60 year old white male? Does he mean like... Tampon Tim Walz?
not to mention special super-smart wireless comms earrings for feeding answers right into her ears!
I was able to view the tweet and video just now, on Firefox.
It referenced the Daily Mail link, so might have been pulling the video from there?
I had no trouble seeing the video in the tweet just now, via Firefox.
This Finn gets it.
Good to know... thanks!
I'd shout BOYCOTT!!! if I'd ever seen Penzey Spices on a store shelf...
Who is the "she" you refer to?
Just had a Fox News link on this info pop up, if anyone's interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b72bldgV7Z8
New sentencing date apparently set for Nov. 26, so just before Thanksgiving.
Merchan gettin' scared?
Lefty splodey heads incoming!
Spank dat Fani!
Still, PDJT officially left the WH in January 2021.
Hm, and there are headlines about Congress maybe attaching the SAVE Act to the spending bill that has to pass by end of September or else the .gov shuts down.
I've been thinking PDJT would invite Willie Brown to be there.
I read that she did file a complaint with the military police office at Fort Myer, but decided not to press charges because she feared retaliation from PDJT's team.
My guess is she is not actually a soldier, but more likely one of the hired "security" people who manage crowds for events and changing of the guard ceremonies.
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if this represents an attempt to throw shade on Corey Lewandowski now that he's back on the Trump team. I don't know if he was at this event, but remember how he was accused back in 2016 of assaulting a female (reporter, I think)?
She could only do 18 minutes with a friendly CNN "journalist," and with Walz helping her along... how's she gonna manage 90 minutes face to face with PDJT?
Womp, womp.
I'm sure they want to. But for Lara Trump of the RNC to say it out loud, well... let's hope it was an innocent slip of the tongue.
Good stuff.
Except... there's no such thing as an illegal citizen.
Hmm. That's Melania's maiden name.
Well, well, well.
Not sure what else to say, but... things that make you go Hmm!
At least this one didn't take down a major bridge with it.
I also read that they cleared out the real customers and pre-staged some Kamalamadingdong supporters before they let her go inside.
I also hope that afterward, when the guilty parties get caught and start screeching, the RNC will be saying quite rightly, "Hey, we gave you plenty of fair warning for months beforehand..."
Remember, remember
The fifth of November
Gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
This old English rhyme refers to Guy Fawkes, who in 1605 was arrested and tortured for his involvement in a plot to blow up the English parliament. Fawkes was put in charge of the gunpowder the plotters were going to use, which they stored in a basement room under the House of Lords. He confessed under the torture and was executed.
November 5 has since been observed as Guy Fawkes Night in Britain, traditionally marked by fireworks and the burning of Fawkes in effigy.
Hmmm... does this bit of history remind us of anything??? And would that have any connection to Election Day occurring on November 5 this year?
(edited to clarify: I see that PDJT did not actually quote the rhyme in his X post, so the title of this thread is misleading.)
Maybe the volume level was set too high on her "smart earrings."