Chem trail discussion is banned? It's not a theory, but a fact spanning almost a century.
Yes, moonlight is cold, which proves that it is not reflected sunlight, but a light of its own. Genesis 1:16. Cold light will not make sense to you unless you consider the plasmatic nature of the universe. Even NASA admits the universe is 99+℅ plasma, you can easily find this figure in NASA docs, even while they talk from the other side of their mouth about the "vacuum" of space. A "vacuum" filled with plasma is no vacuum. Furthermore, the odds that the sun (supposedly at approx. 93,000,000 miles away) and the moon (at approx. 238,000 miles) would have to be the exact size in proportion to their respective distances to be able to form a perfect eclipse when aligned, which is so improbable mathematically to be considered impossible.
Few set out to become "flat earthers", just as the majority here did not set out to discover the world operates through monstrous deeds to innocents by literal satantic minions, they come to conclusions based on studying the available evidence. I could not say with certainty what the shape of the earth is, but I know NASA lies about pretty much everything and their photographic evidence is admittedly cgi. I would recommend looking into the electric universe theory which, more specifically, is a plasmatic universe theory. The sun as a transformer, which transforms cosmic rays into UV to power our earth, is much more realistic than giant 4,385,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pound furnance 93,000,0000 miles away, and the moon as a plasmatic entity to rule the tides is more realistic that a giant rock that only shows its one face (don't bother explaining the "official" reason, I don't buy it) and emits its own cool light, obviously not reflected from the sun. I believe both in God's word: two lights, one to mark the day and one to mark the night, as well as actual science, which we are not getting from NASA.
Very curious that most here understand the government is lying to you in very fundamental ways, but somehow NASA is pure and truthful? Why would the government lie about global child trafficking, satanic ritual abuse, torture, murder, and the occult basis for this evil? Sounds crazier than thinking the earth and cosmos are not what they are purported to be, but most here have seen enough evidence to know the former is true but the latter is a psyop to make those researching alternative topics look like fools?
It also seems very shady that this would be posted here. There is no other reason to bring this up except to cause division and encourage users to ridicule and demean each other. Very disappointing that some are ridiculing others (who more than likely have done much more alternative research on the subject) just as you have been ridiculed about Q-related subjects yourselves.
Because a legion of everyday citizens did not have the technology in the 60s to evaluate the visual and technical evidence that we do today.
They started forcing CIA propaganda onto school children via Channel One in the 90s, Anderson Poopshooter, Lisa Ling (of the Podesta Pizza email fame), plus other MTV Veejays, Serena Alschual ( interesting history), etc. Highschoolers were subjected to this in homeroom in many private schools, including my own. Were public schools also pumping Channel One propaganda into schools? I assume they were, the contracts would be very revealing. I have no doubt there were large payments made to subject students to this propaganda. In my school, we ignored it, were never forced to listen and the majority tuned it out while catching up on homework or chilling with friends. The idea that children are being punished for tuning out propaganda in the the classroom is infuriating and the school officials need to be, not only fired, but face criminal charges, endangering by the welfare of a minor and possible federal charges for treason.
If they had the manpower, they might try, but the size of the convoy and its support has been downplayed to a ridiculous degree. The Canadian people, including their civil servants overwhelmingly support them. This is going to end when the fringe minority government capitulates. HOOOOONK! If they attempt to use force, they lose any semblance of authority now and forever.
If you believe in God, then believe God's word. Demons and their influence are not allegorical, they are literal. Read the scriptures, they will not lead you astray. A large minoroty of angels fell with Lucifer and they are always at work in this realm to lead souls from God. You can see their influence in politics and pop culture, and it's been normalized, though there is nothing normal about it for those with eyes to see, and it is escalating at a rate no one has seen in their lifetime. We are reaching a tipping point, we are being tested. Do we go with what is easy and feels good or do we stick with God no matter how hard it gets? Would you rather survive in a corrupted world or suffered experience extreme physical suffering to live in His kingdom forever? These are the choices we will have to make in our lifetime on earth. Whether this is the end of days or not, we will not know, as Christ will come as a thief; n the night, so put on your armor of God with the full knowledge of your enemies who want to lead you away from righteous and love of God.
A very good book to check out is "Live Not By Lives" by Rod Dreher. It gives 1st hands accounts and commentary of what people went through under the yoke off communism and their insight on what is going on in the west. If you can't purchase a copy, it is available on
Agree, he's out for reasons much more serious and and deranged than this story being reported.
I was as awakened to these demons, how and why they operate, decades before pizzagate came into public consciousness. You will never understand until you understand that they are satanic, everything they do, they do as a blasphemy of God. If you are atheist, you will never understand. The need to invert what is good into evil and what is evil into good is part of their worship. Lucifer is the ruler of this fallen world, and the souls he commands are doing their father's bidding.
Yeah, the OP responded to me. I never said I couldn't find it, I didn't look, but it's very strange. I can't think of any reasonable explanation for those eybrows.
I do pity that he was born and bred into a satantic cult that groomed him from birth for his role in ushering in the NWO. He is a victim as much as a perpetrator, most are, and that is how the cycle continues. He disgusts me, always has, but he was born and bred for this role.
Haha, really odd!
Patriots in control. There is no other reason for potatus to saying this except to bring more attention to the fact that Pharma is shielded from like liability from their untested, deadly genetic mod shots.
Several blackface performances (that are documented), playing dress-up constantly, he is is cringe personified. He is, and always has been, a complete puppet, he was literally conceived for this role. The original Biden was a thinking human being in his day, there are videos from the 80-90s, talking of common sense border seciity issues. Castreau was a trained puppet from birth.
Turdreau as Castro's bastard was a conspiracy by a "fringe minority" for many years, but in the last few months is no longer fringe, many, many millions have accepted that it is more than likely true. This moron thought he was untouchable and now knows he is fair game and he never thought that could happen. I can't imagine the stress this braindead twerp is going through. Adrenochrome aside, he is fucked and knows it.
I saw an old video, many years ago, very lo-fi, where a very young Justin was referred to by the speaker as the future PM of Canada and the crowd cheered. It was said in jest, but we know to wasn't. That video has been properly memory-holed, but I know I saw it years ago. He was literally bred to help transform CA into a communist shit-hole and now he knows he'll be sacrificed if/when it becomes necessary, and If is no longer an option. I used to hate him, but I feel pity now. He is a creepy weirdo bred and nurtued into the role, and will be scapegoated for his puppeteers. They need to be rooted out and their idealogical successors.
Disgusting. While driving in a residential neiborhood yesterday, I saw a 7-8 yo little boy walking home from the bus stop with his 10-12 yo brother, and the older was not masked but the younger was. My heart just sank that the younger one had been fear-mongered into wearing a mask outside for a 5 minute walk. Most kids will follow the lead of their older siblings, which is why this stuck out and seemed so sad. Very happy to see the communistic grip on the school boards being quickly eroded.
I think the Daily Mail is ground zero tor comms, Yahoo is a close second, but they just rehash from others sources.
I saw a meme posted here recently about "leaving the house before your eyebrow glue dried" but scrolled past. Do you have a link? He looks heavier, paler, and less smug, but his eyes look the same.
Based, she lived under the boot of communism and is not going back!
Very proud of these truckers! They are prepared to HONK until clown world stops honking back. Seeing the honkler memed into reality is not a plot twist I anticipated, but I am happy to see it! HOOOOOOOONK HOOOOOOOONK, boys!
Two brown-eyed people can have a blue-eyed child, it just means both have recessive blue. BROWN/blue (brown)+ BROWN/blue (brown) = BROWN/BROWN (brown), BROWN/blue (brown), or blue/blue (blue).
The 5 arrows stand for original 5 sons who were sent to open banks around Europe. And they all look to be pointing up? The bottom part is the feather fletching. I watched the old Rothschild movie on AMC a long time ago, and I think the original Rothschild said this in a corny death bed scene, as well as there being strength in their family unity, which is why they are bundled (fasces). I would consider that branches of the family more than factions, because they accomplished what they did by working together. You can't fault the man for his logic, you can fault them for buying up the world through funding war and misery. Seems like they may have added to the lore to seem fancier, just like the Rothschild name and buying various titles.
Yep, probably a lot like this:
I don't think stickying devisive topics is "fun", it's and damaging to morale and creates infighting about something that has no pertinence to this sub. If your intention is to be devisive than you've done good.