Lookingfortruth 2 points ago +3 / -1

This site is importante. Mods ain’t perfect. Relaje.

Lookingfortruth 6 points ago +7 / -1

One reason I don’t think he is il donaldo Trump is because il donaldo posted (after trumps hole in one), the Following: “ YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT DID A HOLE-IN-ONE, BY THE WAY! “

Any golfer knows you don’t “do” a hole in one. You either “make” a hole in one or “got” a hole in one. Just words I know, but trump is a big golfer and haha no golfer would say it the way il donaldo did.

Maybe someone is posting for trump under that name, but again no one who golfs would ever say they “did” a hole in one. Bless their hearts. Haha

Lookingfortruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pride comes before the fall. Keep that in mind.

Texas has been kept good by good ol’ Texans. Spoiled Californians coming down here bragging about the house they sold in CA and what they can buy so easily vs the born and raised Texan who has kept Texas, Texas is exactly what Texas doesn’t need.

Comin’ to Texas? Study what it means to have a Texas heart. Stay in Cali if you’re bringing Cali-mind with you.

And “Lord knows I’ll have the time.” - Does He?

Side note on GME- it’s a movement of the people to stand up against the elite. Just another arm to fight against the corruption. When united, we are strong.

Lookingfortruth 5 points ago +5 / -0

The software team can probably make any length name they want, don’t you think?

Doesn’t mean they don’t know who Q is, but also as mentioned above - more than a few account made on Feb 9, and one I noted made in January and one in December

Lookingfortruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

More than a few accounts on there made on Feb 9, just FYI. Even saw one from December 2021 and January 2022. Probably just the software guys who made some account that get movement and practice for account and maybe for some fun?

CoinTelegragh account was made in January 26, 2022.

Lookingfortruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

The account links to this website. It’s not a particular coin but Coin Telegraph. Account made January 26, 2022.


I just wonder if the software engineers of TS got to make some fun accounts that they appreciate and also to use as practice and increase interest on the site? Thus far that account has 355 Truths. Just stuff about crypto market.

Lookingfortruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just looked through other accounts on TS and there’s even one made in Dec 2021 and January 2022. They made some random groups maybe to practice and get some movement? A cryptocurrency TS account was made in January. So the makers of the app probably made these groups/accounts. Or maybe very early beta not sure. But TSQ on Feb 9 isn’t that rare. There are other accounts made in Feb 9, including one named “Jeff Bezos is a Total Creep.”

Lookingfortruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lots of good people out there who do those jobs just FYI. In the trenches, standing up to their employers. Nurses and doctors getting fired for standing for what’s right. Doctors writing scripts for ivermectin and HCQ, etc. Lots of honest scientists writing the truth, it’s just being censored. Trumps a politician just FYI. Cops put their life on the line every day for us. There’s a few good radio show hosts spreading through truth and also some journalists. Yes the system is changing, but honor those out there fighting the fight in the trenches vs working remotely from home. For every asleep nurse there’s another awake nurse standing for freedom. For every crooked MD, there’s another who follows up on their patient they wrote an ivermectin script for in their own time.

Such a statement is ignorant. For the wise will recognize the wise, regardless of the title of their job.

You are the system. Your own little microcosm. To where do you bring death, deceit and despair? Work on that. Then you’ll be free to classify every nurse, doctor, reporter, etc etc as someone who is not to be trusted.

The world is your mirror. When you wake up, your world wakes up. Simple as that.




Lookingfortruth 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not this health worker. I fought hard for my rights and my patients. Many do fight hard. I was fired for not taking the jab.

Careful to not over generalize and assume the worst stating they “reap what they sow.”

...Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brothers eye... 🙏

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