MolonLabe1965 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is it racist to say that indeed there is such a thing as IQ and that some people have a lower one than others? We need to get people to understand the real definition of "Racist." You can believe that someone is less intelligent than someone else and yet NOT be a racist. Not all people were/are created with the same gifts...yet we are all equally human and deserve the same rights under God's laws.

Racist = A person who honestly believes that someone is less than human because of that persons skin color, culture or belief system.

Prejudice = Someone who honestly doesn't like or agree with another persons values, culture or belief system and therefore chooses to marginalize and or disassociate with said person. However, a prejudice person doesn't necessarily believe that a person he/she doesn't care for is less than human in any way.

Racism leads to the evil act of genocide. The Israeli government is racist against every other culture or ethnicity per their own speech. They think "WE" are mere "Goyim" or cattle. Less than human and therefore ok to genocide.

Prejudice leads to a more righteous culture and higher standard of living because the toxic or damaging ideas, beliefs, or practices of different cultures are stood against and weeded out. As a culture, we should be prejudice against the idea of murdering babies in favor of protecting the lives of the most innocent amongst us. This give ultimate value to human life and therefore stands against any societal slippage toward genocide.

MolonLabe1965 3 points ago +3 / -0


MolonLabe1965 10 points ago +10 / -0

No big surprise here...Freemasonry is just satanism in dress clothes and needs to be made illegal, the buildings (covens really) torn down and those who are currently members prosecuted for crimes against humanity!

MolonLabe1965 2 points ago +2 / -0

What concerns me is that Trump said he would release the files during his first administration. Then changed his mind and told Judge Napolitano the reason he didn't release them was "If they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn't have released them either..." What the hell kind of answer is that? He seemed to be concerned that people were listening in on the phone call...whatever!

I predict based on my skewed outlook on the political world because of 40 years dealing with the promises, lies, murders, propaganda, etc. that NOTHING is going to be in these files of any consequence. Why would Trump all the sudden decided to release them now?

I just listened to the Tim Cast Podcast and they were discussing this issue. They touched on the possibility that Israel was behind the JFK assassination. This I believe is close to the truth, but I believe it was someone in the Rothschild circle who actually ordered the hit because Kennedy was actively taking down the FED System. This was like touching the third rail of the Rothschild Banking Dynasty. What other entity in the world had the power to make sure the narratives of Congress, the CIA, the Dallas Police Department, the SS, the MSM, the Parkland Hospital Staff were all onboard with the Oswald narrative? I believe the CIA may have set the hit up and carried it out, but the WHO and WHY all lead to the Rothschilds.

Honestly, we don't even know if what Trump was shown was the truth? Who knows what cock-a-mammy story explaining the assassination was shown him? They could have said aliens or MK Ultra controlled "Jason Bourne Type" assassins? Who knows? Just based on what I have seen the last 40 years, I am not getting my hopes up...

MolonLabe1965 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tried to 2 hours last evening to buy some...couldn't figure out how. Finally gave up in disgust! What a joke! I guess I should be glad...Maybe Jesus was protecting me from this mistake!

MolonLabe1965 6 points ago +8 / -2

Of course I would be happy to just end the IRS and FED. Both are creations of Jewish Zionist money interests and not a single penny of our tax dollar has EVER gone to fund anything within the Federal Government behemoth. All the money has been directly paid to the 13 or so old money families that own the FED system. Each owner needs to be prosecuted and their holdings confiscated! The Rothschild holdings alone are in the multiple trillions of dollars. The heads of these families need to be indicted, prosecuted and thrown in prison or worse and their progeny (their entire future bloodline) needs to be prevented from ever having more than a minimum wage job that provides basic sustenance. If they are ever allowed to gain wealth again the exact same thing will happen. It's sad that this needs to be done to the future of the elite children (innocent as they may be), but the danger of bloodline evil is just too great. How many people have died at the hands of this satanic generational wealth.

I would also add that a worldwide investigation into the Freemasons (which is just satanism in an expensive suit) and satanism (all of its secret societies and covens) needs to happen with the express purpose of finding out who its members and practitioners are. These people need to be individually prosecuted as well (as this would be the bulk of pedophiles/rapists/murderers/child traffickers, etc.). If you practice satanism or Freemasonry, you are suspect and need to be investigated for crimes against humanity.

Ultimately, freedom and liberty doesn't give the the right to just do anything you damn well please! Freemasonry and satanism (Illuminati, Rosicrucianism, Club of Rome, Council of 300) needs to be outlawed worldwide. Future generations need to be educated regarding this most dangerous of human evils and any instance of secret societies that pops up in the future needs to be squashed immediately and its proponents treated as having committed a crime against humanity and dealt with accordingly.

Jesus Christ is Lord of lords and King of kings...!!!

MolonLabe1965 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen to that brother!

MolonLabe1965 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do you buy this shit? Ridiculous how difficult it is to just buy it!

MolonLabe1965 4 points ago +6 / -2

Same tech used in destroying the six 9/11 WTC buildings, the fires in Napa, Paradise and Hawaii.

MolonLabe1965 4 points ago +4 / -0

Without a doubt, the most ruthless, inhumane, destructive force on the planet for the past century is the United States Government.

However, it is only the mechanism for the destruction...the real force behind the destruction is what JFK and other men have mentioned in days past.

The secret societies, those men behind the curtain who control economies and banking are the real culprits who are kneeling at the very foot of satan ready to do his bidding!

Putin knows this. I believe he is on the side of good and is not willing to sacrifice his people on the alter of satan and the NWO as our government has and is still doing.

Of course...it is the Jew who is at the top of the pyramid with their evil banking practices, their satanic Talmud blasphemy and their hatred of any race not theirs!

I sure hope the many are correct and Israel is being saved for last and we are not just being slow walked into another Jewish inspired psyop...but from the look of Trump's cabinet so far...I am far less hopeful than I was when he won the election...

Regardless how wonderful we may think Trump is, we still need to remain frosty folks!

MolonLabe1965 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kristi Noem...Dept of Homeland Security? Isn't she the one that wants to make it illegal to disparage Israel? She's a deep swamp RINO if there ever was one!

MolonLabe1965 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many of these picks are hardline Zionist Jews? Very disheartening!

MolonLabe1965 9 points ago +9 / -0

Exactly! Bingo! People need to understand this. My wakeup to this kind of subversion (create the monster that you want to use as a propaganda tool for the lazy masses) when it was reported during the 9/11 terrorist attack coverage that it was indeed the Israelis who were behind the attack. There were at least 7 of them busted that day, but were quietly deported back to Israel. The country that benefitted most from the 9/11 attacks being blamed on Osama was Israel! The whole world united against the Arab states with the US and Israel leading the charge.

MolonLabe1965 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am very apprehensive about this whole scenario I must admit. If what we hope happens, actually does...it will be glorious...however...the very things involved that will make it glorious are also the very ingredients of this "movie" that will/are rendering us completely open with our asses hanging out for the express purpose of being handed to us in equally glorious fashion! Godspeed to us all!

MolonLabe1965 2 points ago +2 / -0

She was raised a Marxist...seems logical that she'd be quoting from Marx. I agree that it's possible she's acting dumb on purpose...I always wondered how an individual with her intellect could possible pass the Bar let alone become DA? I know she apparently has other "gifts," but having a mouth like a hoover will only get you in the door.

MolonLabe1965 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is all great and fine, but my question is why didn't the Trump team tap into the feed and either disrupt it, record it, etc. You mean they have the tech to tap a feed into her ear and Trump cannot scramble it or record it...

I think she most likely did have an ear piece, but if that's the case and Trump didn't have tech to counter act it...then...well, we just are not prepared for an enemy like this and we will suffer the consequences of this ineptitude!

MolonLabe1965 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wait a minute! Sean Hannity is always saying how the boots on the ground guys in the FBI are the finest, most upstanding people on the planet!? It's only the top that's corrupt!? Now I know why I stopped listening to that goofball on November 4th 2019!

MolonLabe1965 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not according to his family who cannot stand him apparently!

MolonLabe1965 3 points ago +3 / -0

My family thinks I am old fashioned...and I admit I definitely lean toward the older ways. I turn 60 in January...so I don't think I will be changing anytime soon. That said, we were having a Bible Study last Sunday (difficult to find a good KJV church in CA)...and the subject of tattoos came up. This has always been a hot button for me...especially where females are concerned. Of course my family (most of them anyway) accept them as being a harmless self expression and just a fad...permanent as they may be.

Well, as the discussion was progressing and I had basically dug in my heels firmly against tattoos being ok, when the Holy Spirit spoke to me (not very often does this happen) and clarified for me exactly why it's not just a harmless fad of self expression. What was made clear to me in that moment of discussion was that's why tattoos are a problem...in most cases, they are a very public expression of what lies deep in the hearts of the people that have them and that evil is celebrated in our society.

I know that degenerate in this post is an extreme example, but really the only difference between say him and some tatted out coworker is that this individual decided to wear his on his face as opposed to his arms. What I am saying is that most tattoos I see celebrate wickedness and death and it really doesn't matter if it's on your face or on your arm all the way down to the tips of your fingers!

The other thing that occurs to me is that it's a very powerful example of how our society is becoming more and more uncultured, unGodly and unChristian. There's a reason why the practice of piercing and tattoos are most common amongst some of the most primitive cultures in the world. Cultures where this practice is completely imbedded in their lifestyles are found in deepest Africa and the jungles of the Amazon...and consequently these cultures are steeped in satan worship and the occult. It's only within that last 20-30 years these pagan practices have become more common in Western Civilization...and is a trend that shows regression not progression.

No...I'm sorry...tattoos are not just a harmless self-expression fade that's here today and gone tomorrow. This is another sign America desperately needs to recapture her roots or we are going to continue down the Roman path...

MolonLabe1965 3 points ago +3 / -0

I read some of the comments below and the fools saying they are FM's and that it's just a "brotherhood of man" BS are just suckers and spiritually blinded. FR by design is structured to hide it's true agenda(s) from the lower initiates. Albert Pike (FM head guru) says this himself and lays it all out in Morals and Dogma. The uninitiated are not supposed to even have that book. I do have it and have read in detail what they teach...trust me, if you can get a copy of that book and see first hand what Pike discusses, you will know FM is steeped in the occult and satan worship!

But hey, if you are going to call yourself a "Christian" and at the same time take a "blood oath" to never divulge what goes on behind closed doors...go right ahead! But you are just lying to yourself at the behest of the prince of darkness. God would never (in fact commands against it) require you participate in any type of blood oath. The act alone is from the depths of hell! We don't even need to go into proving the details of what's written in their ridiculous, proprietary books written by obese occultists like Albert Pike!

To try and mix Christianity with FM is akin to saying you are a Creationist, but still believe in Evolution. The two (Christianity and FM) are by definition mutually exclusive! Any commonality is simply a matter of twisting Christianity in such a way as to be able to "fit' in with the other...but in each case...it always involves the twisting of Christianity...not the other way around!

To given an example of this I will point to the fact that in FM, you can believe in whatever higher power makes you happy...be it some patchwork of higher powers you dream up of on your own, the god of Islam, one of the many gods of the Hindu, etc. And yes, according to FM, you can even "say" you believe and support the God of the Bible. However, this fact alone precludes Christian participation on principle because Jesus said not to associate with the forces of darkness (the occult). I could point to scripture, but this is basic and we all know it's true. I will finally say that Jesus said, "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life." If you have Jesus and claim to follow Him...there's no room for any other!

Finally, I feel the need to mention one more thing. Do I believe that George Washington (who was a high level FM) was an occultist? Not necessarily...and this is because there's evidence that during the time Washington was living, FM was most likely just a "men's group" or "brotherhood." There's significant evidence (through Washington's own letters) that during our country's founding era, FM was in the process of being infiltrated by the Illuminati which at that time had been banished from...I think it was France or Germany? Can't remember which. In any case, FM ultimately was/is completely controlled by the Illuminati now! That being said, most here are aware of the high level importance the Illuminati play in this satanic push to a NWO...the very thing we are basically fighting against. So...in essence, if you are a FM, you are simply playing both sides of the field. This is just disingenuous and needs to stop!

MolonLabe1965 26 points ago +27 / -1

Agree'd fren...pisses me off when people say it was anything other than the US Government and Israel who orchestrated 9/11! There's so much evidence...The Israelis filmed it and were jumping for joy, high fivin when the buildings were hit! One thing many don't know is that the van the dancing Israelis were using was tracked to a dry cleaner in NJ that was a known front for the Mossad. They also found a large moving truck (Ryder, like was used during the OKC bombing) that had a mural painted on the side of the WTC being hit by aircraft AND the damn truck was full of explosives to be used to destroy the Lincoln Tunnel. This was all disclosed within hours after the buildings came down and explain on radio and TV during that time. I remember hearing it on the radio! So all they did was deport the dancing Israelis and you never heard anything more about it!

Even today Americans have no idea it was Israel who took out the US Liberty and the WTC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7!

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