THIS ^^^ Once elections are fair and accurate, the dimocrap party is over and done with.
President Trump won almost every state in the 2020 election - a massive, historic reelection win, stolen by the most blatant large-scale election fraud in history.
The dimocraps must pay. And, the party itself must cease to exist.
The OP apparently will be shocked to learn that FL is a BIG state. There are parts of it (Miami, etc) that are packed with libtards and woketards from the the north eastern states.
The rest of FL is based. The OP goes to part of the state packed with libtards, and is shocked... shocked at them behaving like morons. More news at 11.
The rate of adverse effects is 20 times higher than any previous injection, and the whole thing should have been shut down long ago.
As for long term health consequences - we have a lot of speculation but no proof at this point. I am hoping many injections were saline or relatively harmless... we will see.
President Trump needs plausible deniability going forward. He is not responsible for the problems with the injections - DS and big pharma is... but President Trump cannot be seen to have had any knowledge of those problems in advance.
Warp Speed really screwed up the DS plans for never-ending lock downs and mandatory injections. Also, given the relatively small number of adverse affects (when compared to the hundreds of millions of injections), it seems likely that most of the injections were (probably) harmless... mostly.
Maybe 4-6% of those that got injected would be lost forever? We just don't know at this point.
Businesses are free to do whatever stupid shit they want to do. However, their survival is not mandatory. The overall concept is called "creative destruction". New businesses that don't suck rise from the ashes of the ones that crash and burn.
Nope. I don't give a flaming crap about leftists.
Kabuki Theater of Drooling Morons. Not even entertaining any more.
I ignore all of it. So many insane plans, not a single one of which has been implemented...
It looks like that guy ATE Jabba the Hutt.
... and who give a fuck what that bloated sack of protoplasm thinks about anything anyway? Not gonna happen.
No. Some loose ends may have been tidied up, would be my guess.
Anyone skilled enough to assassinate the president of a country, in spite of his protection, would not be killed by a bunch of clueless cops. Especially Haitian cops...
I don't know of any law enforcement agency that is not compromised by the DS. Since that is the case, who exactly would arrest the lawbreakers and throw them in jail?
That is kind of the whole point of "the military is the only way"...
I have yet to see an accurate poll about politics, from any source. Why does anyone pay any attention to political polls? Especially those from the Washington Compost?
Those polls are bad, but are still total crap. The reality is much, much worse for Buy-den.
It was never supposed to be optional, and that is what has wrecked their plans to enslave us. They can't think of anything else to do besides trying to bribe or pressure people, since coercion is illegal.
This, along with the "plans" for the capitol police to establish offices in other parts of the country have got to be a LARP.
Neither one is feasible in reality. The Dims say "they" are going to go door-to-door... but who are the "they" that would actually do it? In reality, nobody. Same for the capital police. Setting up offices in other parts of the country, where they have no jurisdiction whatsoever. It would serve no purpose.
This has got to be a part of the show we are watching, meant to wake up the zombie sheeple as they shamble their way through life. This also means that the people saying these incredibly stupid things are under the control of the patriots, using the Dims to destroy themselves from within.
I can't think of any other reasonable explanation...
Q drops 1102, 1103, 1105 all cover the topic of class action lawsuits against FB and twatter...
No matter how much I stock up on popcorn, it is never enough...
Time to invest in popcorn futures...
Assault with a stinky weapon...
That is SUCH a completely stupid idea... and then I remember we are watching a show. I think the purpose of the show is for the democrats to completely destroy their own party, from within.
The Dims can barely tie their own shoes without the help of several how-to videos, so I very much doubt they will go through with this "plan".
Also, what would they hope to accomplish by going door-to-door annoying people? There is desperation, and then there is just plain stupid...
Everyone say it with me: We Did Nazi That Coming...
Pretend they are Jehovah's Witnesses and... don't answer the door. Problem solved.
Also, we don't even know if this is really a thing yet - how many of Buy-den's plans have actually happened in real life?
As long as you shoot them in the arm, I guess it's OK...
There are good indications that this is true for almost every state as well. Can't say 100% though - yet. The way things are going, we might get to 50 red states soon.
Those are rookie numbers!
Probably a lot of (former?) leftists finally realizing what a good idea the 2nd Amendment actually is...
Good point.
Also, it is another false argument to assume that the military and police would participate in the first place.
People in the military would refuse to follow unlawful orders to fire on their fellow citizens. I served, and I know that is a fact. As for the police, I would like to think that is also true.
Sorry to be the one to break this to you, but your BIL is an idiot. He must be a leftist - they are the only people that I have seen that think this way.
Yeah, he is "doin it rong", but in spite of all the tactical gear, he's just a dumb cop playing dress-up (but with real weapons). Go figure...