LeftiesAreTheRacists 6 points ago +6 / -0

What cost the uniparty is they got greedy and developed too much of a preference for the Democrats, especially in the media. They forgot that the Republicans were supposed to win every 4-8 years to give the illusion of choice and wanted to go for 16 straight of Obama/Hillary. There was no real establishment Republican pushed in 16 by the media. They were just supposed to be jabronis for Hillary, much like how they cleared the field for her in the Democrat primary.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't see it panning out, she was selected for a reason

by Kokonut
LeftiesAreTheRacists 3 points ago +3 / -0

She is probably Qanon

LeftiesAreTheRacists 0 points ago +1 / -1

My guess is Cyber Ninjas didn't come up with very much in the audit. This doesn't mean Arizona wasn't stolen, but it could mean the people that did it were pros and CN were amateurs enough that they couldn't produce the evidence. Also remember a lot of time passed in between the election and the audit to cover up the evidence.

The people and courts blocking the counting was always a red herring. What probably really happened with them is the leftists knew that the election looked stolen when they saw Biden catch up in the middle of the night, and they didn't want people to count the votes. However this doesn't mean that they knew whether it's stolen or not. It just means they watched the same election night as we did.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tbh it's still ok if we "lose" this one by 1 or 2%, it will make the rats panic and jump off the woke ship now that there's proof it's political poison.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fucked up how they could be not very far away from Scandinavia and do this

LeftiesAreTheRacists 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is really weird in combination with the fake set.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're trying to intimidate Facebook much like they are Sinema. FB likes the traffic it gets from Shapiro Bongino etc. Act of desperation.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok if people want to read it go through this google search and see if it works https://www.google.ca/search?q=%22Germany+is+making+a+prodigious+and+unprecedented+effort%22


"Growth of Government Control of Business In the meantime, the mechanisms for government control of the economic system had been extended and strengthened. During the banking crisis of 1932, almost all of Germany's large private banks were brought under the control of the Reichsbank. This was even more important in Germany than it would have been elsewhere, because the banks handled a large part of business investment as well as commercial loans, and consequently were in a position of very great influence in German industry. In this same period, the percentage of German national income which went to the state in one form of taxes or another was also increased, adding to the direct importance of the state in the economic life of the nation. The result, according to Stolper, was that:

When it came to its end, the democratic Republic left as a heritage to the National Socialist state an economic system that corresponded rather closely to a complete system of “State Socialism.” The state was, so to speak, in command of the whole blood circulation as represented in a modern economic system by the banking mechanism. The state held in its grip the most important “commanding heights” over business, such as the transportation system, the power supply, and the influence over cartel prices. The state had, furthermore, taken over vital functions of the trade unions and the employers' organizations. …

The road to the totalitarian state had teen well laid out. The National Socialist government needed but to utilize for its own aims the instruments of state power forged by its predecessors.3

This observation is confirmed by Fritz Ermarth, who writes, “When the National Socialists seized power in Germany early in 1938, the German national economy was under Government control to a wider extent than ever before during peacetime.”4 In addition to the railroads, telegraph and telephone lines, which had long been state-owned, the Reich had invested government funds directly in the German steel cartel, in a moving picture company, in numerous construction enterprises, and in other “private” businesses. "

Try finding information about the Reichsbank taking control of all private banks in 1932 anywhere else. The official story they teach people is that the Nazis privatized everything.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was aware, but if the article is accurate, I didn't realize the extent of full on fabrications.

Unfortunately my link doesn't seem to be working anymore, when I read it before I could see the full article

LeftiesAreTheRacists 2 points ago +2 / -0

What the blackhats want has been easier to predict this whole time. I could have told you a year ago they were going for vaccine passports. So in terms of what would come after vaccine passports, I think we would be spot on again by predicting a social credit system that eventually encompasses other ways to control people's lives like climate change etc. and pushes everyone to keep voting Democrat out of convenience. Booster shots subscription model pressuring everyone to stay under their thumb.

However the latest step is running into the most turbulence yet. They are getting protests on the street making them look bad etc. and Biden's approval rating is dropping due to areas like the border and Afghanistan. Some countries like Sweden Norway Denmark aren't playing along. The Republicans will make it harder to cheat next election and the Democrats couldn't get enough support to break the filibuster, pass HR1 and and pack the Supreme Court. Furthermore the black community they thought they owned is starting to slowly turn on them with multiple celebrities and athletes speaking up. Much of these problems is stepping from the declining trust in the media, in an ideal world there wouldn't need to be mandates since they could just use propaganda to make everyone take the vax. However now they are having to use force since the lies are wearing off. So the transition from vaccine passports to social credit system will not be smooth, however it will happen in the California and NYs of the world within a year, but while making people wake up more the whole time and collapsing Biden's support in addition to other problems like the economy and inflation. The booster shots lose a lot of people who felt they had done enough with two shots. The Republicans will do well in 2022 midterms despite the Democrats attempted cheating, and Biden is replaced by Harris in early 2023. Covid continues as people get more sick of it and nobody likes Harris presidency, and she is beat by Trump in the 2024 election. Under a second Trump presidency the knife is stuck in wokeism as people move on and start acting sane again.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 5 points ago +5 / -0

Real, you can see from the video that the windows are obviously fake

LeftiesAreTheRacists 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was Broken Matt Hardy in charge of Maricopa county?

LeftiesAreTheRacists 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, there being something tangible to mind control people definitely seems possible when you consider how insane it is to brainwash this many people. I've proposed Netflix as being a full blown commie operation before and those 10 hour binge sessions put some message in you, but even then I'm not sure it's enough people.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 3 points ago +3 / -0

Blaming everything on a designed minority group, thinking "we would have utopia if not for this group", treating them like they are society's disease and they need to purify etc.

This is no longer way out there. These people want us dead.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have no interest in Covid going away because they know it's a bioweapon or hoax with no end point. They want there always to be restrictions on people and for there to be variants and mail in voting whenever they need them.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 6 points ago +6 / -0

The censorship was always a mistake by the NWO, it's as impossible to control on social media as covid and creates Barbra Streisand effect of making people check it out more. Many people are still sane enough to realize censorship=the bad guys. The only time it really helped was when they did full blackout of Hunter story.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe. It's possible hitting them in the wallet with low ratings has caused CNN to crack.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Harris has her own choice she will choose a non-threat to her power like Castro, last thing she wants is get primaried by her own VP in 2024. However if the party chooses it for her and picks a future president in their eyes then it would be someone else.

LeftiesAreTheRacists 1 point ago +1 / -0

Romney or Murkowski would take care of this for the Democrats

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