Nuclear symbol. Yikes! Lived on Cape Cod for 25 years. I’m not sure why anyone would let off a dirty bomb there. Mass is a liberal state. There’s lots of retirees there and only one big city 60 miles away. But that’s def. a nuclear symbol.
I asked my pharmacist at CVS the other day how many people had come in for a Covid shots that day. He said about 13 or 14.
I asked him if he knew the shots were killing people. He said, “that’s not tue.” I told him it was true.
He just shrugged.
Maybe so, but for gods sakes, when he posts things like this, it’s a direct insult—a tragedy really—to all the people who continue to die daily from the vax. I can’t believe he’s gloating like this. For what purpose are these posts about the vax?
I am sure millions agree we’re tired of Schumer—in fact, we’re absolutely done with him and hate even hearing his name. He can take his tranny wife and ride off into the sunset now. There is no place in America now for the traitor communists.
Thune is Deep State and wherever the Deep State wanders, chaos reigns. This was a slap in the face from the Rhinos who are happy they’re putting a damper on our plans to restore America.
I literally hate Thune—because I stand for what is right and just. He’s probably on the phone right now with Soros and Schwab planning their moves against the will of the American public.
I am a journalist. I haven’t been on the air in years but still freelance articles.
My feeling is that newspaper owners took a look at that election map and realized their business model is to sell to a minority. If they want to survive, they’re going to have to start covering and presenting real news to a wider audience.
Also, and very importantly, if they’re watching Trump, and covering his presidency, no one will take their criticisms seriously. The public is now obviously immune to their Trump bashing. If they want to present legitimate reporting on Trump’s presidency, they’re going to have to start appearing fair and balanced. Otherwise, perceived fair criticisms will never be taken seriously. They’ve set a horrible precedence that anything they say about Trump is a lie, with the purpose of destroying him. They’re now in a position where they can’t convince the public that anything they say is legitimate.
Newspapers and most media are just mountains of lies, and they know we know it.
I’m truly doubtful they’ll ever be able to change our perceptions of them no matter what they do. It’s too late.
Then again, Americans have short memories.
I’ve been saying this all along. I truly believe this is what is happening. The NWO,agenda advances everyday.