She has a sick kid
We know who the victims are, to give them money.
Who were the clients? Can we confiscate all their money?
He reports what his sources say. He admits to being used in the past as a fake News point. Fog of war is thick. You can't take Fulford on his own, use his stuff as a point to triangulate from
Does Fulford's faction have credibility? Narratives of his align with the StarSeed "Galactic Federation" narrative, which a common pattern is non-trinitarian perspective of cosmology, thus removing the Christ as only propitiation source.
Fulford could be narrative prep for a NWO and world religion based on he hope/promise for peace, which is just a pendulum swing away from the cabal's "fear of war/pestilence" methodology
I can't find the link to the bill... is this real?
Use of hypnosis porn is also a variable to consider
The wink was mocking?
I see a human who is beautifully and wonderfully made.
I think corrupt pastor's behaviors are far worse that this.
Could USA be playing chicken and designing reasons to escalate?
As a peacemaker, ask for their consent before redpilling.
Fulford pushes Galactic Federation narratives
Yeah, he's a dialetics point in the information storms. Helps in triangulation though, to keep tabs on the rumors
Anyone know which city Benjamin Fulford is rumoring that got destroyed by DEWs?
Yeah. Any archives of the original?
I can't find the source... but found this
No mention of Afrocentrism, the key propaganda push to create the divide.
Only half the story.
The rest is China and Belt and Road
To we People, Julian Assange style
James posted it on his Twitter
Yes, he very obviously obfuscated what is on the white board
Watch the water...
Top book is Bonhoeffer. I can't tell what the red book is. I'm getting significant Andrew Breitbart vibes.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident who was a key founding member of the Confessing Church. His writings on Christianity's role in the secular world have become widely influential; his 1937 book The Cost of Discipleship is described as a modern classic.
Main book on display is "Crucified by Christians."
Pain suffered by a Christian at the hands of another believer is one of the most destructive experiences one will ever know. Few recover completely. Many are destroyed from effective Christian living forever.
Gene Edwards has crafted a beautiful and wholly unique book which points the wounded Christian to healing and to full restoration, even to triumph and ascension. If you have ever experienced unjust treatment from another believer, this monumental literary work is for you. From exquisite agony your life can enter into that of resurrection.
This is so faces get on camera