Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yikes... I hope this is not something that gets catastrophically bad. For those of you who don't know the significance of Anthrax, it isn't just "weaponized bio-terrorism" it is THE weaponized bio-terrorism type scenario that can be the worst thing ever.

Weaponized Anthrax is like... If you touch the handle of someone who has Anthrax then you have Anthrax, just like that. They cough in your direction. Anthrax. Anything they've touched for a few days can infect you. It is not fun. It is deadly.

You do NOT want this to be the end game scenario... This is the worst kind of shit.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh yea, I've had questions in the past what is "natural" and what isn't. For instance, lest we forget, the Tongan volcano explosion that also somehow severed a communication.

I remember people theorizing over La Palma volcano not being natural for some reason or another.

But most of all that speaks volumes to me, is that there is an increasing amount of chatter about Submarines deals between countries. Like Australia and NZ, I think they actually backed out of the deal for reasons I cannot recall. But also the quality of US Submarines has been questioned as well as there was a legit traitor to the US Corps of Engineers concerning the quality and purity of the steel used in the submarines.

She pled guilty too.

But considering that Submarines can contain nuclear armaments and are powered by nuclear material (like a giant battery) you may think that Q clearance would be needed for this type of thing. Yes Q Clearance is a real thing and pertains only to the Dept of Energy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_clearance

It's kind of fascinating when you don't treat the world as an empty pointless thing and try to find connections to others and see how the players communicate with each other, directly or indirectly.

Lord_Moo 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've been following an Earthquake guy for a long time who has been predicting a super earthquake event this summer to Christmas, says very unlikely to last till Christmas, but can chance it would but what we would see a small concentration of Earthquakes not getting much stronger than 6.0 around the tectonic plates that are "locking up"

To say it another way, the Earth is saving is earthquake energy because there is so much friction it's slowed substantially the earthquake activity we usually see as it releases the pent up energy. Now that energy is all stored up and not going anywhere, it's so tight the shape around the effected area is basically from Japan all the way to the Philippines. That's the area that would be most devastated.

That being said, I would be not surprised if this was bombing or some related endeavor against Taiwan.

Lord_Moo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Guh I just was thinking the same thing, you beat me to it, but I can’t clearly recall ever learning the context of that.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wasn’t Pelosi seen with some marshals like last year? I remember thinking they may have finally gotten her locked down, and was just performing duties so she wouldn’t flee or some shit.

I haven’t heard much from her lately that’s been all that important as of late besides her husband being arrested for a DUI. I’m mot saying she’s arrested or anything but for sure there were marshals escorting her around the capital for awhile out of character (definitely not security)

Lord_Moo 9 points ago +9 / -0

There was a tiny soldier the first day of the J6 trials I noticed. It was some sort of figurine.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't help but think that the first reference there at the top referencing the sock puppet subtly alludes to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDQXFNWuZj8

It's a song/skit from Bo Burnham's special near the mid of the coof stuff. It's wonderful but the sock puppet bit is quite hilarious because it's simultaneously says what it needs to and can be enjoyed.

Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

What makes me laugh is thinking that this was the plan all along, why we had to wait so long into May for some arrests or whatever happened. I just have to imagine that while all these rich fucks are at the WEF convention in Sweden or whatever, all their underlings are flipping on them. That way, when they come back into the office they may notice people don't really think of them all too fondly when their crimes are exposed.

Lord_Moo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Considering the relevance to Twitter, our public record is now all digital. Now look back to try and view Trump Tweets - Can't obviously. Historical record vanished.

Recently there was a story where someone said they didn't recall or think they ever posted an offensive tweet, this platform potentially allows historical injection to discredit someone in real time.

Now I wonder if you were to check out things like Myspace would have any relevance here. But obviously yes there is a stark difference between history before and after.

Lord_Moo 5 points ago +5 / -0

You brought up one point I thought would be worth mentioning as an observation to help alleviate their short term interests, and that very thing they are doing is ruining the economy so bad that it’ll make people desperate, not to the point of societal collapse as a whole but anyone offered that oozy corruption sandwich with a side of cold hard cash, they will turn more heads and make some honest people bend their standards “just this once” or “I don’t have a choice” imagine that?

I almost feel GME stock may even be a direct implication. A lot of tech oriented guys well they followed the math and logic of the market and found that over shorted position and went ham on it, they got caught with their pants down and are bending the rules to not transfer that wealth, then they lose that power. Because GME is basically calling every IT person of the current working generation by nostalgia. Mix in the lottery aspect of a sure win, they really did suck in all that money and said “screw you we make the rules and helped our friends”

I’m not even an active in the stocks game so I have no skin in it, I just think the relationship is worth mentioning. We know they use blackmail, so obviously they aren’t above creating more economic disparity and manipulate the stock market to drain the investments of the masses where they can to target certain demographics based on how they use their investments. Now they are so desperate I bet the tanking economy, to no ones surprise, served a multiple of agendas, all colliding at once across big tech. The fraud is being unveiled in real time with musk on these platform. Right now, the information war is being fought and our side is winning all the late game objectives like dominos. The story is starting to fall apart.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only if he can't prove that the act is ongoing, in which case, statutes of limitation start over to the last criminal act, so it's extended so long as he can prove it persisted.

Lord_Moo 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've had this very same theory. Yours is a little more fleshed out on why it's important and a few more details on what you think he did. End of the day, CIA cronie who transfers to NSA and leaks things because their morality couldn't take it, well that's bullsit we know that.

Hong Kong was supposed to hold a red notice spy for Interpol, because that's what a red notice means. But they didn't they simply let him go from Hong Kong to Russia no problems, because the Chinese are complicit in helping this plan.

No doubt Snowden's side jobs also involved furthering the cyber shit in the Russia Collusion story, there had to be a Russia signal interfacing with their installed spyware shit they tried to use on Trump. This got backfired though because it clearly wasn't organic and was detected early on.

The Durham case has already made known when Trump alluded to being spied on via twitter they all collectively shit their pants because their first question was "how much does he already know". We don't have an answer for that but he sure as shit knew what was going on.

Lord_Moo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Imagine rolling out his internet in Ukraine, only to have it used as evidence of the Azov Battalion and all their communications. Remember he offered this pretty early and eagerly, but not so eagerly. He had some "flak" about doing it, citing how he wasn't doing what he should considering Russia but ultimately they got his internet.

Skip to now, he owns all that internet data, twitter data, and now is probably public figure #1 on a few hitlists when they put it together Elon Musk is the renegade, doing things for himself since he controls the cards, Elon might be trying to appeal to a master, but may not have fleshed it out in stone beforehand.

Either way, having both sets of data will completely wreck them, he could likely even insert data, or bad data to those in Ukraine intentionally with his network say messages like "the war is over come on our Azov" and shit like that. Seems like Elon has a strong strong position in the intelligence world and kinda has power over the whole situation of global events, if he has chosen to do so, at a snap of a finger.

Lord_Moo 6 points ago +6 / -0

Post 1238 https://qalerts.app/?n=1238

Not ‘official’ product - 5 Eyes. Listen carefully. No evidence to support POTUS targeting. None. Do you understand the gravity of what’s unfolding? EVIL & CORRUPTION. She had to win at all costs. You know why. How do people support/vote 4 these people? http:// video.foxnews.com/v/5774707105001/?#sp=show-clips Q

The link does a good job explaining the issue with the memos. It is believed that 3/7 memos Comey had that he leaked, then used said memos to investigate obstruction of justice charges, led the charge to get the special counsel in the first place. Are these the same memos he leaked? Does Podesta have them? That opens up the communication network. Because 5 Eyes didn't have ANYTHING on Trump, they checked and tried to see if there was any evidence going thru proper channels even by mistake. Nope. They are on to the communications... they found their comms and are about to expose them.

Lord_Moo 5 points ago +6 / -1

I don't think that anyone thinks it's as simple as "it was the water the whole time!" for everyone in all demographics. I think this shows that IF there were to be a concept of tampering with a water supply, say this was their future plot to enact Covid19 2.0 the real version. They got too many paranoid people now it would NEVER slip by accidentally (like it did with the "doctors" with the Vaccine - homebrew conspiracy theorists are the best source of underutilized testing and oversight)

I'd say the HIV component to the evidence is compelling. I'd say the Resdemevir was compelling and would love to get follow ups and transparency I'd say that the snake venom component is bullshit if you take it literally. I'd say "snake venom" means in essence, "genetically modified bullshit that hurts me, possible contrived from non-bat source" as the main issue here. It's not like "extract venom, put it in the bottle, YES SCIENCE!" no they went overboard and wanted the EXACT processes and went about a way to cause harm in a very subtle undetected way that would mean hurting someone the more you investigated or looking somewhere no one should ever look.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +3 / -1

My guess, it has to do with solar activity and the high band frequencies being compromised. Perhaps lower altitude less of an effect. Because the sun has been doing some weird shit lately.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well excuuuuuse me... The reason I bring it up isn't that it is just an X2.2 - But it's the fact that these predictions are only predictions. It's hard to tell what a Coronal Mass Ejection will do, if the Earth will move toward it in such a way to effect it, and also we can't know until it hits a satellite when it's more or less 45 minutes away from Earth.

That X2.2 could be upgraded at any time. Also I thought it was coincidental that there was planned down time of the equipment with some outages between APR 18-20th. So I figured that IF there were going to be a time where a CME or Flare of sorts was going to get by unnoticed for what it could do, that was a window of opportunity.

But yes, you're right all the cables are safe. However, that was never the issue with the infrastructure. The thing you're worried about is if there is enough of a geomagnetic effect that will cause enough electrons to get excited by the changing of magnetic fields (which a change in magnetic energy = change in electrical energy) then we see circuit boards short and have issues since most circuit boards are only separated by a few micro-nano meters separation. It's not entirely inconceivable that the fiber lines and other physical utility lines would be unaffected it's literally everything else that we would be worried about and those system control our infrastructure.

Think of it this way, this is the potential to natures EMP and restart button on society. It can happen at almost any time and you'd be helpless to do much about it.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +3 / -1

I hate it so much in a browser, for a phone its fine cause it makes sense. But the browser is like open the god damn content already!

Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is about 4G, which... is everywhere all the time... The article you cited says "Verizon failed to provide proper notice in 2017 to residents that Verizon was planning to build a cell tower."

I think this isn't really... anything. It seems someone just put something up and it only looks interesting because it has "radiation exposure" which any radio signal can be described as such, as it is "electromagnetic radiation" they didn't even cite what medical claims were harming who or how.

by BQnita
Lord_Moo 6 points ago +6 / -0

So how do we get from this to Obama finally being revealed? Does Twitter have a secret vault of cancel tweets to unleash?

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

But why would they be backing the parasites. Is it death? Do they get to control who gets it that precisely? What are the vaccines doing if there is a parasite? More parasites? Then how would they get things past a coroners report on so many victims? I mean we have to think about if it isn't a virus then how are people getting sick. Why are they seemingly getting all cause deaths up. Venom really works well because it is an agent of chaos and just makes things worse and it's hard for the body to help itself and decode the garbage.

Kinda makes me think that life is code, and life is poisoned by whatever made all these rich assholes such assholes and wanting to ruin the literal world.

Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Think of Musk as the intellectual. Trump as the Patriotic soul. Q the mysterious enigmatic shadow character.

At this point beyond greed and stupidity, we have no idea what common enemies all have in common or why nothing has been done before now. Except we do know children seem to be a common thread. Idk about Elon Musk and children or anything. I actually don't know much about Musk as much as I do most everyone else surrounding Trump and politics.

I have no idea how to follow the stories of the day anymore more closely than I have. I keep waiting to see how to try and anticipate some action or hope that things do start to sort themselves out.

Lord_Moo 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ive been kinda calling this date out for like 3 weeks in my head. I told my girlfriend and she was just kinda like meh. Same ol stuff. But lately I've been red pilling her hard. She's a lefty left person. Think liberal but from like 15 years ago so not radical bullshit crazy.

She's always lived around conservatives that are the asshole kind (sorry they are cowboy types they can get rowdy and in a small town they get kidna dick headed) so she kinda resented that side of life and that way of thinking.

Queue to someone normal like me, and I introduce her more and more to my world over time, small. The last 2 weeks. mega red pills. She's like "i did some research! and this is freaking me out!" more and more each day. We talk all the time our theories. I never thought anyone but myself and a few few others could I ever talk about this stuff rationally. My family is a bit on the crazy end of the spectrum but they are all into this too. But having someone I deemed as a true skeptic to Q and everything it represents, she's been really taking this fairly well. She's had a few epiphanies and some of the information is too much and makes her sick (stuff with kids being victims).

I think the world is seeing where we should have drawn the line. That we've been enslaved to convenience. That history has been re-written. Leaders lied to us. I think we may see a huge leap in the state of the world after Q has enacted the whole take over. We may actually see a true golden age.

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