I saw that. No one noted it on here that I remember. But that was a huge in your face proof. He does the Q move that he must know everyone knows what he’s doing. If he didn’t know, someone would have said, “hey, don’t do that Q sign and push this larp.”
Easy queerbait, don’t get your hot pants in a twist. His little globe test is just that, some fantasy test that apparently proves the world is a ball. It doesn’t do that. It proves the sun is small and local which will cause different shadows everywhere. But ya, I suppose you are yet another loudmouth, know-nothing know-it-all. But you do you, Pokey. Believe in the SCIENCE! Lol. What a joke. I cannot wait until someone sits you down to deprogram your feeble, diluted mind. Wait, don’t tell me, you trust the science so much you got the jab, didn’t ya? But of course you did. Science! Lol. Shut the fuck up, hun.
Oooohh, ya did the ol’ Copernicus test, huh? And that proved it for you? You have no idea what the FE model is, do ya? And yet you still defend the ball like it’s the only truth. My dude, your friend didn’t tell you correctly. I wouldn’t be convinced if someone else told me either. Gotta do the dig yourself…ya dig? BTW your waste of time test works on both models. Ball and plane. But how, you may ask? The sun is local and waaaaaaaay smaller than your 93 million mile away super fireball. But this is landing on ignorant eyes because you don’t have any idea how the sun works on this model. Oh ya, and the moon isn’t self luminous at all. Nope. It’s reflecting the sun and beaming back down to earth. You believe that next time you look at that hot white thing in the sky.
No need to do whatever science experiment you did with your nerdy buddy. I don’t even know what that experiment would prove. I know the truth. I’ve done extensive research. I know you have not done any research. I know this because if you did do it I guarantee you’d be agreeing with me. I also know everything you know about space. I was taught all of this just like you were. Why don’t you actually do the research on this subject and learn the hundreds of facts that will rock your reality. But you won’t because then you may have to confront whatever else you may believe to be true. And that’s not easy for many.
Oh please continue. I saw the moon this morning in the sky clearly at 9am. The bottom quarter was missing with a concave curve. The mental leaps one must take to believe the earth is causing that “shadow” is astonishing. Please use your own discernment. Then Google Videos of stars using a digital camera. Do they look “round” to you? Your brain is seeing balls where photos and proof show no balls.
Sure. Using long exposure photography you’ll see star trails in the night sky. Interesting fact, they all rotate around Polaris (the North Star) for thousands of years…same constellations year after year in the same place. Fascinating when you look at facts.
Real eyes realize real lies. Yes, I realize. Thank Johnny D. for your "education", and thank you for saying "theories".
That said...you still believe in NASA though, right? You believe their "images" of space, don't you? You can imagine being like William Shatner and going up in Jeff Bezo's Penis Rocket. Am I right? It's OK. It's a big truth to finally understand.
Please do your own research. Why didn’t Q tell us the Challenger exploding was fake? Seems like that would wake a lot of people up. I guess I’ll do it for ya. https://mobile.twitter.com/TNTJohn1717/status/1564024840629231616
No, thank you. I had completely forgotten about this one. It may be one of the most obvious ones. Why like the letter Q in someone’s name so much, Mr. President. This is a big proof imo.