Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

I could not stand my typo, so re-posting. Spinoff meme from Trump’s meme today https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1825138139502878806

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

thanks, I will be deleting, but re-posting in a moment, I cannot stand modern keyboards and my typos. On a typewriter in the ‘60s, my aunt could type 120 tp 150 words a minute accurately on a typewriter

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

“Generation Ronald Reagan” people will like this, thanks for sharing!

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

good question, but that would force the issue of her ineligibility, and how much she drinks (GAW post https://greatawakening.win/p/17txogrBCa/please-pray-for-kamala-harris/ ) not to mention how many black men were wrongfully imprisoned and kept in prison

Malachi3vs16 0 points ago +1 / -1

+1 because Juan’s statement there was definitely on the lame side. Any gamer person buying a house, where and how! Some gamers could be top app coders with jobs, but just as likely they are at their parents homes paying off student loans if they went to college!!!! ____Recently he did call ahead of time 1) the Japan stock market drop (but not the recovery) and 2) drips incoming about Kamala — which are coming out and covered here at GAW thread https://greatawakening.win/p/17txogrBCa/please-pray-for-kamala-harris/

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +2 / -1

this one is a great meme! spoiler: Fed reserve ponzi compared to :________ (well, I shouldn’t completely spoil it, go there before it disappears, and you won’t be disappointed)

Malachi3vs16 6 points ago +6 / -0

there’s some positive verses to remember to give thanks!

Malachi3vs16 4 points ago +4 / -0

this chart! I think you can add flair!

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

Constitutional law for UK is interesting. Recent election of Labour Party was achieved with such a low voter turnout that Labour hardly represents barely a plurality. Tories leadership was globalist /elitist post -Thatcher. Labour is in power and leads as (His Majesty’s Government) to let UK see how bad things get. ____ part of the Great Awakening?

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting, a lot of people can oppose apartheid and oppose at the same time the SACP (South African Communist Party) and ANC groups, so the label there in the Mirror is not necessarily fair. Here is my summary Globalist elitist deep state destruction of S. Africa (preface: I bet the Mirror crowd is proud that after apartheid ended, over the years 4.7 million out of 26 mill. got aquired immune deficiency and millions of women raped. ____ Dr. Stanley Monteith (hero 1929-1914) of Radio Liberty out of Monterey, California (challenged but lost to Leon Panetta in a Congressional race) had stated that there were good South Africans integrating the schools and hospitals, Christians involvement. -end of preface) ____ 1) Mr. Tamsanqa Linda was mayor of 26 S. Afr. black townships representing 6 million people quote: “Nelson Mandela does not represent my people.. (I got to hear him speak, in person, at a meeting in the Los Angeles area in 1991). ____2). Ronald Reagan and M. Thatcher agreed upon “constructive engagement” policy to help end apartheid, oppose communist destruction of S. Afr., and to assist the integration that Christians like Dr. Stan Monteith supported and mentioned. ____ The British deep state got Q.Eliz.2 to tell Margaret Thatcher to change policy, that sanctions was the way. https://www.elle.com/culture/movies-tv/a34764793/the-crown-queen-margaret-thatcher-feud-apartheid-sanctions/ ____3. Bye-den helped override in the Senate Reagan’s veto of sanctions and Pres. Reagan’s secretary of state disagreed with R. and promoted sanctions ( Bye-den at 4 min. 27 sec. https://www.c-span.org/video/?150206-1/south-africa-policies). Is it surprising what happened to S. Afr. occurred after a Bye-den sanctions policy?

Malachi3vs16 5 points ago +5 / -0

Neil Gorsuch voted as part of the 4, not because he thinks that Title IX should allow non-women into women’s sports, but only because he thinks that the injunction blocks other parts of Title IX that not necessarily need to be blocked. . His vote was kind of technical, from a judicial philosophy that he should only uphold a part of the injunction from the lower court, and not the entire lower court injunction. He thought the injunction was too broad and that limiting the administrations’ policy could have been done differently, more narrowly. So he will be solid against the new “policy” added to Title IX, at this stage of hearing the injunction he can afford to cast his vote this particular way that seemingly makes it look like he sides with the administration, even though he really doesn’t agree with the 3 who want non-women to be able to participate in women’s sports.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bye-den Kamala (Kama[B]la administration lose an argument in the Supreme Court, 5-4, that if Dems had won would have limited lower court injunctions that have placed a hold on Regulations under Title IX where Kamabla and Bye-den are trying to get men who have undergone (or are undergoing procedures) that make them look similar to women (but fail to change them into women kabbala alchemy? of the elitists / globalist agenda). ____ Thanks for protecting women, AFD! https://adfmedia.org/case/cardona-v-state-tennessee ____ https://therightscoop.com/breaking-supreme-court-denies-joe-and-kamala-request-to-resume-transgender-pretender-rule-in-schools/ ____ Supreme court art (frieze) explanation: https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/northandsouthwalls.pdf

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you simply want to post Q post #3387 as a photo and include your headline: A) If your operating system is Windows:

  1. go to https://qalerts.app/?n=3387 ( or https://qanon.pub/ and search “Listen very” because those are key words in post 3387 and that will bring up posts including 3387)
  2. Get “Snipping Tool” app from MS Windows store https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9mz95kl8mr0l?hl=en-US&gl=US because this tool enables you to copy the Q post 3387 image and save it as a .jpg image**** on your desktop or other folder as you choose.
  3. Once you have saved the Q 3387 as a .jpg image, back here at GAW you are ready to make your New Post ____ B) If your operating system is Mac laptop, there is “Screenshot” (app at Mac apple store) or simply while you are at qalerts or qanon.pub and you have found 3387, try pressing all at once Command Shift 4 all at once and Hold while using the pad to select the image you want to capture, then Release from holding Command Shift 4. If Mojave operating system or newer, do Command Shift 5 all at once, select your image. — Then you have your image to upload to GAW. ____ C) If using an Ipad: 1) go to Q 3387 at qalerts or qanon.pub, 2) at the top right corner of the Q3387 post there’s an icon downward pointing arrow, Select that to “Download Post as Image” and then you have the Q post as an image. 3) From GAW “New Post” you are ready to upload and following GAW guidelines, you are all set.
Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Patrick Byrne wrote that Trump was threatened back in 2021= code for Deep State Shadow govt. threatening not Trump but America.___Raskin a former constitutional law professor, well we know he was an anti-constitution law professor but his appeal to the 14th amendment could be taken as a threat against Trump, this time threatening him even after they took their first attempt in Butler.Supreme Court said 9-0 that Colorado could not remove Trump from the Ballot, it is up to Congress, and “less-than-top-notch” Representative Rankin pontificates that the Supreme Court is not doing its job when it’s Congress’ job under the constitution! (sorry, I like ragging on Rankin and “Con-law” professors). Back to your question, A: Raskin and Bye-den are saying what Deep State believes, and they will do civil unrest, attack Trump again, and international nuclear war threat to try and keep Trump from winning.

Malachi3vs16 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kamala is VP, and as she is occupying this office (though wrongfully), she serves as President of the Senate. Ending taxation on tips is part of Trump’s campaign promises, and Kamabla is copying Trump. ____ Louisiana candidate Elbert Guillary basically is telling voters that if Kamala is in favor of ending taxation on tips, what is stopping her from accomplishing this now?!!!! ____1) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/famous-black-republican-elbert-guillory-running-congress-calls/ ____ 2) https://www.kalb.com/video/2024/08/13/elbert-guillory-calls-vp-harris-implement-no-tax-tip-policy/

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +4 / -1

Interesting post! If the image of Atlas holding up the world (with the USA in gold color, and the surrounding parts of the world colored in red like a gemstone) can be interpreted in light of Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged, then the “RevolutionBegins” = collapse of the immoral debt-based system where workers and innovators are sacrificed for the elitist bureaucrats and their leaders.. ____ “Revolution begins” = beginning of the collapse —-> a paradigm shift away from the collectivist technocracy back toward respecting individual rights, values, and capitalism. [chapter 5 Francisco and Hank Rearden conversation]____ The end of the debt-based system is intentional, not by accident, as Americans reject the socialist-technocratic order and debt system and turn to honest money . (I read and outlined the book, needed AI to recall the book chapter and get the summary, AI summary reflects the objectivist philosophy of Ayn Rand)

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you Mr. President and Mr. Elon Musk!____ Rocket engines at Mr. Musk’s X profile 1 and 569 https://x.com/elonmusk ____ Q1569 https://qalerts.app/?n=1569 ____Trump 88.8 million followers, Q 888 N. Korea, “We took control.” ****”Iran next.” https://qalerts.app/?n=888 (N. Korea discussed today in interview between Mr. Musk and DJT)

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

+1 Great, thanks, reliable until Youtube video unavailable at around 8:43 p.m. EDT, GAW live Elon Musk and Trump working here https://greatawakening.win/p/17txfLp8HT/here-is-an-honest-mirror-from-a-/c/

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

added my own downvote! Thanks MathDoesntAddUp for plane regulations updated, no tail numbers required.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

+1 for your each of your comments here. Thanks, I would think that some plane id # would be visible somewhere on the plane, but you posted Regulations op sec (operational security) stating how things changed. I had to give my own comment below a downvote for myself!

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Re-reading your post, what if Trump “nobody there” does mean the real Biden is not there in W-House, and what if he was never there?! Could be AF1 then! ____ Trump time stamp 12:10, Q1210 “The door will be opened later. …”

Malachi3vs16 4 points ago +4 / -0

+1 important truth, archiving. Trump posts and words in a manner that often point to hidden truths being looked at more deeply, revealing the schemes of the elitist-globalist-traffickers. Possibly in days someone will post archive links and reveal more AI manipulation, as some posts have already shown.

Malachi3vs16 4 points ago +4 / -0

one of my questions is where did the Kamala Harris campaign promote this? I am beginning to understand Trumpspeak,that “nobody there” doesn’t mean zero people were there, but that AI, hyped media and “small crowds” is part of the picture.

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