And Teddy Roosevelt, and Gerald Ford
212 Anti-American scumbags in The House.
This is what we need to be doing more of. Name dropping Agenda 47, let people do their own research on it. Show people Trump is not your run-of-the-mill conserative.
I would suggest buying a flip phone, and then just buying a decent camera (a real one, like people used to use.) That way you can retain the ability to take high quality pictures and videos. I'm not a camera guy so I don't what a good quality camera is or what price point is reasonable, so do your own research.
I think this serves as a perfect companion to what you've shared:
Should've been ended a long time ago! It's unconstitutional!
I doubt they'll wait till the vote is fully tallied before the REEEing and rioting starts. I'd wager they'd start November 5th, maybe even the 4th!
This is what I've realized since 2020. The left, no matter where you are is just one big projection fest.
They didn't address how Biden claimed Trump said "Hitler had some great ideas." And how he boldly regurgitate the "fine people on both sides" lie, and the "suckers and losers" lie.
Stop fascism by killing anyone who's views are different from mine!
And they wanna talk about "threat's to democracy."
My best guess is it's a (very feeble) attempt to limit what he can say on stage at the debate on Thursday night!
This is good. When dems or Biden kills this (I'm certain they will cause its Trump's idea) it will serve to wake up a lot of College age kids who work in service industries.
It's a pipe dream, but would be quite humorous if Bydan wandered off stage half way through the debate!
I sincerely think this predictive programming for what Trump will have to do clean up the Republic. Get people used to countries that are close to home suspending their constitutions for a period of time to clean up the streets.
I do recall him saying either in 2019 or 2020 that if reelected he would work towards eliminating Federal Income Tax
We ought to go back to telling migrants "Shape up, or ship out" like they did in the 1890s-1920s
Iirc that amount of fent is 3x the lethal amount even for a guy as big as he was.
It'd be so wonderfully ironic if after trying so hard to kick Trump off the ballot, Biden is the one who gets kicked off. Feels like a bit of a boomerang to me.
People are getting sick of the garbage. While the gov't does their best to keep the police as ineffective as possible, it's up to us to protect one another. Especially those who can't protect themselves.
Wow, putting criminals in jail causes crime to stop, what a novel idea! El Salvador now has the 2nd lowest homicide rate in the Americas, Canada has them beat.
Glad to know a friend of my family who had prefect health before the jab, and has now gone to her eternal home, is just baseless misinformation. The ceaseless gaslighting makes my blood boil sometimes!
Slowly but surely I am beginning to believe Trump's margin of victory will be too big to cheat in November. Even if they try I believe the White Hats have or will have systems in place to prevent or lessen it. Also feel some of the old 2016 meme magic is flowing back into the system. Of course I will still vote come November 5th and y'all should too!
I believe the doc your thinking of is Dr. Thomas Seyfried!
Try to get her to cut out sugars and carbs. When the body is in nutritional ketosis the cancer has no food (sugar), so growth stops and the tumor will eventually shrink. Get her on some Vitamin D3 and Fish Oils supps ASAP. Encourage exercise, something simple like a 30 minute walk each day is a good place to start!
What the odds this whole thing blows up in the left's face, and they can't get anyone to replace Biden after they dump and DJT runs unopposed?