MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had heard that. Eddie Murphy did a bit on it.

The GAW user in question once reposted here a video he posted onto telegram or rumble or something where he tried to explain that if you take the number of crimes committed by black people and divide it by the number of black people, it shows that 99% of black people don’t commit crimes. It was like listening to Sammie Davis Jr explain how apple divided by orange equals banana.

MarkusCincinnatus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Interesting story. One autumn I made a hotel reservation for the next summer and didn’t realize the hotel was owned by south Asians. That winter they hit my credit card with a bunch of charges. The credit card company’s procedure was for me first to contact the merchant to see if it’s just a mistake that can be cleared up. I called the hotel and spoke with some Apu who claimed the charges were mistakes and that he would reverse them. I called him the next day to tell him that he only reversed one of the charges and the others were still showing on my cc account. He tried to shine me on some more so I had enough and called the fraud department who eventually straightened him out. People like that aren’t us. They aren’t bounded by principles; only by what they can get away with.

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +6 / -4

Mr Musk has forced the British cover up of Keir Starmer and the "rape gangs" in England into the light.“

Take the cyber dick out of your mouth. The south Asian rape gang story was widely known to have been broken over a decade ago. From 2014 Guardian:

Rotherham child sex scandal: Andrew Norfolk on how he broke the story

Everyone in positions of authority in the UK has known. The ones who failed to use their authority to do the right thing are all by default complicit in the cover up. We don’t need Elon to tell us the obvious.

It was eye opening to me on both fronts to learn about the heinous activity in the UK and the "hating" on East Indians. “

They’re the same ethnic group. The desires to rape other people’s daughters and to steal other people’s countries come from the same psychopathic genes. It has occurred to me that Elon’s juxtaposition of the south Asian rape gang story just after his h1b controversy revealed that he was just trolling us or playing a role with the h1b garbage, and that he really wanted us to see the viciousness in common between the co-ethnics.

MarkusCincinnatus 8 points ago +10 / -2

That pretty much sums it up.“

… means that Elon had already decided that Americans are retarded. The part that was eye opening for him was, “we learned some people really don't like Indians.”

MarkusCincinnatus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Michael Chertoff was born to Gershon Baruch Chertoff (1915–96), a rabbi and Talmudic scholar who was the leader of Congregation B'nai Israel in Elizabeth, New Jersey, and Livia Chertoff (née Eisen), a Polish–born Israeli American who was the first flight attendant for El Al.[2][3] His paternal grandparents are Paul Chertoff, a rabbi and professor of Talmud,[4] and Esther Barish Chertoff.[5]“

He was Secretary of Homeland Security. I wonder whose homeland he was trying to secure? Apparently not Americans’.

MarkusCincinnatus 1 point ago +1 / -0

It takes a very long time and a one to one conversation to do this.“

And if the person doesn’t have idea permanence then each time you make progress you might have to start over the next time.

MarkusCincinnatus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Mostly the latter, but a bit of both. Leftism is violence instead of voluntaryism and most leftists are consciously aware of that and they like it because it feels like power to them. So those people are vile right off the bat. Leftists hide their blood lust and power lust (libido dominandi) behind the degree of separation that is the state apparatus. They advocate for government goons to do the dirty work for them.

Some naive people may not realize this set up and believe that people siccing the police dogs on civilian competition actually is somehow for the common good. These naive people join the leftist tribe and are soon subjected to a shit ton of communist propaganda about how the ends justify the means, and the people then rationalize vileness.

MarkusCincinnatus 1 point ago +1 / -0

and they’re especially tarded because who even knows the politics of the valets and bell boys

MarkusCincinnatus 5 points ago +5 / -0

A couple younger guys were talking about gross stuff online such as “2 girls 1 cup” and other scat fetish material. I told them that people who get turned on by that probably have brain parasites influencing them. The guys nodded along and said it would make sense.

MarkusCincinnatus 7 points ago +7 / -0

… drugs it became super profitable to keep drugs coming.

When government declared war on poverty it became super profitable to become a bureaucrat.

MarkusCincinnatus 6 points ago +6 / -0

By Khaleda Rahman National Correspondent“

but the dot heads are such an enrichment to the natives

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Injuries caused by directed energy weapons“

Anonymous Conservative has been telling us about this for years. He doesn’t seem so crazy anymore

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

“White supremacy” is a boogeyman phrase because most people accused of it don’t know its definition, and don’t think the reason white people should have their own nations is because their people are supreme. We deserve our own nations just for being ourselves, regardless of whether we’re supreme. It would be strange to go to Burundi and tell the natives that if they don’t outscore foreigners by a large enough margin on IQ tests or technological assessments then the natives of Burundi don’t deserve to live and work in their own country and should be replaced by the foreigners. Even though race replacement would be an objective improvement to Burundi, it would still be an awful thing to do to those native people and their culture. In the H1B situation, it shouldn’t matter if some individual foreigners are supposedly competent. They’re not us, so they shouldn’t be invading the culture developed by our people.

White people took up the beliefs and practices of Christianity the most readily of all of the races, even though they were geographically farther from the works of Jesus than many other people. White people and especially white North Americans or just white Americans have done the most to spread Christianity around the world, including to people of many different races and to people whose ancestors may have rejected the Gospel previously. This drives Satan crazy, so Satan inspired vicious people to attack Christianity and to try to slow its spread by attacking white people. All of the anti-white crap you see is dressed up anti-Christianity.

H1B is another attack on Christianity, dressed up as a plea for competence. We can afford religious freedom to the Americans who have already been here and whose ancestors fought the British (softening the British Empire to lose other colonies such as India), worked the land, stimulated the economy, built the infrastructure, paid the taxes, and contributed to American culture. We have no duty to import non compatible cultures or individuals who refuse to live by the Golden Rule. It doesn’t matter how well or cheaply some heathen codes, he isn’t us and he doesn’t belong here.

MarkusCincinnatus 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s what the fire retardant clothing industry wants you to think

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