MeanoReno 5 points ago +5 / -0

I know exactly what you’re talking about with your grandma. My grandpa was born in 1888 and his wife my grandma was born in 1890. They were both very disciplined. From the moment they woke up everyday at 5:30am to the time they went to bed around 8:30pm their day was full of self discipline. When I was a kid I spent every spring break at their house, this was back all through the 1970s and they were in their 80s then. First thing they would do is take me to the barber shop for a crew cut.

My grandma would wake up at 5:30am and set up the breakfast table, it looked like a smorgasbord with every breakfast food you could think of including multiple fruit dishes. Lunch was just a toasted sandwich and dinner at 5:00pm was small and basic with a portion of meat, potato and vegetable, no desert. I spent my days working in my grandpa’s garden are putting a multiple thousand pice jigsaw puzzle together that my grandma would buy to keep me busy. Fun Days 😎. I use to dread spring breaks, but after they passed away I realized how much I missed them.

MeanoReno 3 points ago +3 / -0

Too many back SC nomination picks by Republicans over the years. Reagan’s pick of Sandra Day O’Connor, Bush’s pick with Robert’s and Trump’s pick of Barrett. All of these picks sucked big time.

MeanoReno 6 points ago +6 / -0

First, they force them out of their job one way or the other, so they no longer have control and access over anything. Second, once they have the opportunity and time to check out everything, all the evidence, when they’re certain they have a solid case, then, and only then, do they file charges and make any arrest.

MeanoReno 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, it’s always a bummer finding out someone you thought was genuine turns out to be a grifter. Too many fall for the love of money.

MeanoReno 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hear you, but I believe like our forefathers did when forming our country and writing our constitution and Bill of Rights, that certain freedoms come from God and not the country we reside in. Freedom of speech is one these, evil, control freak, tyrants will try to shut people up, but our right to free speech does not come from these people and never will.

MeanoReno 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yeah, she has a right to express her opinion no matter how idiotic it is, thanks to patriots who have fought in many ways to give her this freedom and protect this freedom. Others also have the right to express their opinions on her opinions.

I pretty much know her mindset after dealing with others with the same mindset. It’s the blame the Jewish people for everything and anyone who hires them or works with them as bad too. Her tweet on Trump’s political advisor Stephen Miller’s video which stated towards him quote “ Listen, Jew, you are no one.” tells me all that I need to know about her.

MeanoReno 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is “Hear, Hear”.

MeanoReno 1 point ago +3 / -2

I remember Miller singing praise for Pence in the last day of Trump’s first administration, that is when I knew for sure Miller was actually as dumb as he looked.

MeanoReno 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don’t underestimate your kids, they might be there right behind you.😎 I guess Rush Limbaugh was right, you get what you tolerate. Start with baby steps, and ask your wife if she could please turn down the Taylor Swift music rather than blast it.😎

MeanoReno 1 point ago +1 / -0

If my wife blasted Taylor Swift music all day long I’d kick her to the curb and get a smarter wife.

MeanoReno 4 points ago +5 / -1

The country needs a year of Jubilee. A once in a lifetime pass for all those holding office that were either blackmailed or bribed to come clean and expose their blackmail or bribe. Once confessed and exposed by a certain date, they will get a pass and will not be charged or kicked out of office for it, but instead will be released from the control they were under over it.

Anything after the certain date committed or confessed to will not get a pass. There are too many office holders, federal level and local levels, being controlled this way and too much corruption that it would take drastic measures like a year of Jubilee on this topic to make any real changes at attempts to clean up the corruption.

IDK, maybe this is crazy to even think of giving some of these people a pass for the vile and evil things they may have done, but I can’t see things ever really getting better with one person at a time or a few here and there coming clean or being exposed.

The evil cabal corrupts people in government quicker than we can vote new uncorrupted people in. Also, even if a miracle happened and the corrupted were voted out, without a society honoring God’s ways, the one true God, and fearing when not, then things would get nasty and corrupted immediately after cleaning it up.

MeanoReno 6 points ago +6 / -0

He wasn’t a naval officer, he was a senior chief petty officer which is an E-8. E- stands for enlisted and 8 is one pay grade away from the highest an enlisted person can go which is E-9.

MeanoReno 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly! I couldn’t agree with you more. It doesn’t matter what level, whether fake or real, why would Tucker choose to use a pedophile pervert in his video. If AI then make it really something like with Ronald Reagan or JFK etc….not the POS that Tucker used. This just makes me be more aware of Tucker and what he could and could not be up to.

MeanoReno 1 point ago +1 / -0

Virtue is an individual quality, it is a behavior that shows a high moral standard. Free speech is a right it is not a virtue, it doesn’t express somebody’s moral character one way or the other.

MeanoReno 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you’re wrong. Trump was being sarcastic.

MeanoReno 1 point ago +1 / -0

You’re exactly right. Trump was being sarcastic because Newt gave him such high praise by calling him a “phenomenon”.

MeanoReno 8 points ago +8 / -0

Back in the day when I owned my own business I use to put conservative stickers on my work truck because I did want to weed out degenerate liberals from my customer base. They always been the hardest to please and the lousiest at paying their bills.

MeanoReno 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wish all businesses would be so kind and do this, it would make it so much easier to spend my money on the businesses I’d like to support and not on the businesses I wouldn’t like to support.

MeanoReno 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s the “Love of money” that’s the root of all evil. Too many times when people quote this scripture they out the important word “love”.

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