MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're right. I've been studying Masonic offshoots and clubs they've infiltrated for 5 years, but haven't taken a closer look at SAR.

Here's what I found, which you may or may find insightful.

Former Presidents who were members. How many of these were Masons (e.g. traditional lodges, Skull and Bones, et al)?

Ulysses S. Grant (posthumous)[8][9] 18th Rutherford B. Hayes[10] 19th Benjamin Harrison[10] 23rd William McKinley[10] 25th Theodore Roosevelt[10] 26th William Howard Taft[10] 27th Warren G. Harding[10] 29th Calvin Coolidge[10] 30th Herbert Hoover[10] 31st Franklin D. Roosevelt[10] 32nd Harry S. Truman[10] 33rd Dwight D. Eisenhower[10] 34th Lyndon B. Johnson[10] 36th Gerald D. "Jerry" Ford[10] 38th James Earl "Jimmy" Carter[10] 39th George H. W. Bush[10] 41st George W. Bush[10] 43rd

Of the presidents who lived since the SAR's founding in 1889 and are not listed above, presidents Grover Cleveland, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sons_of_the_American_Revolution

SAR Charter Signed by: Theodore Roosevelt, Master Mason https://www.loc.gov/resource/ppmsca.35829/


About the Logo https://www.sar.org/sar-missions-and-goals/#tab_the_story_behind_the_sar_insignia

WHY THE ORDER OF ST. LOUIS? The cross of the Order of St. Louis is identical to the SAR cross except in three details. The central medallion of the SAR symbol bears the image of Washington rather than that of St. Louis; the medallion is surrounded by the SAR Latin motto “Libertas et Patria” or “Liberty and Country,” rather than the military order’s motto “Bellicae Virtutis Praemium” or “The Reward for Virtue is War;” and the angles between the arms of the cross lack the French fleur de lis. Instead, the SAR surrounds the cross with the laurel wreath of republican victory.

The cross is of white enamel and has four arms and eight points, each point being decorated with a gold head. Its source is the cross of the ancient chivalric Order of St. Louis, founded by Luis XIV in 1693.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible?

MAGASTORM17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Biden Admin with huge stumbles out of the gate. Reporters being shooed out of the OO, no questions taken by Biden or even saying a few words about what he's signing. Normies now SEE he's a dumb empty suit with no plan of his own.

Comfy AF.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's a private citizen. Why would he use a gov domain?

Also wtf is a "public open data source server"? I've been in IT over 20 yrs and never heard of this word salad.

MAGASTORM17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Although much of what he presents is historically accurate, I'm skeptical.

Robert Leroy Horton is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. They are a hereditary Order; allegedly direct descendants of those who fought in the Revolution. That all seems well and good, but the first red flag is their medal is modeled after the Order of St. Louis, circa Louis the XIV of 17th century France. Louis the XIV was also known as the Sun God. The laurel wreath is a common Masonic symbol. The entire Order screams Masonic (what we're trying to remove from our Republic). Not that Masons themselves are bad people, mind you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sons_of_the_American_Revolution

Maybe an anon with more info can set the record straight if they have any knowledge. This is based on about 10 mins of research.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Former" CIA in his bio.

MAGASTORM17 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trump supporters 'ruined the plan' on the 6th...the plan that had been in the works for decades with contingencies for every action and counter-action, including pre-planned FF's by BLM and Antifa. The same BLM and Antifa whose comms were being closely watched by our NSA for YEARS.


MAGASTORM17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who knows where the bodies are buried?

Do you trust General Flynn?

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Disinfo is real and necessary.

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Art of War

Near or far?

Victory or defeat?

Weak or strong?


MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lots of big brained clowns trying to save their asses from NSA revealing Benghazi, SA, Haiti, et al.

Where's Assange?

Carry on anons. We will WIN.

MAGASTORM17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fewer than 10.

No outside comms.

"I need another month" -MF

NSA accidentally releases it ALL?

Stay united, stay salty, and trust the plan.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

"We have more than we know" has so many meanings.

We have Korean, Cuban, Vietnamese, etc immigrants who risked EVERYTHING to escape their socialist and communist homeland take a chance on the American dream. Some had to leave immediate family behind. We have a lot to learn from these people. I believe that God sent them to us for a reason and I believe we are living that reason today. Please support and appreciate these brave hard working Patriots. In my experience they are some of the kindest souls I've ever met.

MAGASTORM17 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been taking 10,000-15,000 IU's daily of Vit D3 and get a lot of sunlight. I'd increase it but don't know where returns start to diminish vs cost.

MAGASTORM17 11 points ago +11 / -0

Absolutely, they do not want us awake for what's about to happen to them.

We also know UV light is anti-viral, which is why they had us locked up indoors.

But I wonder if UV light is also a catalyst somehow of HCQ. They know how to transfuse UV enriched blood in a simple procedure.

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