HA Trump just went scorched earth on these Tesla terrorists and those who are funding it. Maybe with El Salvador being a possibility plus the 20 years perhaps these fags and cowards will stop
For the love of God whatever the population of illegals are there don't just leave while taking 5% lol
You just said in the same comment it would take leg work to get through it all and sift out the important bits. Then also you think it is probably a nothingburger.
Kind of a confusing statement overall. Wouldn't you not know if it is or isn't a nothing burger until the leg work is done with proper analysis?
And btw I get it. I am tired of the bait and switch shit. Over it. But if I myself am not going to do the leg work and instead read a summary like most I won't make any claims until the work is actually done.
At what point do the blockades stop? The amount of cleaning up required in 4 years time isn't going to happen if everything is continually blocked.
It is starting to look like half measures. And half of the progress made was lost due to some of these judges.
Need to get past this garbage
Your gonna have to explain this one to me?
Swatting has been called in on kidnapping threats, domestic violence, intent to do violence, etc.
If this doesn't pick up before end of year 1 I doubt a dent will be made. No doom just pointing it out.
It really needs to be full speed hit the ground running.
Even 100k a month wouldn't do anything.
With such high invader numbers each month we miss a good quota runs it down. The obvious meaning the next month would then need to kick the quota up to make up for the bad month.
As of now it is 2 bad months about 570k people off of what we need....
Tiring of the blockades.... Until real consequence happens and is publicized this will go on for 4 years
Trump has alluded to the fact that there were multiple attempts that weren't publicized. I believe he even said one involved drones.
My brother and I constantly talk about 2015-2019 and how much better discussion, meme sharing, and in general the community was. Less bad actors, and bots as well. 4chan is an absolute mess at this point. Conservative inc has also gotten messier.
But those were good times. TheDonald sunk so fast I barely had time to blink.
Gross. You don't have a problem with those protests? They are organized BY THEM lol
These gen z schizos only muddy the water and make us look bad. Plays right into their hands
The more legislation they can get for more protection against "hate" or "hate crimes" the better for them. These people make it easy for them to paint us in a negative way that suits their agenda.
Not a single one of those protestors have even the slightest clue. They are fools. They can't even explain why they are there half the time.
I don't see this as a free speech thing. This is an obvious ploy to garner up enough actual hate towards them so they can socially clamp our nuts even more. Which will set back the discussions on Israel by years and years.
Gross. You don't have a problem with those protests? They are organized BY THEM lol
These gen z schizos only muddy the water and make us look bad. Plays right into their hands
The more legislation they can get for more protection against "hate" or "hate crimes" the better for them. These people make it easy for them to paint us in a negative way that suits their agenda.
Not a single one of those protestors have even the slightest clue. They are fools. They can't even explain why they are there half the time.
I don't see this as a free speech thing. This is an obvious ploy to garner up enough actual hate towards them so they can socially clamp our nuts even more. Which will set back the discussions on Israel by years and years.
People are getting lost in this one specific part of the process and it is playing into their hands. If we aren't careful we end up looking like the retards at the Universities. Which again is exactly what THEY want.
The truth needs to be in the majority. Not this muddied false activism that has swept up the college youth.
The most important thing right now is as you said get the most out of this term. A Gov shutdown isn't what we need right now.
I to am impatient. I try to remember I am a young Patriot. And many more experienced older Patriots have had to stomach this for far longer than I.
Israel for last. Let's try to enjoy the show as it unfolds.
But I understand where you are coming from.
I Don't disagree with you. In that they must be dealt with in totality. For a permanent fix.
But it is weird the amount of people here choosing to ignore Israel for last bit. I mean there are varying degrees of people around here. But I would assume you follow Q.
If so then you would be off to want Israel fixed today. We aren't even close to weeding out the deep state globally. Or at least as far as current optics goes.
I get it. I want the number 1 problem fixed asap. But at the same time I am at least trying to trust the plan and follow it.
And if that is the case you'd understand we aren't at Israel yet.
Didn't expect to barf so soon in my day. Unreal this type is around these parts. Stick to reddit
Well just face value Trump said he wanted to re-assign them to something worthwhile like the border....
Most likely because there are confused and angry republican normies who lost their shit with that lame ass phase 1.
It is understandable to a degree. But that is why our smaller communities have been important ever since the take down of TheDonald.
The Alex Jones schtick but not funny and done much much worst
Funnily enough we chose the wrong time to be their ally. Patton had it right.
WW2 is fucking weird. A lot of contradictions.
This is a much better time with a much better Russian leader lol to put it mildly
Well I am sure you could see the benefit of making a monumental deal with one of the 3 super powers.
In this circumstance especially since it pertains to Russia.
Honestly I don't even play the game of guessing with Hitler and WW2 anymore. It simply will never be known.
However I do think there is enough evidence to be convinced that Hitler was part of a larger scheme. He was either played, or served the end of his purpose in a scheme he knew of and was part of.
Women should not be in charge of entire Nations. I don't get you people sometimes.
It isn't hard to understand. This type of behavior goes directly against what God intended. Women are not meant to lead a household let alone an entire Nation.
I could write an essay on this. Do you believe women should enter the draft? Or fight in war? If not than why should they be able to make the order for men to fight and die.
Do we vote in one who still has periods? Or one going through menopause? Women are already very well known to be able to keep their emotions in check so surely this wouldn't be an issue either?
Women are progressive by nature. They are bleeding hearts by nature. It is just built into them. It is why they are far less pragmatic and let emotion dictate rather than logic and reason.
Disheartening seeing truthers around here not get something as simple as this.
Edit: No reason to call yourself conservative if you have beliefs like this. Kind of gross there are people around here masquerading as conservatives and then propagate the exact opposite beliefs
He is great. Very few people I think are worth a view. Mark Dice comes to mind as well
Definitely not lost on me. Like I said from the start I have been sounding the alarm on her. As many of my softer republican friends and family loved her. It was sort of like a Ben Shapiro situation.
But I definitely have tried. As long as people are aware. And as I said I trust Trump.
The only part so far that kind sucked but was understandable was when Peter handed him an easy question on who killed JFK.
But really the last person as President to be naming those involved well he became a part of that very question lol
Not mad about it. But imagine if he dead panned looked at the camera and said multiple intelligence agencies within multiple Governments plus other influencers worked together to kill him. Even that would have been stellar.