2489 ....Lin Wood did a bible verse last night. https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/161
Q post relevant?
Military turn back on Biden. https://t.me/QAnonPeople/277
The USSS INVESTIGATES Cyber crimes. (Like election fraud?) ? https://www.dhs.gov/employee-resources/us-secret-service-usss
The Electronic and Financial Crimes Task Forces A task force is a team assigned to one specific task. The Secret Service operates over 80 task forces that focus on either Electronic Crimes or Financial Crimes. Secret Service agents in each task force work together with investigators, professors, inventors, and government officials to protect communities across the country from cyber crimes and other terrorist activities.
I think as pedo guests arrive for the inauguration, they will be detained inside the Capitol. Including Biden. OR everyone will be in DC the night before and will have their doors busted down in the middle of the night.
It will be like getting jilted at the alter.
Setting up impeachment trial?