You say that. But think of how many people view Obama, Tom Hanks, Bill Gates and the Pope as a hero. Think of the public charades they put on, all the fake acting, all the lies, deceit. All the fake charisma. How all the sheeple cheer for them and think of them as the good guys. But we know. We know the truth, we know how evil they are.
I'm not saying Trump is or isn't, but this line of thinking - "Trump/Q team would never lie about their intentions! They have to be good guys!" - is dangerous. This is the EXACT same thing that sheeple think about Obama and Hanks etc. The exact same thing. "Oh but they told us they love us, they donate to X charity, they've come out in favour bullshit Y, etc... it can't be! I won't believe it!"
If those people can fool most the world that they are good guys, then Trump can fool us that he's a good guy. Just saying, be careful, keep an open mind and be ready for all possibilities.
"Special interests will win, China will win, Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win - hardworking American families will lose"
Idk sounds like a pretty crappy plan. What happened to the best is yet to come and Biden will never be President?
You seem to think that I'm blaming Jews, but not once have I mentioned Jews. Point out to me where I said Jews or said it was their fault. Use logic. Read again. Show me exactly where I said Jews or alluded to that. I've read read my post and all I see is me saying Zionists.
I said Zionists. You're the one putting words into my mouth. If you don't think Zionism is a threat to Western civilization then I don't know what you're doing here.
I get that you're Jewish and touchy about this subject but you're accusing me of something I didn't do.
Asia hasn't built it's own "great society" for hundreds of years. The only "great" Asian society is Japan and they became modern and industrial because they... wait for it... Westernised. They used European technology to advance themselves. Ancient China was a land of prosperity and technology sure, I can respect that, but it hasn't been that way for hundreds of years.
Pre-Columbus America? If they were so great how come a few hundred Spaniards were able to dismantle the Aztec Empire, with it's millions of inhabitants? Same with the Incas? Disease was not a factor in the initial conquests and victories. The deaths from diseases happened and accumulated over hundreds of years.
Arabs and Turks had a shot at the limelight in medieval times but they were unable to sustain the progress they made. As a race they have achieved next to nothing for centuries. Sure the Ottoman Empire lasted a long time and was big but in terms of contributions to humanity, it contributed very little outside of Turkish coffee and Turkish baths (and random Muslim communities in Bosnia and Albania)
There is ample evidence to support the fact that both the ancient Egyptians (at least the royalty/rulers) and Jesus were white.
Persia? Sure. They had a mighty empire... 2000 years ago. I respect Persia and Iranians but outside of regional cultural influence, they have not achieved anything of interest for millennia.
The fact of the matter is that white Europeans were the undisputed masters of the world for centuries, once we came out of our shells, until the end of WW2. The white race is the most successful race of all time. Artistically, technologically and also the most beautiful (according to every other ethnic group... including ourselves). Acknowledging our prowess and proud history doesn't mean you have to hate others or be a "supremacist". There's nothing wrong with loving your own people.
The Zionists want to destroy that because we are a threat to their global hegemony. The Zionists teach whites "race doesn't exist!" yet at the same time they teach non-whites "white privilege! kill whitey! reparations!".
The UK census will be out this year, last one was 2011. I think the figures are going to shock some people. I'm not from the UK but they are going down the route of the USA when it comes to the (((Kalergi))) plan. France is catching up and Canada is long gone. In the not so distant future, all white countries will be shitholes where whites are disenfranchised, persecuted minorities. We are being sterilised and replaced with 3rd world immigrants and encouraged to breed with them. The Zionists want whites dead and gone, and their globalist shabbos goy lackeys are more than happy to sell out their kinsman for a shot of wealth and power.
This is kinda one of the things I am sceptical about when it comes to Trump. I wish he would call out the anti-white racism and hatred that is so rampant.
So if we see Trump in office again, is he going to stop the mass non white immigration to white countries, legal or illegal? The West is dying by the day and I've seen no mention of him stopping non white immigration just illegal. It'll all be kinda for nothing if Clinton is jailed but the Kalergi Plan is going ahead at full throttle
Because they don't really make the slightest bit of difference to what Trump has said and done in favour of Israel and his connections to Zionists. Israel and the CCP are 2 factions within the wider globalist plot to destroy humanity, they will have their own methods of dealing with the "crisis". Israel is supposedly vaccinating at a high rate, though there are plenty of videos on Telegram showing stupidly obvious fake injections. It's a show. The CCP aren't bothering with putting on a show.
Like I said, their individual response to the scamdemic is irrelevant. We all know it's bullshit, we know the vaccines are harmful, that's painfully obvious. Why Trump is pushing them is a mystery that leaves few possibilities, but some that I think they are pertinent to what I said in the thread I linked. Still waiting for someone to answer those questions, one by one.
Well I've long believed that Trump is a Zionist. For years I thought this until I discovered Q last year. I gave him the benefit of the doubt but the past 2 months it's hard not to go back to my original position.
I would really appreciate if you could tackle each of these points individually in the following thread I made. To date not a single person has given me an answer and the failure to do so just fuels my suspicions further. Give it a shot.