Let's not forget Aspartame and Rumsfeld. Go take a look at that rabbit hole.
Is this a way to remind us of how bad NAFTA is?
Amen! I needed that today.
Florida is looking to ban chem trails.
Didn't one of the gov agencies buy up a bunch of domains? Can't remember which one. Maybe that could be something that could sidestep an outage.
Yes, Future Proves Past.
Just now stumbled upon this:
I've used Oil of Oregano for upper respiratory infection with great results. I took 2 150 mg gel capsules 3 times a day until the bottle was gone. Be careful about the toxic release. Drink extra fluids and soak in a hot bath. I think next time I will cut back to 2 caps twice a day instead of 3.
I've noticed the lightening and thunder in Oklahoma has been weird. Lightening is more like a strobe light, with few streaks. The thunder is a continuous low rumble lasting too long.
Here is a radar map I've not seen before. There are different options under "settings".
I noticed the same. I looked at 3 different weather maps.
Click the U at the upper right side of window to filter military planes only.
Not a P3, but activity none the less.
I bet if this guy got ahold of Trump, he would bring attention and solutions to this disaster .
That explains the military aircraft activity. Been a lot of circling planes.
East coast of Florida also has interest activity.
The overall activity has been very interesting the past few weeks. I start my days taking a look. Lol
I apologize for the blurry. The PAK2 plane is Pakistan. The other plane is a B762.
I watch the planes daily. On 9/5 at 8:49pm there were 251 showing in air. Of those there was a Q4, 2 Q9's, 13 P8's, 4 E3TF's, 3 E6's and 2 V22's. I have used a aircraft identify site to learn these are some of the heavy hitters in surveillance and such. I've not seen this many in the past. Evening with training excersises.
Unbelievable! Wish Trump would have mentioned this precise program at the debate.
Could it be Utah US attorney John Huber? I've been wondering what happened to him.
Thank you. I moved to Oklahoma from St Louis, Mo in 1979 at age 21. Sight unseen. Lol. Went through some cultural shock, but the spirit of the people won me over!
This makes me proud to be an Okie!
I wish I had words of wisdom to share, but am at a loss.
This is what I was referring: