Probably indigestion after the lunch banquet of Ukranian orphans 👿
Pusillanimous little bitch. Definitely owes his career to catching for Obama's pitching.
Lots of swampiness in the Auchincloss lineage, including the dead giveaway 'philanthropist' (Lily Auchincloss) and also 'immunology' (my brackets because of what we now know it to be).
The worst cunt on the world stage. Not even Zelensky or Starmer come close. Absolutely pre-programmed automaton to just screech and gesticulate "LGBTQ!! CLIMATE CHANGE!! COVID 19!!" in response to ANY political question ever. That's LITERALLY all he ever did. I truly believe he's some kind of satanically created bot, if not an actual Demon from Hell.
Quite besides the connotations, how could anyone find this funny? It's just noisy infantile garbage. If you want demonic comedy, go watch 'Repossessed' from 1990 with Leslie Nielsen and Linda Blair.
PS - notice the casual placing of the John HEINZ Kerry bottle of tomato sauce on the table, just to rub it in that they're making fun of us knowing they drink blood.
NOvid made me think people were stupid for going along with a ton of bullshit that their 'leaders' were ignoring, but them screaming to the sky about STOPPING THEIR OWN MONEY BEING STOLEN FROM THEM takes it to an unfathomable new level.
Sorry HACKeem, the Walz have at last closed in.
Start with the very early on confirmed, published and NEVER denied or disputed 99.8% survivability and the average age of death being over the age of life expectancy. That one really made me stop and question humanity's collective sanity, or lack of.
The Magellan company, which currently supplies facial recognition self-serve checkouts for UK supermarkets, which of course is to 'prevent shoplifting' and absolutely not for anything biometric linked to Agenda 2030 plans to limit what you can purchase, how dare I think such a thing! 😎
Respectfully disagree. It's time for hate preachers of racism - which is what he is - to be dealt with like the scourge on humanity they are.
Free speech is an individual's right to stand up and say, I hate whites, blacks, jews, muslims, gays, whatever. A preacher attempting to brainwash an audience into hate is proselytising, and that needs to be harshly dealt with.
More like Cain's son than Abelson.