Monanon 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get that. I do. This isn't what they're alluding to though.

Monanon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Christmas is on a Sunday. The day of worship. Because most don't worship everyday. Some of us do still. Basically they're saying that churches are cancelling Christmas service and urging families to stay home. What if not to celebrate our Lord, is Christmas about? I see it as they're putting the message out there so people don't feel obligated to go to church. Everyone's doin it, it's okay to be like them. OBEY. CONSUME. CONFORM.

Monanon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Need an AIDS test after seeing this profile. Someone needs to protect that poor child.

Monanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't create that. It was a image generic search. Apologies, I just got android phone and am trying to figure it out still....

Monanon 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is disgusting, the new world currency. Sell your life blood. Eew.

Monanon -1 points ago +3 / -4

Stew is a total flake, I get the science, nicotine receptors etc...but really...the frogs turn gay on their on, like snails and worms. You sound like someone I wouldn't stand a chance in an argument with so I won't bother, but there's definitely something fucky with stewed peters. I like mine a bit more raw. I don't trust the fucker. Tell me where I'm wrong . He's a snake oil salesmen. And a shit rapper. Who knew. I thought that part was a joke, but it wasn't. He's usiythis for clout. Prove me wrong. I honestly hope you do. We need as much hope as possible.

Monanon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Luv you too ❤️😚 lol happy blk Friday 🙄 You know they're saying now it's for black people to buy shit only white people can usually afford. Always grifting......

Monanon 0 points ago +4 / -4

Personally, being tethered to Stew Peters, I'll never watch it. His Dr Arden, rattlesnakes show was my very last straw, until his bullshit rap video, then I was up to my aura.. Fuck this guy, and if you don't know, do some research before you talk shit. Dudes a joker. Sad. People need something to believe in. Better dig out those old Poison cassettes. 🙄🙏 He isn't it.

Monanon 0 points ago +2 / -2

This goy is ridiculous, and one of them ... installed to take votes from Trump. Nonsense. He's clearly retarded. And he loves fish sticks..

Monanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really liked Kash, bought both his kids books signed for my kiddo, I don't trust Adams at all.

Monanon 2 points ago +3 / -1

I apparently spammed Adam kinzinger getting his ass handed to him by the catturd army. I'm not allowed back.Also committed hate speech posing the question of Faucis safety, worldwide, considering his crimes against humanity. It's Zuckerberg tactics, shadow banning, not removal. They keep their numbers and still control speech. Nazi cunts. Elon is a twat, totally controlled, ridiculous fellowship and parade of fools. It's frankly embarrassing.

Monanon 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mike Adams is a grifter like Stew Peters. This is embarrassing. Rattlesnakes and brain shrimp. Fooking hell....😕

Monanon 7 points ago +7 / -0

Well keep me posted, I'd literally rather have my arms ripped off and my eyeballs eaten by birds than watch sportsball. I'll be really pissed off if some Bane shit happens, but that's faggy movie shit, I'm guessing some tranny might stub they/thems fake Weiner. I can't do sports, or movies, or television, or music....why do they have to ruin everything?

Monanon 2 points ago +4 / -2

Elon is just doing exactly what Zuckerberg did. He's shadow banning profiles. Look at his child's creepy mom, his own creepy mom, his brain chips, he's not what people think. He's one of them. They're paying for all his shit. I'm so tired of the Elon worship. I do find him to be an entertaining troll at times, but he's stringing US along. He's a pied fucking piper. And yes, I'm butt sore as fuck because he banned me for hate speech, that was totally bullshit.

Monanon 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lol her black to white ratio is funny to me, everything is a virtue signaling opportunity for these idiots.

Monanon 8 points ago +8 / -0

Lol my son calls them thermometer Nazis. He's 20. My middle child.

Monanon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great find. I love the way we think. Although, I can't anymore enjoy television, movies, most music, it's frustrating. I see their programming in everything. My poor kids can't relate to their friends because they're not exposed to the brain washing machine.

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