They gonna haul her in with a forklift?
Now that’s a fucking letter! If that doesn’t give you chills then you a piece of shit commie.
It seems simple to me. Envy is the worst because it’s lusting after what someone else has. It’s similar to jealousy which can be said to be a virtuous trait because jealous means that you wish that you could have what someone else has but haven’t yet earned it. Envy however is when you hate someone Elise because they have something that you could never have. It is a disgusting trait that we see pushed so often with the rich/poor, have/haven nots.
D’nesh D’Souza has a great commentary on envy.
Actually envy is the most disgusting of the major sins.
I think the number is probably closer to 90 mil Trump, 30 mil Biden
I voted for him too, you dumb cock sucking motherfucker.
You’re fucked. Send all your money to the Trump PAC, put on a whole tube of chapstick and then kiss your ass goodbye. Everyone knows it’s a death sentence,
To be real, I had the Rona. Felt like allergies. Headaches for a few days, tight chest for a week and then it was over. I’m 48 not a fat fuck and eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.
Do you want to live on the road, showering twice a week and being treated like dogshit?
There’s a shortage of truck drivers. It’s effecting everything
Everyone is tired. It’s by design, they want us to give up and give in.
Sickening that someone who is a ver has to work 60 hrs a week at 70 years old and illegals can waltz in and get free everything.
It’s the flu. Quit perpetuating the fear.
Fuck that. Don’t quit. Walk in the place like the biggest swinging dick on the planet. Fuck their masks and fuck their bullshit. Make them fire you for not wearing a mask, make them come up with a reason to fire you. Make their lives miserable. They want you to go away quietly.
He always looked over weight because he had a bullet proof vest on at all times.
A guy can swing both ways. I love both groups.
Yep. They started up again last week with a link to the new merch site
This vax bullshit seems like part of the plan to keep people locked down.
My son has been in school learning for the whole school year. The school would send “Covid alerts” whenever someone tested positive. I watched these alerts peak during December 2-3 per day and fall off sharply in January. Between Late January until Mid March there hadn’t been a single alert. Then when the vax rolls out the alerts kick back in and I think I’m the only one that sees the correlation.
Needs to wear a rubber for oral and normal sexual relations as well.
It’s not called natural selection. These folks have been programmed. It’s very disturbing and heart breaking.
Start small wear the mask on your chin
Awesome!!! You didn’t get the common cold. Fun fact 30-40% of people are naturally immune and naturally have the anti-bodies. Maybe your one of the “lucky”1/3 of the population.
I’ve been thinking exactly this.
It’s like when someone says “Drive it like you stole it”