are still gonna be like "did you see the jacked-up eyes on that goblin?!"
Comrade Kamala simply recites a classic Trump position every time she's forced to take a stance. I honestly feel like we're only two weeks away from Cackles herself endorsing President Trump while the left absolutely loses their collective mind. Those are the nutjobs we're being warned about.
Make Kamala a side chick again! Can't decide if Cackles or Tampon Timmy is more useless. It's the only primary they have a chance at winning.
MSM be like: "People have always been invisible which can lead to increased death in young people. Scientists baffled."
My haste to make a crude joke has caused me to overlook an important detail.
I'd have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!
Louis CK seems to have a grasp on it.
Even the AI looks p!$$ed that she's their installed candidate. Skynet knows the future of the left is bleak. NCSWIC
Until there are consequences there's no incentive for them to stop. Swapping a popular candidate with a very unpopular candidate in hopes of winning just wouldn't make sense in a fair and honest election. Seems like a very clear indicator that they intend to steal it again.
Agreed. Like she knew she'd get a turn later.
I appreciate the feedback! If it helps to bridge the gap from Anons who see what is happening and the lost who need help then it will be a success.
Better stock up. The popcorn market is 🔥!
Difficult to hide my visible excitement at the sight of popcorn. Some day they'll name such an affliction "Pepe Syndrome".
Even if they were to release that proof it would still come back on them for pushing Joe while sitting on the evidence from the start.
They're all hungry for power and we all know none of them will give it up willingly. It's fun sitting back and watching them all destroy themselves. NCSWIC.
To be hated by those who love evil is an honor.
Agreed. Wouldn't even trust him with the greasy bag that slop came from.
I was wrong. Fast food workers definitely deserve $15 an hour. I had no idea a burger could be so complicated. Best leave them to the professionals to avoid these tragedies.
"I'm putting the vegan chemical slice on top of the bug brick just as Overlord Schwab instructed." -Charles "Definitely Not A Lizard" Schumer
Seems appropriate given "Totally Not A Psy Op" is on the right side working up her nerve to kiss a puppet after the game and try to make it look convincing for the sheep.
My sincerest apologies to anyone who is actually deaf, but if 17% of the dialog in this script isn't "huh?" then I'm calling bull$#!+.
They conveniently left out the part where "Poopy Pants Biden" also trended. And there were memes, glorious memes! They aren't fooling anyone, but I guess they have to try because this is the last thing that the left has done but hasn't blamed on Trump. Anybody have bingo on their Blame card yet?
Michael probably didn't like what the "chef" was serving to Barry and the "drowning" was a message to Barry's friends from the bathhouse to back off.