Actually, I think he’s a much better speaker than Trump, more able to unite than Trump was. People say Trump 2024, which I would not be opposed to, but I think a DeSantis presidency would be a much more amazing next step.
Thank you for introducing me to REITs
Still is by many. Bring it. 👊
I agree with her 100%. I’d like to remove all drawings like this from Twitter. While we’re at it, I’d like to remove all other drawings, photos, memes, videos, etc. of her from Twitter, all social media, and all platforms in general. Thank you, that is all.
“No one was seriously hurt” ?? Maybe not directly, but when you consider all the racial and political divide that has caused pain on the individual and societal levels? And knowing that he helped contribute to that in a pre-meditated fashion? He deserves a fucking prison sentence.
Great tip! Thanks, Fren. Checking it out.
Best description of student loan debt yet. Those mf’ers are soulless.
Ugggh…similar experience here with the Adobe nonsense. Can’t even own damn software. But we’ll own nothing and be happy, right?
Wait!! According to the comments in this article, it must be because they haven’t been properly vaxxed! Of course, the players must have been given saline in order to limit their recovery time from the vaccinations!
Oh how I love the mental gymnastics of the normie population…
It’s not available on any platforms yet, and a little complicated to purchase (using the same method as for all obscure alt coins. Here’s a tutorial for anyone interested: There are “gas fees” associated with purchasing coins in using this method, which aren’t cheap, so you would want to make sure you plan to hold onto anything for a good while
$LGB crypto coin. It’s on a pretty great trajectory. What if the Let’s Go Brandon coin became mainstream, so was repeated all over the news? 😂
The mom, yes, but watch all three kids grow up to be based, and rebel against their paranoid mom.
You should be able to submit it without entering that information? Try that and see if you can still order. Also, I ended up ordering from this site: which accepted payment from Paypal (although not via standard way — follow instructions). The other method was requiring payment through Bitcoin. Although it looks like my goods are in transit, I have not yet received them, so cannot attest yet to reliability.
Such a shame that we have to go through so many hoops to save lives.
omicron = moronic (they have the letters all mixed up)
DWAC to the moon! 🚀
Getting a fake vaccination card is only a short-term, band-aid step, and it still shows compliance (albeit, fake compliance). It does nothing to make a real and impactful statement like saying “fuck you, I won’t follow your mandates — go ahead and see what happens when you fire everyone who won’t get the vaccine”.
There’s no such thing as bad publicity!
Special kudos to all who live in liberal cities for standing your ground. I live in a small, conservative town, Pretty well insulated from the bullshit, it’s pretty easy here to not comply.
Will the prosecuted be dismissed for the same reason?
Holy shit…that’s so tragic. I’m so sorry for you. How could you have known what else to do?
Well, so insurance companies want to know your vax status, eh? One more reason NOT to carry health insurance. Since quitting my full-time job earlier this year, and becoming an independent contractor (best decision I ever made), I’ve been wondering if I should replace my employer-provided health insurance with something else, but I keep putting it off. This is one more reason for to delay. I’d almost rather take my chances. I’m in my mid-40’s, so what the hell?
Is there anybody else who intentionally doesn’t carry medical insurance (and if so, what do you do in the case of an injury or emergency situation)? Or are there providers who would never care to track your vax status who deserve my attention?
As much as I disagree with Bernie’s socialist views, at least he is a populist. I trust Bernie way more than I trust Musk. Just saying. Neither of them deserves real estate in my brain, though, so I’ll move on…
Wow…thanks for this. I hadn’t heard of her before. One thing that stands out to me is Trump’s role in, or leadership in, “operation warp speed”. Is he for “us” or is he one of them?
Q also mentions the three sides to a triangle of n that post. An equilateral triangle has 3 x 60 degree angles. I don’t know if that has any relevance, but it made me think of that fact.
I believe this is the correct, literal quote: “In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent.”
The “fact checkers” are saying the displayed quote misrepresents the original meaning (that an opposition to a vax mandate cannot be interpreted from this). That’s BS, of course…the interpretation very much can be derived from the original quote.