Free range pig farmer. Didn't even get one myself 😂 Gotta take the income though. Merry Christmas folks
And I still don't have air con 😭😅😭 Can't get tradies this time of year
Excluded because it's nothing to do with "protecting the children".
This social media b.s is the cover up for digital I.d
All Aussies will need to prove who they are no matter their age and be tracked.
It's to introduce digital Id into Australia and using the excuse to "protect the children" to do it. It has nothing to do with actually protecting children, hence IT IS inconsistent.
The Oz gov is using kids as an excuse to track us all. We all need to upload evidence of who we are to access the internet
As an Aussie we see this as digital Id.
It's to force everyone no matter the age to prove who they are and track everything we do online.
Children is the cover up for the agenda
I wish the best for your wife.
I don't know if anyone can confirm this but someone recently mentioned in a blood discussion in Oz that their doctor mentioned bananas. Apparently eating bananas helps with loss of blood.
I don't know personally though
Everything you need to know about government/the system in that heading Give nothing and then take it all
NOT surprised. I lasted a week in recent university application because they had this massive list of "problematic" words. I'm not 18 to be whipped like this 🤢
I guess it's cross country. You're near the end but simply burned out. I'm burned out. I'm struggling financially as here in Oz is still many no jab no job. It's messed up and I'm barely dealing.
Causing cancer doesn't surprise me.
Mid vaccine schedule the Herald Sun newspaper in Australia reported all the big convid players "NEXT BIG INVESTMENT" was cancer industry.
Fear propaganda? Easy to control a society living in fear. Cough last four years
Is this a piss take or is hysterectomies really on the table? They really will cull us on all levels available to them
I bloody hope so.
I hope this isn't a left wing, right wing same bird.
I'm starting to really struggle with the system.
I know previously it came in waves of positivity and doubt but right now I'm feeling done.
Yeap. I know a woman was in a vehicle accident, refused care in emergency because unjabbed. It was farked. In Australia I was refused medical care because of an imaginary state farking line. Wasn't allowed to cross it. Numerous locations their doctor is on the other side of that fake line
Valid point! Mocked, belittled, threatened etc Now in Oz only bitching for a payrise because *short staff. Fark them
Forgive? If it makes you feel better. But interact etc f no
Long time radio broadcaster. Although comments are flying on FB on Aussie pages. I have to agree with one .... "Funny how they only do this once they're old". Are we seeing good or is this just a throw under the bus? It's been occurring for decades. One commenter said he was banned from football change rooms as too many got the creeps.
Shit! Unfortunately I'm not surprised by that. I know here in Oz many of the drug festivals are full of nurses. They only get caught when someone dies and an investigation is needed. Then claim "I'm a responsible drug user", unlike their friend who isn't a nurse and just died 😔
Because it's full of woke 💩. I signed back up to uni this semester for forth year psych. I'm already done after a week and will unlikely continue. I'm being told I can't use words like *elder because it's problematic (yet it's culturally correct for Aboriginals), yet also having whites teach me what is culturally appropriate 🤨🤔 We've had "counselling examples", which students have responded with "wouldn't help him", "tell him to get over it" while also getting prepared for assessment 1. Assessment 1 is fake counselling session and I've already been told to make sure it's between 1-4 "trauma" level because students won't handle it The system is farked If you can't even handle my introduction which mentioned a cancer diagnosis that has me questioning psychology education because of my new personality from losing my stomach how the fark you gonna handle the real world and people's real traumas?
Geesh I don't know how you do that. Firstly I'm NOT diabetic but have diabetic like reactions being stomachless. I find I need to graze consistently and no "just carbs" or I'm screwed.
I hope we are all compensated. We lost everything for holding the line Currently hoping I get this current job I'm getting referenced checked on. Still MANY jobs here in Oz expect the jabs
Uh good ole diversity. Total acceptable until they choose segregation as they please
The problem is, is history eventually falsified? Forgotten? It's as if we never learn and segregate a new demographic
Another Aussie farmer wolki shared this on f.b I'm shocked and excited.
That's how it works. The TGA (Australia) had a decade document with nearly 7,000 medical products recalled.
Nothing is safe nor effective until long term data can prove so.