Took the womenfolk to the one in town and got waited on by a womanface exaggerated loud freak that no one wanted to be near. I stayed between him and them because he just HAD to get up in their space; nope. Wonder if it will survive the closings, it's trying too hard to be rainbow.
Anyway there are many knit and crochet things you can't buy anywhere, apparently. Baby sets, unique scarves, heck those kitchen towels with crochet tops and buttons... As for clothing and upholstery, that can be pretty custom and special for those that don't want to be walking billboards. Here in NC we see quite a few places that sell decent material at reasonable prices, and once the furniture business and -hopefully- clothesmaking business get going again, expect to see lots more remnants of the good stuff.
The church Jesus created is still the universal church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. I wouldn't be too quick to insult His work, His Mother, His chosen. But I would wonder how and why you're so emotionally programmed to do that.
Charlotte NC diocese still had the nerve to send out begging letters that include them. They bury "immigrant services" down a few lines but it's still there. We have churches in all the countries - they can be fed and taught much more cheaply in their own countries than here, let them 'have dignity' back home!
This pulls US out but that's not stopping China and the EU from still interfering. It really doesn't cost much to keep communist tyrants in power in each African nation. Their populace won't benefit unless and until they stop killing their smart people, start accepting Christ, and actual education happens. Currently we cannot even educate ourselves, so we can rely on missions but then we have to have military to protect them... No ready answers.
From NBC news:
"The Trump administration is considering tapping into Department of Defense funding to hire contractors, a move that would vastly expand the scale and scope of immigrant arrests and deportations in the U.S., according to three sources familiar with the matter.
The defense contracts would allow civilian-run companies to quickly and rapidly expand temporary detention facilities, such as those that house migrants in tents, as well as to staff those facilities and provide transportation between arrest locations and detention areas. Such a move could also increase the number of airplanes available used to deport immigrants and staff for those flights, the sources said.
Border czar Tom Homan has already tapped agents from the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration, Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives and others to help support Immigrations and Customs Enforcement in making immigrant arrests. But the pace of arrests and deportations has failed to meet Homan’s expectations, and President Donald Trump’s.
...One factor has been ICE’s budget. The agency was already facing a shortfall even before the Trump administration came into office and began its deportation push.
The low numbers are in large part due to space. Congress has only given ICE the funding for roughly 40,000 beds to hold detained immigrants at any one time. It can work with private prison companies that can provide more space, but ICE is still limited by what it can afford to pay those companies to expand detention space until Congress acts, if it does."
Still only part of the story. The buildup in Tennessee was over days prior to the hurricane doing its weird path, there was plenty of time to take action before landfall. They opened it up AFTER the storm took the near impossible trajectory up the mountains but before it could have dumped feet of water into the Tennessee dam system. The homeowners who are pointing at Lake Norman may have a point, but I think we more feel like the minerals in the mountains were targeted more than the lakers were protected.
They capture the arrogant by telling them they are smarter than everyone and deserve to be in charge. They went after the money across countries and the churches first to corrupt leadership, and corrupting the churches was most important to them, to break people away from God. This is why a communist sits at the head of every major church right now. Now, they don't realize that people don't all follow people, we follow Jesus, and this may have delayed their plans significantly. Meanwhile, REVIVAL has been going on. So keep teaching out to your family and friends, keep pushing tradition and faith and consider the most preserved and conservative churches you can find, because we know that over time everything has been purposely degenerated and now we must reach back to the beginnings.
Just remember, and keep putting this out there, that it was NOT the hurricane that caused all the death and damage- it was the FLOODING which was due to DUKE ENERGY OPENING THEIR DAM IN TENNESSEE, AFTER the storm had taken down communications.
Thank you, and absolutely true. And even after this successful communist effort, they still attack the Catholic Church first and foremost because it is STILL their main threat. Young people are questioning, reading the church fathers and returning to the main church... We will restore it.