Kurskar 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's actually insane the level of knowledge you need to keep up to date with and have researched.

It's literally become a fulltime job for me ontop of my normal job and studying for something else at the same time.

You need to understand the basics of virology, immunology, epidemiology, reading medical journals, understanding enough about medical journals/stats to know when they are lying, or knowing enough about the subject to be aware of what they are NOT saying which is the revealing part. Msm, gov, how gov decisions are made, pharma, pharmas past crimes and how they relate, you need to have stats ready for all these things. Looked into masks, lockdowns, mrna therapy history, regular vaccine history.

Your also totally right that you need to come prepared to the table with the counter points that msm has made to attempt to debunk these points.

I am in the middle of my degree but the minute I get a chance to breath I am going to attempt to collate all my information gathered into an understandable way as a means of acting as a layman's guide to discussing this topic. The problem is that the info just keeps adding up. Literally everyday there is something new.

I think the only way to get good at this is to practice it. Even if it's In your own head. If someone says this to me what am I going to reply? Alot of info needs to be committed to memory as people are far more impressed/interested/believing of you if you can instantly tell them there and then the information. If you can then say here's the journal or paper that backs that up after the fact even better. I recommend looking at Facebook convos for the type of responses people will give. Type up responses to them as to how you would answer, but don't send it. Do it afew times and you start to get into the mind set. I'm no expert and it is often hard to keep your cool but that if anything is 100% the most Important thing.

Kurskar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know several people that were single or double that have also changed their mind and are adamant they will no longer comply.

Although in both cases they or someone they know experienced adverse events. One has been generally unwell periodically ever since and altered menstrual cycle, the other his brother in law died of a "heart attack" 5 days after jab 2. He had a migraine and chest pain following the jab which worsened over 5 days. Eventually went to hospital and died 20 mins within getting in the door. Family has requested a full autopsy as they aren't satisfied with the explanation.

The whole time i have been against it. I do not preach about it but I make it known in as calm and informed manner as possible if anyone asks me about it. More and more people are coming to me in private for more information. I spent 2 years reading literally everything I can and do so daily about this bullshit. It's taken aalot of self control and practice to drip feed people info and to not scare people by going too deep too quick. I know many have already had the jab and it's entirely possible their immune systems are fucked forever or are now susceptible to further disease but I won't ostracise or turn my back on people that made a wrong decision. The media and gov have done an incredibly thorough job of making it seem like this is all above board.

Kurskar 1 point ago +1 / -0

An anon posted elsewhere on the board that germany is now considering citizens unvaccinated after 3 months of their vaxx

Kurskar 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have only just read through this thread after reading the sad news from OP in another thread. Your posts give me hope mac, that there is someone really switched on and clued up on the ins and outs of the physiological side of things and the different possibilities of whats going on in these infections and willing to piece together why things they say will work don't and different alternatives that could possibly help and why.

I am more and more convinced that this is a literal bio weapon, i do not know if the protocols and procedures they have designed to treat covid would work better if this was a "standard virus" if there was such a thing and they are just oblivious to the possibility that it does not respond to these standards because it is bio engineered. Either way it is frightening that they are either too oblivious, incompetent, or willing to accept their own protocols are dangerous, the end result is the same, the death of patients.

I am curious if you read that Spartacus letter mac? It talked about the virus not being a respiratory illness but a blood and blood vessel disease that infects the lining of the vessels?

Kurskar 9 points ago +9 / -0

No idea if any relation but could it be in someway related to India's current lawsuits against Bill gates and that woman from WHO that denied ivermectin as an effective treatment? Perhaps too obvious but could be related.

Kurskar 1 point ago +2 / -1

Are you afraid of questioning the beliefs that you hold? If anything would it not reaffirm your beliefs and give you ammunition to debate people with if it's false?

Kurskar 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a hard path to walk friend but no one said the truth would be easy to bare. I couldn't believe I found myself questioning this but the more I looked the less I liked about what I had been told was the real story.

I didn't ask to become a holocaust denier. I never thought I would be one but when presented with the other side of the story and what flimsy evidence their is for what they claim and the methods gained for testimonies. I can only go on what I believe to be most likely given the evidence.

It really is true that the Victor writes the history. We were not the good guys of ww2. I'm sure at some point there was horrible things committed from the nazi side but when everyone else around you is doing there utmost to annihilate you then desperate times.

I would rather live in the world they had envisioned than what we have now. The architecture they created, the goals they had for our people. I think any man that fought in that war and looks around them now, the realization that was has become of what you thought you were fighting for must be devastating.

Kurskar 10 points ago +11 / -1

100%. Literal brain washing for your entire life vs spending half a day to learn what may have really went on. You owe it to yourself to watch this, even if you don't fully believe everything. It can help you to realize how a narrative can easily be spun and a lie told long enough becomes truth.

I honestly thought it was a better documentary than greatest story never told. The majority of that is also included in Europa TLB, but Europa imo gives a much better understanding of the events prior to ww2 which i feel is important to break the spell for normies for understanding why ww2 had to happen and why it was lied about the way it was.

Kurskar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure if sarcastic, i think at this stage all nations should leave the EU and return to sovereignty

Kurskar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is it just me or is modern fashion utter faggotry. I see people like this dude allover the place, he looks retarded.

Kurskar 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is such a bizzare argument. Never in medical ethics before would it be acceptable to even suggest you take an experimental medication with no long term safety data, at your own risk not for the benefit of yourself but for a perceived benefit to other people. Which has now been shown doesn't even prevent transmission so doesn't even benefit others.

It's actual insanity. This is some communistic for the greater good bullshit. The elderly have lived the majority of their lives. Children must be allowed to live theirs with the same opportunities and without bullshit restrictions.

Also I'm aware it's not you that's suggesting that and just playing devil's advocate, it's defo important to be prepared for the responses they will likely give and I know it's an argument they frequently use, it just boggles my mind.

Kurskar 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is absolutely the case in the UK. At university, ages from 17-25 entire cohort of 50 odd people all got vaccinated.

They all lack critical thinking and don't see the problem. They just want to go clubbing and drinking. They don't give a shit. They are retarded. (This is in the medical field I might add too)

Kurskar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I totally agree, i think Polio is one of the real eye openers. Absolutely everything about it, the so called isolation, the way they tried to prove the "virus" causes those symptoms, the then completely failed attempt at vaccines. The power of the lobbyists for agricultural pesticides. The straight up correlation between the use of these pesticides in crops and in the areas these crops were then used/sold appearing the symptoms of this "virus". The one that really solidified it to me was the graph showing the cases of polio on a very long and clear decline with the vaccine being introduced at the very tail end of the decline and then that being the proof that it cured it. Its crazy that this is what stood for good science. Its my go to story when it comes up in conversation about vaccination.

Kurskar 2 points ago +2 / -0

I forgot to say, small pox he believed came from bed bugs, which when indians began trading with settlers they would often trade for these mattresses or cushions which he believes had bed bugs which would then infect the indians. The settlers had a lesser mortality rate to it as they were more proficient at cleaning these mattreses or had built up immunity over time to being exposed to these bugs.

The book virus mania was also a great read on the whole covid scam.

Kurskar 3 points ago +3 / -0

The answer to this is quite complicated from what i have found.

I too like you was kind of confused by this notion that virus don't even exist. I had only read about it not being isolated and then i got "covid" along with 3 other people in my work. It definitely seemed like it came from someone, as i had spent all day with the person it originally came from and they were coughing allover the place. It definitely seemed to me like it wasn't the same as flu but then i don't know for sure, i say that because of the loss of smell and taste which wasnt like having a blocked nose it was as though it had been i dunno ... chemically burned away or something. It was odd.

So i came to this with extreme skepticism that it didn't exist at all (i still didn't think it was particularly severe or anything). I since did more reading and came across Dr Thomas Cowan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_soWxxZtCw&ab_channel=WestonA.PriceFoundation This helped me clarify/understand the main theme of people saying the virus does not exist. To be clear, they are not saying that symptoms are not present that are causing illness. Still i was puzzled like you about previous vaccinations i had received for other virus. I bought his book and it discusses several other virus, such as small pox, polio etc. The answer is sometimes different depending on the virus.

I will try explaining it in the way i understood. What we understand about how cells behave and how "virus" behave is false. What virologists say are virus is something called an exosome (think thats right). It is not taking over the cell and replicating as they say it is but it is actually a detox of the original cell. It goes through some process where it is releasing toxins/inflammation and it comes out of the cell. This exosome then travels to other nearby cells to "show them" the toxins or inflammation and acts as a messenger to inform those cells to be on the lookout for these toxins or to also tell them to detoxify themselves to be rid of certain illness. (That's much more simplified than what its described as).

These toxins are described as being caused by many different things. Pollution, bug bites, malnutrition, poisoning - heavy metals, weed killer chemicals etc. EMF electromagnetic fields interference. He mentions how the "spanish flu" coincided with massive amounts of telecommunications lines being set up through out the world, this disruption of EMF causes the structure of the cell to become more leaky and damaged resulting in the flu like symptoms. He goes more into explaining about cell structure and how the cell state is not water as a liquid as we are told but a sort of gelatin like substance, the emf alters this gel to be more liquid which causes problems.

He goes through many other flu pandemics and shows the correlation of these alongside other big increases in technology, such as the globe being covered by satellites etc. The current pandemic he believes is caused by 5G. If you remember that boat in the papers at the start of the pandemic that was docked outside japan, it had 4 massive 5g transmitters onboard it which i thought was interesting. As was Wuhan a large city that switched on 5g in october 2019. Then shortly after northern italy. Thats essentialy what he believes is that as its coverage is increased, more people are interacting with it and having these reactions.

Polio he (and many others) have correlated its increase in weedkiller chemicals sprayed on crops, arsenic and DDT. I think this one is the most obvious that the vaccine literally did nothing and in many cases caused polio.

Chicken pox he believed was almost a signal in the body that every child must go through that starts off this process of the exosome detoxifying the body. Similar to how women in close proximity to each other will sync their menstrual cycle he thinks there is something to children being near each other when this process begins in one of them it triggers it happening to others near them also.

I'm making it sound alot more airy fairy than he described it but it definitely seemed plausible. Especially as it is completely true that none of these virus have ever been isolated. The way they isolate these virus just seems like total nonsense. I hoped that helped somewhat and sorry for such a long post, i'm not 100% convinced as i am not an expert but i am inclined to believe it more than the germ theory. I could be wrong and there is other peoples theories to these so called virus, i have yet to read up on terrain theory which i think is the same/similar to what i just described but not sure yet.

Kurskar 3 points ago +3 / -0

My take on reading the article is that no official body from Italy has taken this stance, this is just someone thats taken the death statistics of the period and removed any/all instances of covid death with people with co-morbidities (as it should be) but its not coming from the government or anything saying it.

People will 100% point this out if you were to repost this story that the Gov has made no such corrected death figure. I'm also highly suspect of NaturalNews.

Kurskar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I absolutely wish when i was a teenager that instead of going into further education that i instead did an apprenticeship and learned a trade. You will begin earning sooner, you will often end up making more than someone that gets a degree anyway. The sooner you start the more practice you have at the skill to get really good at it. You can always use that trade to fix up, furnish, build, whatever your own house and save you thousands. You will always be useful and someone in demand. You get to see the fruits of your labor and hard work. Oh and of course you wont be putting yourself into massive debt for something that might end up being completely useless, not to mention being lectured on utter bullshit that i'd say at least 50% of the studies you do are barely even related to your chosen study. I have never in my life witnessed/experienced the sheer volume of time wasting that goes on at university.

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