Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a movement, most visible on Twitter that I've seen, called the Trad-wife movement. A move toward traditional femininity for women, by very young, typically 20's, women. Kind of an anti-3rd Wave Feminist movement.

Mcmurdo32 10 points ago +10 / -0

The left are the ones that did it. The Democrats, lead by leftist FDR, ran things at that time.

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't forget who the only party to have forced a certain demoghic group into concentration camps is. Note also that this party that is constantly accusing everyone else of racism never forced all the nice White people of German ancestry into concentration camps.

Mcmurdo32 7 points ago +7 / -0

The fact that major politicians and media figures even THOUGHT of it as a possible solution is the problem. They could never do it because of the Second, but such things are in their minds.

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

It had to do with a concern she had about the original law as written opening up state schools to frivolous lawsuits, not with her stance on transgenders in sports. She's always been against that.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

You must be very hard to please, both for looks and for politics. Lots of women in South Dakota have similar physical characteristics. I assume it's a healthy mix of Sioux. And remember that politically, no one is perfect, but take the victories where you find them.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember the Democrats did single her out on that issue. That certainly helped to draw attention to her.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

The people I know who did get vaccinated stopped fearing getting sick immediately after they got it. Despite the now widely known fact that you can still get covid with the shot, their fear never returned. Some psychological thing I guess, but the truth is our government could not convince people to hide in their homes and limit gatherings after the vaccines became available.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember that vaccines are perceived as the ultimate protection from diseases by most people whether they are or not, and that push to communism has been slowed significantly from what they intended. We'd be full on Khmer Rouge by now if they'd had their way. As has been pointed out on here often, this is the Cabal's last gasp. Their window is closing and they know it. They are not going to waste time if they can help it. They wanted full lockdowns into communism, not spending the last year begging people to get a shot because they have been unable to actually force it on people.

Mcmurdo32 14 points ago +14 / -0

Sam Adam's and company painted a "T" for " Tory" on shops in Boston that colluded/supported the British in the years leading up to the American Revolution. I'm not so hot on vandalism, however businesses that collude with the new Nazis need to be marked and punished in some way.

Mcmurdo32 7 points ago +7 / -0

People were so scared of covid from a media driven fear that they were letting their governments install communism right under their noses. Rushing the vaccines in was to alleviate this fear. Now they didn't have to fear covid, they had a vaccine against it.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Spartans were the 300 Greeks who stood off a whole lot of Persians. Sparta was one of many Greek city states of the time. Their sacrifice encouraged the other Greek city states to unite in the war against the Persians to prevent them from taking Greece.

Mcmurdo32 6 points ago +6 / -0

Eh...just say the magic words. Those people don't deserve cordial language.

Mcmurdo32 4 points ago +4 / -0

C'mon guys, you're overreacting. It's just two weeks to slow the spread.

Mcmurdo32 12 points ago +12 / -0

The things that Elon is working on are detrimental to the globalists becuase they will help to empower the individual. Starlink. A completely off the grid solar power system. The ability for people of even more moderate means to leave the planet. I garantee the globalists don't want us just to be able to go to Mars to escape their dystopia. So neutral or WH. Not BH.

Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +2 / -1

They're stupid enough to do it. That said, the government is paying Musk to build a rocket, and the government itself is building a rocket. Which are we getting a better bang for our buck on?

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

250,000 years ago? Was that the first time some woman offered sex to the returning hunters in return for an extra slab of meat, thus kicking off modern industry?

Mcmurdo32 20 points ago +20 / -0

They are required to commit their crimes in an environmentally friendly way, or at least what is perceived as an environmentally friendly way.

Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is a "Fauci"? I keep thinking I heard that term before but I can't remember what they said one was.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

That third world BS is unacceptable. The current bunch who took power under highly questionable circumstances do not know how to run a country. Even if they got their authoritarian dream, and they won't, they wouldn't know how to run it. They are too self absorbed to understand how life works.

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you are putting Rand Paul on your RINO list, I'm sorry to say, but there will be no pleasing you. Nobody is perfect, Paul included, but he is about as anti-RINO as you are going to get excepting Trump and a few others.

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