Brother, I hope that things are working out for your wife. This is terrible news, but stay strong and have faith that things will get better. Your wife needs you to be strong right now and show your son how a real man reacts to problems and deals with them.
God, please send your healing powers to my friend's wife.
With you in prayer from Down Under.
Fucking disgusting behaviour from the Vic Pol. That it occurred at the Shrine of Remembrance makes my blood boil. Dictator Dan Andrews and the Labor Party in Victoria have a lot to answer for. Their Police Commissioner is a power-hungry egomaniac.
I hope that we see a change of govt on Nov 26th at the Vic state elections. They still use paper ballots in Vic, so other than dodgy tallying I think we will see the same ballot harvesting by Leftist groups and other soy-based activism play groups.
According to the Vic Electoral Commission site your options for voting are:
- vote by post for this and all future elections (general postal voters)
- receive a ballot paper by email
- vote over the phone
- receive a braille ballot pack
- vote on-site at some hospitals, nursing homes, aged care facilities, homelessness support agencies and community centres.
The last option is the sweet spot for the harvesting for sure.
Mate, this is not the "Bank of Australia". It is a small online Credit Union called Bank Australia. I had never heard of them and I am an Aussie and been around the block a few times. They don't even appear to have any physical locations... All of their website drivel is green and lefty driven.
It is a good headline though.
Brilliant. So instead of using it to heat Aussie homes in Victoria they will ship the natural gas off to China.....
Gee, if I was China it is almost like I would be pushing this climate change stuff to stop other countries from using resources we need, like coal, gas, etc....
Nope. I haven't had it, my wife hasn't and we still do all the same things we have done previously. All the mandate bullshit has been dropped. No QR codes required to be scanned, not that we ever used any, but this is not a thing here in Aus any more. Hasn't been for a long time.
I saw that the papers the Ruskies collected from the non-existant biolabs made mention of transfers to Australia, and yes the address was the Doherty Institute, 792 Elizabeth St Melbourne, Vic.
What the fuck? It mentions "Human Blood Serum" as the transferred product...
I looked up the two women it mentions it was transferred to: Vicki Stambos - just happens to be an infections disease expert in polio who worked for the Victorian Govt, think Dan Andrews....(Mrs Vicki Stambos, Scientist, Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory) and Suellen Nicholson, who works for the Doherty Inst, as well as the WHO and Victoria, also an infectious disease expert and the first paper I find with her name in it was from back in Feb 21 - First Report of a Phase 1 Randomised Trial of Molecular Clamp-Stabilised Spike Protein-Based and MF59-Adjuvanted Vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, so you know what she is on about.
Just so you blokes get the pronunciation correct, it is ee-mew (ew as in you), not ee-moo. I has this convo with an American awhile back, they kept on trying to tell me it was ee-moo and I am like, "Fuck cunt, I'm the Aussie, it's fucking ee-mew!"
Brother Algae, when are you coming up to pay a visit? Anytime, mate, you know that. We would love to see you.