Thank you! It said "error " ( Will Robinson ) so I hit it again.
VERY STABLE GENIUS from a few years ago.
You seem like you know our VSGPDJT VERY well........
Did you see the latest JD saying "we will take the blame if the government shuts down "
Please don't throw us in the briar patch ! I love it..... Imagine what PDJT can get down while they focus on that red herring !
Did you see the latest JD saying "we will take the blame if the government shuts down "
Please don't throw us in the briar patch ! I love it..... Imagine what PDJT can get down while they focus on that red herring !
Gosh, it's almost like the "media" is being paid , like, with our money, to lie to us......
How will our "lawmakers" fund their lavish lifestyle if we stop letting them steal our money ? I'm concerned.....
Bottom line I trust PDJT and all the others are subject to scrutiny....Tonight might be epic, I hope he has marshals and possibly Marines standing by to keep order.
Anyone else notice he likes to touch his nose a lot ...... Reminds me of Hunter.
I'm guessing PDJT has EVERYTHING. He now wants to know who is trying to erase what,( that he already has ). and
“You got this lion, he’s the king of the jungle. Huge mane out to here. He’s laying down under a tree, in the middle of Africa, he’s so big, he’s so hot! He doesn’t wanna move. Now, the little lion cubs they start messin’ with him, bitin’ his tail, bitin’ his ears, he doesn’t do anything. The lioness, she starts messing with him, coming over making trouble, still nothing. Now the other animals, they notice this, and they start to move in. The jackals, hyenas, they’re barking at him, laughing at him. They nip his toes and eat the food that’s in his domain. They do this and they get closer and closer and bolder and bolder, till one day…that lion gets up and tears the shit outta everybody, runs like the wind, eats everything in his path, ’cause every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals who he is.”
– Mike from Poolhall Junkies (Christopher Walken)
PDJT Has stated many times “We have it all, we have them all”
That being restated what would you do if you thought they (PDJT et al) were going to “release” something YOU thought they did not already have ? You would try to Hide it Throw it away erase it conceal it in some way
Thereby outing yourself and your crimes as they (PDJT et al) watched….
Our snake wrangler is very good.
The tone of the smarmy questions leaves oil on the floor.
As our tax dollars are removed from them, they will continue to get weaker.
The fact that our money has been used to poison us, lie to us through these despicable worms is galling.
The slow end to the Democratic Party is a thing of great enjoyment……
Pete is off to Gitmo today .... Alone ? 🤔
I stole this from GAB..... So I have no more info....
Mark this date on your cal. March 4th 2025... The Great Revealing.... Trump announced he will be addressing joint congress. Every member of congress is told their presence is MANDATORY. Every network must carry the address LIVE. IMHO, this will be a date forever noted in history as the Great Revealing. He will lay bare all of the national disgraces and secrets hidden from US, the rightful owners of this great nation. Godspeed Mr. President, Godspeed.
Mark this date on your cal. March 4th 2025... The Great Revealing.... Trump announced he will be addressing joint congress. Every member of congress is told their presence is MANDATORY. Every network must carry the address LIVE. IMHO, this will be a date forever noted in history as the Great Revealing. He will lay bare all of the national disgraces and secrets hidden from US, the rightful owners of this great nation. Godspeed Mr. President, Godspeed.
Whatever I'm sure hat was in hand.....
Meet Kash.........
YUP I try to watch or listen but end up here or X
We actually got a USPS money order in refund. 👌🏻
Here's one for you, we've had a P.O. Box for over 30 years, last month rent was due, we made out a check, put it in the USPS payment envelope and hand delivered it to the post office. They lost the envelope/check, threatened to stop our service/close our P.O. Box. After nearly a month of checking with them in person once or twice a week, we decided to pay it again with a credit card. Next week they cashed the check.....Unbelievable.......
How do you really feel ?
I'm OK with that other thing too............. ( The "r" word )