No blood...but I like it.
DREAM TEAM! ready to see it!
You know what would be cool? If Trump was making THE STORM happen at Gitmo, and bc 'Its a big club and we ain't in it', we aren't able to know it's happening yet. But what if the criminal knows and thats why the news is the way it is?
That's actually scary and probably what is being planned...(unless it's WH choice and part of the show, then Im OK with it)
Agree. It should NOT be this close. Looking forward to tue SC justices being 'released' from the hold others have on them OR prosecuted.
Agree. That is why I am here daily as well.
That would be hysterical! I can't wait to hear Trumps cabinet picks. That will be enlightening
For cop killers...
I think Oprah already is executed and Diamond (from Diamond and Silk) is the 'new Oprah' until the disclosure (if we are blessed to be included in the reveal).
Agree. And the single operative named as being charged was low level...operating under the direction of 'someone'
Im suprised that Harris county is not included with Frio, Atascosa, and Bexar.
Agree. She certainly has been quiet and out of the news
Maybe she met up with Sidney Powell at Gitmo and the outcome was what she deserved.
Great question.
Convenient having new book with this recent photo on cover.
I so hear you my friend. It's amazing how there is no uproar about that.
I'm watching now as was curious. She is looking quite 'good' meaning feminine and slimmer.
I think she is running tribunals at Gitmo....
That is logical. Agree
Great post. Thanks. Your FIL though, is lucky (fortunate) to have you.
You would be fun to have a beer and talk politics with. Agree!
They sound amazing! Scary part - when Kamala says 'whether you like it or not, I will be president' is exactly what could be if we don't stop voter fraud.
Lol. He was murdered... yet the public perception he 'died in his sleep'.
I find it baffling that so many people are 'OK' with not having folks held accountable. I'm still astounded that nothing came of the organized Smollet event.
Agree. And I'm astounded nothing ever came of the investigation of his untimely death.
Agree. And I hate when frogs die. Found one floating in bottom of the pool and wished I would have heard he needed help.