LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

These are great, thanks!

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's the Fed/FedBux/$$USD$$ that must collapse first, but I agree, MSM is a very close second requiring a total purge.

Until their fake, fraudulent, criminal money tree withers, they will continue to bankroll the MSM and all other corrupt institutions without the slightest concern for "ad revenue", "profits" or "viewers/readers". None of these things matter when they can enter digits into a database to keep them funded.

LawDoc 6 points ago +6 / -0

Perhaps on paper, but not in practice.

The corp from 1865 is long defunct, there have been several new ones since that time.

The World Bank/IMF/UN has been in receivership of the defunct original corpa since 1999.

It's all just a paper/word game in the end.

You'll know it has been resolved when we see the president, congress, SCOTUS CLEARLY working for we-the-people, not for themselves.

Until people wake-up and stop giving away their power, this will be the case.

LawDoc 5 points ago +5 / -0

Our Constitutional government was overthrown during the civil war. Our employees, the federal (contract) services corporations we hired to perform 17 enumerated duties in the Constitution, simply took over as our "rulers".

All government employees work for said services corporations - no exceptions.

Our original Constitutional government hasn't been in session since 1865.

LawDoc 3 points ago +4 / -1

She's employed by the interloping foreign corporation...so....there's that.

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

This woman can help you if you're open to her teachings. She does consultations if you find this helpful -> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCErlkv6TTUlQvgQtOuHxFNQ?igno=re

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Occam's Razor - "Deals" taken by "Actors". The "Movie" is to help awaken the sleepers. Most are on the same team, perhaps many unwittingly so.

Everyone is playing their part according to their handler's wishes and need-to-know status.

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

They only apply to a "U.S. Citizen" - which is a creation of the cabal, via the fraudulent 14th amendment -- ostensibly created for the recently freed slaves, but ultimately placing 99.99% of the population under a new kind of slavery, known as "U.S. Citizens" - who became chattel, bonded sureties, subjects of a foreign, federal government and its legislature, secretly acting as our legitimate government for some 160 years now...

Permits, taxes and licenses are only required for foreigners on American soil. The "U.S. Citizen" and "CITIZEN/RESIDENT/TAXPAYER terms designate you as a member of a foreign corporation known as "the U.S.", "the United States of America (Inc.), or "UNITED STATES".

Somebody probably forgot to tell ya, eh?

LawDoc 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nope. The CDC/NIH claims that they privately and secretly analyze large batches of test samples to arrive at their ludicrous assertions about a "variant". See the work of Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Odyssee to explain how this is done, "in silico" (computer generated) exclusively, just like the invention of SARS-COV2 was achieved.

The announcement a few weeks ago was that they couldn't tell the difference between flu and Convid-1984.

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

We should all start using the word "Unalienable" --> UN-UH-LIEN-ABLE. This is actually the word that appears in the Deceleration of Independence. The spelling was changed in the decades that followed and now everybody says "IN-ALIEN-ABLE" which is a harsh bastardization of its essence.

As with so many words, ideas, definitions, etc., this has been slowly watered down over time so as to lose the essential meaning of the word. Which is -->> we have God-given rights in which a LIEN cannot be placed against them. Our rights cannot be LIENED. A lien is a charge against one's person or property. Very simple.

Anyway, spread the word when and where you can!

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's right! We've been tricked with words!! The simplest of which is the word "Person". Do you consider yourself a "person"? If so, within the legal realms, there is something known as a "Natural Person" as well as a "Legal Person". You consider yourself the former, but within any legal document, contract, title, deed, court setting etc., you are unwittingly acting as the "trustee" for the "Legal Person", which is actually a TRUST created by your birth CERTIFICATE (which is a "legal instrument").

There's a reason we never got educated on anything dealing with "Law".

There are a million other examples of this. Your son's on the right track...

LawDoc 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yep - original 13th amendment - "Nobody with a title of nobility can participate in government".

Now, it would appear 90%+ of "government authorities" in high places are "Esquires" that all have a BAR card.

Not an accident.

We're a long ways off from the masses figuring this out however.... perhaps a decade at the current glacial speeds we're moving at... c'est la vie!

I'm just glad more of us know this than yesterday -- ad infinitum.

LawDoc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed, tuned-out as it appeared to be total amateur hour. I'm not sure what they thought they were doing...

LawDoc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Precisely correct. The best word to use is "Putrefied" matter/tissue, which is the end result of some bacterial decay.

Technically speaking, anything entering our pristine bloodstream through broken skin qualifies as "toxic".

The "putrefied toxin" is already present on the foot of the person that steps on the "rusty nail" --- the nail just pushes it deep into the sterile environment and bloodstream.

LawDoc 18 points ago +19 / -1

Great use of the word "LAWFULLY".

"Legal" is not the same as "Lawful". The "legal" realm deals exclusively with corporations (corpses). The Lawful realm deals with living, breathing men and women.

LawDoc 5 points ago +5 / -0

Blackmailed and compromised individuals make the best "leaders".

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

That might be a good thing. He's hard to listen to for extended periods of time. Many friends/family around me have said so. His speaking sounds labored, like it takes a lot of effort to push the words out.

LawDoc 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not "soil", it's caused by toxins in cow/horse/pig manure which was what brings on the dis-ease known as "tetanus".

No bacteria are contagious/infectious/dis-ease causing.

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could be. Keep in mind, $22.50ish is the price it would need to bounce off of according to the TA (Technical Analysis) experts. They believe the previous high must be tested to ensure the new higher prices are stable.

Not that I believe in TA, but all the big traders do...so....there's that.

Manipulations is of course the ultimate answer, but the manipulators also play the TA game to give things an air of legitimacy.

LawDoc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Attorney Tom Renz says his insiders say it's closer to 30% - which is about the same percentage that still trust the MSM.

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