Mark_G 2 points ago +2 / -0

The sad part of it all is that the USA has become the laughing stock of the world. And to think that this has been planned and in the works for decades is sickening. This is God's battle and He may be giving us a period of judgment to humble us.

Mark_G 22 points ago +22 / -0

Just a few thoughts:

  1. Christianity as a whole is turning to be focused on how is an individual being fed, as opposed to how they grow, or how they serve. Consequently a lot of followers are spiritually obese, and not fit. Look for a church that is outward focused.
  2. Churches focus on the Pastor teaching, yet Acts 17:11 tells us to listen to the message readily, but to search the scriptures to know if those things are so. You have to know the Bible for yourself. Find a church that facilitates that and encourages it.
  3. Success these days in a church is often measured by the number of attendees and amount of offering instead of how are people growing spiritually. Find a church that focuses on people serving where they are gifted by the Holy Spirit.

As I said, just a few thoughts, but remember, Jesus gave us three things to do:

  1. Love the Lord above all else and with all that we are.
  2. Love others as we would want to be loved if we were in their place.
  3. Go into all the world and tell people about Jesus.

If a church is not emphasizing those things, it will lose sight of its purpose.

Mark_G 28 points ago +28 / -0

I whole-heartedly agree. It is key to remember Ephesians 6:12. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

It is a spiritual battle in which we are engaged, not a battle with other people who have been misled or deceived. Let us pray that more people turn to the Lord, repent, and clean up their lives. That is the way we will win the war.

Mark_G 6 points ago +6 / -0

It was encouraging to hear Vladimir Putin's words. It is a shame that they are not being spoken in public here. We have had such evident exceptionalism in this country, which on reflection seems irrevocably tied to our recognition of God and His providence. As we have stepped away from that as a nation, and specifically the current public leadership, it is evident that the senseless incompetence of mankind is on display in this nation that was once exceptional.

Mark_G 6 points ago +6 / -0

Excuse me for just catching on, I didn't see the 6 6 6 correlation at first. In case someone else gets tripped up like me, it is simply the digits of the date each added 6, 2+4, and 2+0+2+2. Thanks for the post.

Mark_G 3 points ago +3 / -0

It truly is a travesty. Overall this same thing happened the first two years of the Obama administration. A hell-bent pursuit of pushing through all their radical agenda. Remember, this may be God's judgment on our nation. Unless we are properly aligned with Him, all our efforts will be for naught.

Mark_G 3 points ago +3 / -0

It really is about a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes there are some distinct differences between versions. It is so easy to get wrapped up in academics. At the core, we are to put our trust in Jesus and do as He told us to do. And He wrapped that up in three commands. 1. Love the Lord with all that you are above all else, 2. Love others as you would want to be loved if you were in their place, and 3. Go into the world and tell people about Jesus.

The more we read the Bible, the more we will understand what the Truth is. I frankly have kept to the KJV, NKJV, NASB, or ESV. Understand that there are two principal texts out there. For accuracy and in-depth study, the KJV translates some things far more accurately than the others, but all versions have some challenges. But all versions contain the same general story and truths. The best Blble translation is the one that you will read.

The body of Christ, the real church is people, not buildings. It is about relationship, not rules, not religion.

Mark_G 5 points ago +5 / -0

When I look at the battle, it really is not a battle of red vs. blue, it is a battle of good vs. evil. And there is good and evil on both sides and in each person. To me, it feels like the two-minute clock has just started and evil is raising the stakes and setting discretion aside to make a full on frontal assault on every aspect of society. Having spent almost seven decades here, I am assured that the only remedy is for people to recognize their dependence on the one who created them and this world and turn to serving those around them, instead of focusing on money, power, status or comfort. Just my thoughts.

Mark_G 86 points ago +86 / -0

One of the key elements of the discussion as you relayed it is that you showed respect and compassion for the gentleman. There is much to be gained from his response. I would encourage us all to realize that every person, no matter their beliefs, will respond better than otherwise might be the case if we demonstrate compassion and respect. If we do, then their response is truly on them, and maybe they will listen.

Mark_G 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Lord Jesus Christ is my Lord, my King and my savior. He is my purpose, and my strength. Thank you Lord Jesus.

Mark_G 1 point ago +1 / -0

I too as an Android user am waiting for the App to be available. Given the environment, I'm not sure Google will just let it be placed there.

Mark_G 6 points ago +6 / -0

Putin has announced the exercise is over and withdrawing troops. It would appear a lot of this is to flush out the demagogues and tyrants. You have the Durham release. It would appear it is coming to light. Might be time for popcorn.

Mark_G 9 points ago +9 / -0

Praying now. I pray that she knows the Lord as her savior. This is so sad. Your comments about our feelings about the vaxxed are do pertinent. Each one of us is created for good works by the Lord God Almighty. Can we simply love one another where we each happen to be and start to come together? The division needs to end if we are going to survive this. Let's commit to letting this each start with us as we pray for this dear person.

Mark_G 2 points ago +3 / -1

The Lord Jesus Christ really is the only hope for each and every person. People will not come unless they are called. So let's pray that this season does not go to waste. Please ask the Lord to show you that He is real, and then have faith to place Him on the throne of your life, and follow Him. May He bless you on your journey.

Mark_G 12 points ago +13 / -1

Look up Dr Simone Gold and America Front Line Doctors. https://www.bitchute.com/video/cspP45qJChtf/ https://www.westernjournal.com/doctors-come-forward-warn-cdc-tell-america-truth-covid-vaccines/ There are others, but those can give you a start. If I can find a couple of the others, I'll pass on the link.

Mark_G 2 points ago +2 / -0

A lot of the supposed contradictions go away when you look at the context of what was being written. It is easy to get lost in the minutae of individual texts, but by and large the narrative of the Bible and details remain consistent within the entire Bible. Mark Twain commented, “It ain't the parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it's the parts that I do understand.” I'd offer that instead of endlessly dissecting the Bible and looking for contradictions, if we simply read the New Testament and seek to live that out in our lives, the world will be a changed place. The Bible and my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ have transformed me and my life from lost and prideful to humbled and living a life of purpose for others I encounter.

Mark_G 1 point ago +1 / -0

See https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvWaed3WWfMKtau4i1PUwnQ The logo on the map corresponds to the logo on the website.

Mark_G 5 points ago +5 / -0

March 4 is the prescribed date for presidential inaugurations to be held under the original (Pre-1871) US Constitution.

Mark_G 2 points ago +2 / -0

As much as we are encouraged to question and look for ourselves, I have found the same to be true for faith. Instead of relying on what a pastor, a teacher or a church says, the truth is pretty clear if you make an effort to simply read the Bible, as it were the truth. What you understand, do. You will rapidly discover that many teachers water down the truth so as not to offend and to keep the pews and offering plates full. Others add items that add to our burden instead of simply following the basics we are told to do. As Mark Twain said, "It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.

Mark_G 1 point ago +1 / -0

After the inauguration, there were posts about the US flag not flying over the White House. At 6:00 PM EST is appears that there is a flag now flying again. Just curious.

Mark_G 1 point ago +1 / -0

This came in over CloutHub. Has anyone else heard of this?

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