LoatheTheDemocrat 0 points ago +1 / -1

Deep State will destroy Israel. Count on that. Just as it will destroy Japan, or any other nation that identifies based on its historic racial and ethnic ancestry.

Many Trump supporters and Conservatives do not discuss that much. But that is what we see in the Globalist establishment as it creates its hegemonic, demonic, global cult and world government.

No more identifying by your geography or ancestry.

You will be a citizens of the New World Order by whatever name it adopts for itself, and your identity will be connected to the digital information that world government has on file.

Their plan.

And I pray Jesus comes to lead us against them.

LoatheTheDemocrat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone who messes with the sky this way should be exterminated like a disease.

LoatheTheDemocrat 2 points ago +2 / -0

You guys are not really on the mark as much as you think.


And it will become the largest industry in Earth history. Games will be monetized.

When you see old people in 25 years they will be at screens playing games and remind me/you of old people who used to sit in casinos for hours playing slots.

LoatheTheDemocrat 3 points ago +3 / -0

When you are honest and speak plainly the dishonest of everyone around you will somehow be your fault. You all know. You live it.

LoatheTheDemocrat 5 points ago +6 / -1

I accepted Jesus. Need to learn more about how to worship Christ but in my heart I have accepted him as the first coming and have and continue to pray and repent.

LoatheTheDemocrat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Their going to die.

Do not let it bother you.

In 5 years most of the vaxxed will be dead and the rest of us will be hiding, fighting for our life, or struggling under the most monstrous form of Government we never even imagined.

The dead will seem like the lucky ones.

LoatheTheDemocrat -1 points ago +1 / -2

Its all a sham. The real war is with Russia. Make no mistake we are going to War with Russia.

I think the CIA is banking on finding a way to make Russia commanders refuse to launch Nukes.

LoatheTheDemocrat 21 points ago +21 / -0

Im Jewish by birth.

Im sick and tired of 'LIBERAL' Jewish people and their Bullshit from my toes to my hair.

LoatheTheDemocrat 3 points ago +8 / -5

Except that its not THE JEWS its SOME JEWS and those who fail to make that differentiation will never get the traction, respect or attention they seek.

Even if only 20% of Jews were MAGA, when you say JEWS you include them amongst your enemy.

This has harmed our side for years and the Liberals love it this way.

LoatheTheDemocrat -4 points ago +3 / -7

He is right. Too bad he is so bad at getting the message out.

LoatheTheDemocrat 2 points ago +2 / -0

They can use whatever language or branding they want. Millions of us will never ever stop. Nothing they can threaten will change that.

LoatheTheDemocrat 1 point ago +1 / -0

If only those im uniform had the courage to honor their oaths and start making arrests that would be good.

LoatheTheDemocrat 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Big Guy gets 10%.

I thought this was already made clear?

by BQnita
LoatheTheDemocrat 1 point ago +3 / -2

So True.

The only thing standing between the people and the Traitors are those on Uniform.

Try to keep that in mind.

LoatheTheDemocrat 1 point ago +2 / -1

See. They can just do whatever they want. There are no consequences.

And we think Trump is coming back? Seriously?

Until this gets sorted out... The 'free world' have a real problem here.

LoatheTheDemocrat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Joe Biden is a Liar, Traitor, and a Moron.

That is a fact.

LoatheTheDemocrat 16 points ago +21 / -5

Guess not because he is amazing.

I do not act like a leftist. I analyze the content and subject not the delivery or the deliverer.

This man spits straight anti-establishment and anti-woke fire.

And this post is a good example of why our side struggles so hard. We do not accept others unless they pass all our shit tests.

Need you all be reminded that life, all life, and all thoughts, exist on a spectrum. WE are not magnets that point North or South.

Many of us started out long ago with different beliefs and ideas and we changed over time.

I have mad respect for Tom until I see GENUINE proof telling me otherwise.

Simply calling him MK Ultra without evidence would make me more suspicious of you then him even if your 100% correct.

Convince us or find a better enemy to educate and warn us about.

Right now I have more reason to hate Kanye West then I do MacDonald. Why? Because West gave our enemies exactly what they want. Antisemitism.

Sometimes its not even important if your right or wrong, sometimes with a particular audience how you deliver the message matters more then the message itself.

That is the different between people here and people .. Not Here.

Marshall McLuhan rightly stated 'The Medium Is The Message'.

Show me MacDonald's connections to our enemies or stop harping on the best Rapper alive who happens to be rapping for our side.

LoatheTheDemocrat 0 points ago +1 / -1

I smell Nothingburgers and Fascist Fries.

Hopefully its just residual stench from the recent years of Nothing.

LoatheTheDemocrat 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is David Menzies. Reporter for Rebel News.

Not the actual shop teacher.

This is great.

Menzies however, this reporter, ha sa long history of making fake news, staging scenes, and doing sketchy shit.

I like this stunt of course, but its important to know who he is.

The company he works for however is not too bad. His boss Ezra Levant is one of the very few, maybe the only honest and based Jew in Canadian media.

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