MagaMajority 3 points ago +3 / -0

People are just randomly dropping dead all ages, ethnicities, health, etc. and the MSM is literally trying to play it off as “oh that’s normal” (totally not the vaccines) hey look we made up new terms to explain our propaganda and treason.

MagaMajority 1 point ago +1 / -0

They’d be tipped off on it in advance and prevent it. But them trying and failing would lead to mass awakening and red pills for the brainwashed. Trump Derangement Syndrome is the real virus!!!

Unrealistic hopium: It’s the “missed” shot heard around the world. Soon after, Dan Scavino shares a tweet to follow 45’s new account (Trumps burner phone + burner Twitter account) long enough to crank out that 1 specific tweet then shit hits the fan for the derp state lol

P.S. not even famous people, I’m skeptical when anyone dies from natural causes. Is that Sudden Adult Death Syndrome shit a natural cause???

MagaMajority 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably so they can groom that one too tbh they seem to be just part of a larger ped network of elites who let their kids get molested by each other. Got the stories about Obama’s children not being theirs. The Pence stuff. The two Q post (can’t remember the numbers) listed all the politicians who have been arrested over the years for similar offenses, yet nothing happens to the Bidens (because they’re in office and everyone is protecting them?)

MagaMajority 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s my belief. Make sure any witnesses aren’t around to confirm no deaths occurs. Maybe one cop fired off some rounds for the show, this is as fishy as the Ashley Babbit incident with all those people standing around and behaving awkwardly and calm.

MagaMajority 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like Jan 6 evidence to bring onto Trumps side and further obliterate the narrative that’s already lost interest in literally everyone

MagaMajority 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sad part is I’m always seeing news stories nowadays with teachers, police, coaches, etc. molesting and grooming children. The Biden family should be the large scale example of everything wrong with society. Put everyone in the world on notice.

MagaMajority 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why does this feel like a big deal with multiple cards possible at play for reasonings?

MagaMajority 3 points ago +4 / -1

There was a video floating around during 2020 where he’s smoking crack on a couch and an anon paused the video of the person sitting on the couch reversed position across from him. On two brief moments the anon freezed the clip where it exposed the girls face and it’s very distinguishable to not mistake. All this stuff was popping up on my old Twitter feed when it originally made waves.

It’s wild 2 years later people don’t know about it or just say it’s Russian misinformation. Knowing about the Biden crime family should let anyone know they’re being lied to about everything else that’s happened since Trump left office. The Obama’s are a fraud too.

MagaMajority 7 points ago +7 / -0

So does this mean she was complicit. I get most of it on her behalf is sympathy for her and she was groomed, I get all that, but it’s really odd she and the family are cool calling themselves pedos and doing “stuff” with each other. She def have Hunter a footie I know that much from the 2020 laptop leak. Hunter seemingly was banging half her friends too and I’m sure their parents are part of that elite circle. You see how some of those politicians just hand over their kids to Biden at events. It’s so weird and cringe. Idk what to make of it.

MagaMajority 2 points ago +2 / -0

All this content is old wether it’s new to our eyes or others. So what, they scrapped up some new dic pics to spread around? The worst of the content I believe won’t ever see the light of day. I don’t see the point in recycling what’s already known to anons. Not into the MSM news cycle, but the internet corners for just anons to chew on or possibly get set up with. It isn’t catching steam to the masses through the MSM so what’s next? What’s the point of this leak?

MagaMajority 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not worried about this Biden laptop stuff. #LapTopFromHell surfaced in 2020 and Gnews and Lude exposed enough of it through the Chinese media outlets. Bottom line: MSM and every agency covered it up and with this current leak it’s proving all the same again. What has changed with the Biden Crime Family Syndicate?

MagaMajority 11 points ago +11 / -0

They should move back to their little blue rathole cities. Spread your std’s, live around homeless shitting and sleeping in the streets, crime like burglary and rape, defunded police only weapon less SJW’s to cope with you, quarterly booster shots, electric cars, debt slaves, social credit score, legalized hard drugs, etc. The rest of the states can stay red and coexist with all red branches of goverment and stay sovereign against the commie system.

MagaMajority 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s brilliant. Think about this. Q post and grows a huge following. Common sense people observe and analyze the drops and real time happenings to conclude the authenticity of the overall message of the post in correlation with what’s happening in the world. By counteracting control of the swamp (runs outside politicians, friendships corporate executives who regulate social media platform censorship) to share intel to anons on alternative internet outlets about what we didn’t know about the past. Now we know about the future (Agenda2030). Witnessing what happens in real time working towards that agenda aligning both the truth and the messages of Q. Disinformation was necessary to ruffle the feathers and make it easier for the MSM to mock Q. It brought massive attention to it with the first few post like a Hillary arrest to basically get them to take the bait and talk about it.

Us Anons would have easily debunked Q as a psy-op and the MSM would have never had a reason to highlight the Q movement. We’re common sense extremist, something stupid people like the Cabal hate. Think how important Anons were on Twitter. Always had to make changes to dodge censorship algorithms to reach people in the middle on the truth.

By Q going away for awhile…think prior, it gave normies a chance to experience the lock downs. Exposure the MSM assault on Trump (while everyone is locked down at home, you get to see the MSM attack him everyday during the C-19 daily briefings) pin COVID on him, followed by false impeachment witchhunt, stealing an election, Biden campaign failure, and things like Epstein/Maxwell, Snowden/JA, or other topics mentioned in Q post making MSM storylines.

Now present day, normies get to see the Biden regime disaster: Economy, War, staffers resigning, 2,000 mules, he’s creepy, on cognitive decline, etc. with out them being able to lurk on the Q community to figure out why their side is self imploding and anons are more and more right. So he comes back and the MSM is back at it to discredit Q before more people join the free thinking community, get the real truth, and confront the Cabal. Everything against Trump is turning out to be a throne of lies towards him. The Q post are dasting (right around the time of the Supreme Court decisions). They’re still lying about Ukraine. The fact is, I also don’t need Q anymore since NCSWIC.

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