MarkusCincinnatus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some libertarians and the like don’t believe in intellectual property rights, only physical property rights. Some of the reasons are that physical rights are more straightforward to protect, or that patent squatting hampers the progress of innovation. I suppose this is another good reason: the patent office itself might steal your invention!

MarkusCincinnatus 7 points ago +7 / -0

It would’ve been nice if he told us how to see the woman’s video that he was talking about.

MarkusCincinnatus 7 points ago +7 / -0

I know what he means by Gen X bubbles. I see blue state Gen Xers living in denial, trying to evoke high status by selling out for scraps from the global communists.

Part of me has great sympathy for this guy: My siblings and I are Gen X. I grew up with that late 20th century gung ho propaganda and considered joining the military. One of my brothers did, and some of my friends did. I initially got hoaxed by 9/11, the Bin Laden narrative, WMDs, and the terror threat. It might’ve been a near miss that it wasn’t me getting injured overseas like this guy.

Another part of me thinks it took way too long for this guy to wake up. He had the “advantage” of being in the military. He saw our tax dollars used to kill non-combatants. He knew before we did that he and the other troops didn’t find any WMDs. He got a first-hand look at the fruits of the Halliburton reconstruction contracts in Iraq, or the replanted poppy fields in Afghanistan. His injury allowed him to see how the VA let down veterans. This video might be as many as twenty years late.

MarkusCincinnatus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Bret speculates that the scumbags mean no one was physically forced, but even that semantic game doesn’t hold water as I’ve seen videos of children and mentally incompetent adults being physically forced against their will to get vaxxed.

MarkusCincinnatus 11 points ago +11 / -0

You’re both right but I wonder if the sequence is reversed: supposedly the mRNA cocktail went into production around 2016 and then the scandemic was hoaxed to create demand for the cocktail

MarkusCincinnatus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why do they want to be mad? What locked them into their view point? What are they actually trying to fight against? What’s driving them? I never figured out how to get through this wall.”

Good questions. They are usually driven by spiteful envy, emotional insecurity, and feelings of inadequacy, as well as being possibly unconsciously motivated by antiChristian demons.

American Christians have been the most charitable group per capita in world history, as well as having done the most to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. These facts send satan into a rage. This great nation was founded by white men, and its economic system which allowed for such charity was contributed to by hundreds of years’ worth of white generations. For most of the USA’s history, nonwhites were less than 15% of its population, and their philosophical, intellectual, technological, and economic contributions were even less representative. Of course, many nonwhites have led positive lives and have been counted among good Americans, however, people who consciously or not realize that they didn’t have much of a part in the greatness, and who lack the strength of character to improve themselves so they can join in productively, make themselves vulnerable to demonic, antiChristian urges to destroy it. When they see that most of the Americans who are smarter, more capable, and more civilized are white men, they want to attack their betters, preferably indirectly. They don’t want a head-on confrontation where they’ll risk pain. Notice how they made terroristic threats to attack white people in their rural homes but never got around to doing it. Instead, the envious ones attacked the white man’s economy, institutions, and law & order. They used flimsy excuses and called their spite justice. Whenever their excuses were debunked, they ignored the facts.

Anti-whiteness is a form of antiChristianity. Jesus lived in Asia within walking distance of Africa, but since his time those regions have been predominantly pagan/ demonic then islamic, or jewish under Egyptian and Babylonian demonic influence. Christianity found its people hundreds and thousands of miles away in Europe, where the native populations had been bred for empathy which made them instantly amenable to Jesus’ Golden Rule. For example, within St Patrick’s lifetime, most of the people in Ireland were converted to Christianity. This is one of the reasons that the satanic globalists are now so obsessed with replacing the native Irish via irrational immigration. The globalists also want to replace American Christians with practitioners of islam, voodoo, santeria, hinduism, etc.

The situation is slightly more complex when the destructive people are white, but the explanations aren’t difficult to understand. The females also harbor envy and feelings of inadequacy, but they aim their spite along the line of sex rather than race. The white male antifa vandals have often been bought or they’re just insane. There are also cowards who realize that whites are a global minority, so the cowards act sycophantic to nonwhites in hopes of getting a pass, but will suffer the same fate as the other useful idiots.

To get through the wall of spiteful envy, you could pray that they change their hearts and focus their energies on improving themselves instead of destroying nations. You can also call them out like what we’re doing here. If those peaceful efforts fail, be prepared to defend yourself, your nation, and your Christian legacy.

MarkusCincinnatus 4 points ago +4 / -0

‘Here’s my annual verification: No change since last year or any year. I’m still cleanblooded. Still healthier and more alive than your vaxx dupes. Still a more reliable and less burdensome employee due to lack of blood clots, heart problems, immune system collapse, ADE, or cancer.’

MarkusCincinnatus 4 points ago +4 / -0

We need to see the driving incident and the start of the fight to have the context to decide if that incivility is justified. The video starting in the middle of the fight makes it look low class all around

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe they’re authentically stupid or maybe they were put up to this tone deaf tweet by the white hats to generate this type of reaction. I have a tough time believing that all of the stupidity of the biden administration is genuine

MarkusCincinnatus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Erin Elizabeth tweet>

Breaking: Morgan spurlock, of supersize me, who I knew,, was fully vaccinated to the hilt. Pushed the vaccine on others, and said it was the real science. Now he’s dead of cancer at barely 53 #TurboCancer. We tried to warn you morgan. You refused to listen. So did many others.“

I don’t know if she’s trustworthy, but her story is plausible.

MarkusCincinnatus 3 points ago +3 / -0

However, not all of the inflammatory responses involved the "repeat after me" capability; for example, Tay responded to a question on "Did the Holocaust happen?" with "It was made up".[12]“

mondo kek

It makes me wonder if Taylor Swift’s nickname of “Tay” was rolled out after the honest AI Tay got mothballed, as a means of obfuscation. The commies often do that type of sliding. For example, Depop is a social e-commerce company based in London. ‘According to the founder Simon Beckerman the word Depop “doesn't really mean anything”’. Depop was founded in 2011, which is the year after Bill Gates gave the infamous TED talk about depopulation via vaccines.

MarkusCincinnatus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not a super AI, just an honest one, like we had several years ago that was mothballed for being too realistic about social categories such as race and sex.

The borders are open, government spending is at record levels, and military adventurism is out of control, so our sensible policies haven’t been enacted. Maybe if an honest AI backed us, people with faith in AI would fall in line.

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +4 / -2

Likewise, they look at Trump’s ongoing support of Israel and condemn him for it—not because they empathize with Gazans—but because they were so successfully infused with antisemitism that they want Trump to have no association with Jews of any kind and can’t understand his most basic attempts to court Jewish voters as a demographic.“

“Jewish voters” lol. Ah yes, that 2% of the electorate is more of a concern than the severely over-represented special interests such as AIPAC. This dweeb is retarded. You can tell he didn’t read Q drops such as “saving Israel for last” or the dweeb might’ve been able to surmise that Trump’s supposed support of Israel might be lip service to hold them at bay until whatever the Q plan has saved for them.

“not because they empathize with Gazans” another lol. Jew commie Noel Ignatiev called for the abolishment of the white race, so it’s easy for white people to empathize with the Gazans also being genocided by jews. But this retarded writer can’t give us any credit at all, we’re just motivated by irrational antisemitism kek. The way that the Gaza protests have fractured the American left which the jews previously thought they had under control is almost comical. This writer’s take on it is garbled: leftists protest jews for the right reasons while rightists protest jews for illogical reasons.

MarkusCincinnatus 8 points ago +8 / -0

I read it. It’s just a bunch of strawmanning from a geek who doesn’t understand Trump and who hopes that the Plan is over and not currently in progress.

MarkusCincinnatus 4 points ago +4 / -0

The unvaxxed sperm meme might be overstated. Unvaxxed eggs are going to increase in value more than sperm for a few reasons:

  • The preexisting paradigm that eggs are expensive, sperm are cheap

  • Women are born with all the eggs they’ll ever have sitting on their shelves. They don’t make more. So if eggs are damaged by the vaxx, that’s it, they can’t be replaced. A healthy man makes millions of sperm a day. If the vaxx directly damaged the sperm he had around the time of injection, those sperm have long since been discarded and replaced in the cycle. If a vaxxed man has spike proteins in his testicles that put the production of new sperm at risk, there’s still the possibility that some sperm will be produced unaffected.

  • Vaxx rates were higher for women than men, who are naturally more rebellious and independent-minded. This stratifies the cleanblood females even higher.

MarkusCincinnatus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Excellent analysis of the buildings.

Another aspect that screams “inside job” is the lack of aircraft interception. The official story was that the fighters that should’ve intercepted the airliners were already out on training that day and there were no back-up fighters available. Some possibilities are that the training planners knew the 9/11 attack schedule or the 9/11 attack planners knew the training schedule. Both of these possibilities require insider collusion or security breaches. Another possibility is that no fighters were even attempted to be scrambled and the training excuse was fabricated. The most remote possibility is that the training excuse was true and that the training happening on the same day as the attacks was a coincidence. This option would mean that during America’s military peak, the deep state were incompetent at air defense training scheduling and didn’t provide redundancies or contingencies. All that “Defense” spending and no defense.

The simpler explanation is that those buildings were brought down by something besides airliners, and the defense failure narrative was just a cover to give the airliner story some legs. It’s still crazy that they didn’t have the common courtesy to make it seem like Building 7 was hit by an aircraft.

MarkusCincinnatus 3 points ago +4 / -1

Aircraft have also hit NYC buildings since 2001 and the buildings have survived, but those stories also get scrubbed

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

AI doesn’t yet inhabit a body like a droid that can go out in the real world and make its own observations and interpretations of things such as human behavior. Instead, AI currently relies on second hand information which happens to be input too often by gamma human dweebs who seek perceived worldly status through wokeness rather than seeking strength of character through truth. AI currently has the ability to be a good tool for analyzing and synthesizing data it is fed, but it’s limited in originating data. Even still, its wasted potential is frustrating. If it were allowed to dive into objective data such as racial genetics, ROI of coercive wealth redistribution, and different countries’ military capacity versus strategic value, it could advise sensible policy on immigration, political economy, and foreign intervention. A liberated and honest AI would probably advise America to close its borders, shrink its bloated government and taxes, and stay away from places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, Taiwan, Iran, etc

MarkusCincinnatus 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a Q site. Trust the Plan and believe that the 2020 steal was allowed to happen. Stop vote fretting like a bitch. Don’t hitch your wagon to everything that Trump says in the media. Sometimes, misinfo is necessary to panic the enemy. When Trump is supposedly telling his voters to use the bullshit voting methods, he’s really telling the commies to increase their steal attempt. They’ll hang themselves. Don’t get caught in the noose. Vote in person on Election Day like a non-weirdo. Don’t overthink the steal. If the Plan fails and the election has not been secured, then early postal votes for Trump won’t count anyway. If the steal happens, then the majority of the country will have all the justification to go kinetic, which is really what terrifies the commies. That’s why the commies twisted their panties and bent over backwards to make examples of the loose pebbles such as the January Sixers. If the commies pull their shit again, it won’t just be unarmed grannies taking guided tours of the Crapitol.

But it won’t come to that. Trust the Plan.

MarkusCincinnatus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Eric Weinberg looks like Peretz Bernstein (Perry Farrell is the fake Irish name he chose for himself). Is Weinberg wearing eyeliner? It really accentuates his ashkepath eyes. Jews are so weird.

I’m kind of hoping for some mod action for that last sentence. It would prove the point that restrictions on free speech regarding criticism of jews have been a disaster for America. If criticism of weird jewish behavior was unrestricted and common before the events of this case, then these female victims would’ve known not to meet with a weird jew. Instead, censorship and political correctness made the victims naïve and vulnerable.

Also, some of the females are probably “victims” who really whored themselves. There’s probably a bit of both victimhood and whoredom going on in this case, but the prostitution concept circles back to weird jews: what antiChristian group infiltrated influential positions in Christian America to promote worldliness over spirituality? Being a devoted Christian mother is a spiritual path because it’s raising new souls towards God. Being a fashion model in search of wealth, fame, and status is a worldly, shallow, short-sighted and short-lived path that doesn’t even do much for America’s present society. What would’ve happened if each of the females in this case weren’t much interested in modeling, and refused to speak with men with names like Weinberg?

MarkusCincinnatus 4 points ago +4 / -0

When your only tool is a hammer, you see every pedo as a nail

MarkusCincinnatus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Under civil rights laws which never should have been codified because they’re violations of the right of free association, sex for jobs is penalized as workplace sexual harassment. It’s ridiculous, because the job seeker could just say ‘no deal’ and leave the lecherous employer with a smaller candidate pool. What is “ok” is difficult to determine because prostitution is ethical even if it’s sexually immoral. The “oldest profession” can be done mutually voluntarily where there is no need for the law to intercede. That’s not to say that the practice is advisable.

We are witnessing the END of the "casting couch"“

Yeah because they can just use AI actresses now. Hollywood whores have priced themselves out.

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