Agree it seems like a fairytale...
A poor person of an addict mother easily getting into Yale? As peculiar and undeserved as Obama, a crack smoking, partying unknown getting into Harvard.
I think White Hats became aware of 'the deep state plan' and thwarted it. They were prepared. Shows how excellent the REAL SS were/are.
Next - REVEAL and execute the traitors.
Agree. It was not 'low resources'. It was a planned attempt.
Excellent post. Thank you. It will be interesting following WHO auth'd all media to attend and WHO decided on this photographer..
Leaped or thrown?
'There's no time to coddle crybabies. This train has no brakes!' Agree! Great post!
I was thinking it was the 'other person' shot in critical condition was the 2nd shooter not the volunteer firefighter...
Thanks. No trust in govt since JFK, 9/11, Waco, Covid so 1st thought is govt did this.
None of it makes sense. What is your opinion re why the shooter wasn't taken out until he SHOT his gun multiple times? What is your opinion about why the roof was not secured? What is your opinion about the crazy fumbling with equipment by SS staff?
I used to think i needed to hold their hand and forgive them. Now I feel all I need to do is say 'it's ok, I forgive you but don't forget'. There can only be ONE LAW THAT IS EQUAL FOR ALL AMERICANS. We are our brothers keeper BUT we do not need to sacrifice our lives and our country.
Wow. Makes me suspect that the person in the stands killed was the 2nd shooter not an innocent supporter
Vapourface - Excellent post. Thanks
His smile lights up the room. He is exhausted though.
Agree. But I would like to see WHO is the head of the snake of the Cabal.
Think Hillary is long dead. Obama, maybe... but definitely, it was an order given by someone. I hope the puppet master is revealed and publically executed.
Good one Jamezelo.
I do. That's why I texted back. :) have a good night...
Not trying to 'soil' your post at all. I'm just sad for the fireman and others. Keep your posts coming.... it is a war.
Unless there is a surprise as intimated and DIFFERENT VP pick is mentioned tonight or soon
Agree. I like the idea but am so put off by the messenger Shapiro.
I so wish the ridiculous female is not front and center. Inclusion and diversity should never 'win' over merit.
Not being negative. Relieved Trump is ok. Sad fir the fireman's and others family. Americans attending a rally in support of the BEST PRESIDENT America has ever seen should not be in harms way or suffer death. You my friend, seem to have forgotten the 'tragedy' side of the story. No offense...just saying remember those that died not just that Trump lived.
Agree it seems like a fairytale...
A poor person of an addict mother easily getting into Yale? As peculiar and undeserved as Obama, a crack smoking, partying unknown getting into Harvard.