Motzfeldt 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol are you capable of doing anything but calling people doomers and shills? I was interested in potentially hearing someone finally answer my questionsthat I already posted. Still waiting for a single person to actually address those points and not just sperg out and say "shiiiiilll!!!!!!".

You know, it's just living through a globalist communist Covid sucks and it makes me sad. Sorry that angers you so much.

Motzfeldt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look bud, I've been researching conspiracies for 4 years. Considering the majority of people on this website became redpilled only within the last year or so, there's a high chance I've done far more research down the rabbit hole than you have. Thousands of hours at this point. It has consumed my life non-stop since I awoke.

It was pretty much exactly this time last year I started reading about Q. I've read the posts, watched the Q videos, mindlessly browsed /v/QRV and here for hours on end reading people's deciphering of the drops etc. I've seen the crazy links and "undeniable proofs", like the McCain prediction, the tippy toppy tweet, all the deltas, etc etc etc. It was precisely the incredulity of all those things that made think "hey, maybe Q is real". The whackiness and hard-to-believe factor of it all is the reason I am on this site and until recently was excitedly posting here with frequency.

But I've also done a shit ton of research into non-Q related things, and I know full too well that the cabal operate on a level of deception and wickedness that is too much to comprehend for some people. For me, it is not impossible to believe that Q and Trump is just part of the act. Obama was a charismatic actor, totally evil inside, but everyone loved him as "the good guy" in his public persona. Same with all the other shitbag politicians and celebrities. If we're willing to believe Obama, Hanks, etc etc. are that evil that they would so blatantly lie to us about who they are while plotting our deaths, then why not the other politicians, like Trump? As so called researchers, theorists and critical thinkers shouldn't we keep our minds open for all possibilities?

The problem for me is I have far too many questions regarding Trump to be 100% convinced. I always had these suspicions long before I discovered Q, and now that absolutely nothing has happened 2 months after Biden being sworn in, these questions are on my mind time and time again. So far, no one has refuted them.

Maybe you can try?

If you can adequately respond to the points in that thread, then maybe I will regain hope and faith in the Q plan. But until that point, all these nothingburgers and these QUESTIONS I have... they make it hard for me to believe anything will happen.

Motzfeldt 16 points ago +30 / -14

Move on bro. It's up to us to forge and craft our own realities. Not a white knight fairy tale story. Do you really think after 2 months of Biden being in power - despite the Q team "having it all" and "patriots in control" - that the military is suddenly gonna round everyone up and ship 'em to Gitmo? What are they waiting for?

Maybe Trump tried, and failed. Maybe Trump never tried, and he was in on it the scam the whole time. Who knows. What we do know is, that "it" hasn't happened and we have almost nothing to make us believe that it will.

Let's master our own destinies friend.

Motzfeldt 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's not an argument. Address the points or don't bother replying. Oh that's right you can't.

Motzfeldt 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Vax thing has been explained ad nauseum and there is a great thread on explaining why stickied right now.

Explained? All I see is the same ol people saying "it's part of the plan", with absolutely zero proof. Back in November I heard that the "vaccine" was actually code for the military, and that everyone getting their "shots" would be the military crack down. Then Biden won the election.

That aside, I've seen nothing that "explains" why Trump is pushing for vaccines. I've seen a lot of people here are openly confused as to why he's doing it. I see that it's "optics", he has to keep the normies happy apparently. But that's a load of BS. Do you really think this whole plan hinges on whether or not people think Trump is pro or anti-vaccine? You do realise most normies are gonna hate Trump regardless of him being pro or anti vaccine? It makes no sense, other than the fact Trump is just STRAIGHT UP pro vaccine.

I haven't seen anything in the stickies so feel free to explain the POV that I seem to be missing out on.

As for Assange, how do you know he isnt Pardoned? A lot of Telegram chatter supposes he is out wandering free but optics need to show he is still under arrest etc. He's part of the plan.

Ah, so some "Telegram chatter" supposes he's still out there part of the plan, and that's supposed to be a satisfactory explanation? Why keep hiding him? Why hide it all? If "we have everything" is true, then there is zero reason to keep "pretending" Assange isn't part of the plan. Trump had a chance to pardon him before he left office. Instead, he pardoned (Jewish) crooks and fraudsters. He could've easily pardoned Assange... but some people on TG reckon he's part of the plan... that's why Trump is keeping it all a secret and pretending he knows nothing about Assange. Just not buying it. Do you really buy that story, in your heart of hearts?

And just like every other time I've brought up Trump and his pro-Zionist policies, those points still remain unanswered.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not attacking you personally, or anyone here. I appreciate that this is a freedom loving community of patriots who just want to be free of globohomo tyranny. But as time goes on, I find it harder and harder to defend Trump. The arguments get weaker and weaker. I just see more straw grasping and more desperate justification as to why X hasn't happened and how it's gonna happen soon soon soon, just wait a little longer.

Motzfeldt -1 points ago +1 / -2

Good job on not addressing anything I've said. Just because I've tapped out of believing the military is gonna swoop aaaany day now doesn't mean I'm not allowed to occasionally pop back onto GA to see what the latest straw-grasping is.

You can call it "dooming" or whatever, I prefer to think of it as realism and getting on with my life. I went down the conspiracy rabbit hole 3 years ago and I spent most of that time believing Trump is a pawn. I spent that time mentally preparing myself for apocalyptic worse case scenarios. Last year, when lockdowns started, I discovered Q and for nearly a year I yo-yoed between thinking Q is real/Trump is here to save us, and my original position, that neither of those things are true. It was fun riding high on hopium in occasional bouts but...

Now that Biden has been prez for 6 weeks and Trump is telling us to get vaccines, I see no swamp drained and globalism still in full force. Plus, no one has addressed the Zionist elephant in the room. The points I made in the previous post, I've made these points a ton of times to people, and always get met with the same "Israel is last" soundbite. No one actually addresses the questions. Why don't you have a go?

Why does Trump want to destroy Iran, a Zionist war goal?

Why does Trump have an inordinate amount of Jewish grandchildren?

Why can a quick 3 second Yandex or Duckduckgo (or Google if you're desperate) yield tons of pro-Israel quotes from Trump, some of which I've already quoted?

Why hasn't Trump pardoned Assange, or said anything at all, regarding him?

Can't answer these questions? Then stfu :)

Motzfeldt 4 points ago +5 / -1

This. All I see straws. Straws everywhere. Grasped. Torn to shreds. Gnawed at. But at the end of the day, straws.

Motzfeldt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Process of elimination. Cross off all likelihoods and see what you're left with.

deleted -2 points ago +2 / -4
Motzfeldt 2 points ago +4 / -2

Just because a leader repeatedly tells you "We're gonna win! Victory is inevitable!", it doesn't mean that you will actually win, just because they say so. It is very possible for team Q to repeatedly say "Nothing can stop what's coming!" and still lose.

What, do you expect them to say "We hope nothing can stop what's coming!"?

Motzfeldt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Honk honk

Motzfeldt 9 points ago +10 / -1

Wow, again I'm sorry. Isn't this so crazy? Watching our loved ones turn into these beasts? You know part of the reason I fell in love with my wife is because she was more conservative than all my friends and exes. Catholic, no tattoos, anti-feminist, mocked socialism, etc. Now she's turned into some firebrand leftist who doubts her belief in God and mocks and insults her own husband, just for presenting an alternative opinion.

It's scary. This Great awakening needs to happen soon, I feel many of us are being pushed to our extremes.

God bless sister

Motzfeldt 5 points ago +5 / -0

Damn, that's rough, I'm sorry to hear that. Do you mind me asking what the family consisted of?

Motzfeldt 15 points ago +15 / -0

If it helps, me and my wife just had a very explosive argument over the weekend for simply talking about the truth. Our relationship is walking on very thin ice and it hurts me to say we could be finished. All because MSM brainwashing has "enlightened" her so much to the point that she's become a very toxic and aggressive individual. Not the woman I remember from pre-Covid times. Sad.

Not that that necessarily makes you feel better but just know others are going through the very same thing right now and you aren't alone.

Motzfeldt 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live on a street in Spain full of these unskilled, uneducated, uncouth African migrants. I can't stand them. They just stand on the street corners all day, getting drunk, smoking spliffs, listening to shitty music on their phones, selling crap like fake designer clothes, selling drugs, trying to get random passerbys to "party" with them, speaking their weird totally alien African languages...

Remind me what the hell does Spanish society have to gain from this? Landlords are literally PAID MONEY by the Spanish government to rent out to immigrants instead of natives. It's all so fucked up. Fuck communism, fuck globalism. Destroy those who harm Europe.

I sincerely hope the great awakening does happen, and when it does, Europe is cleansed of this Zionist-globalist trash. I can't even begin to imagine how society will be like after it happens. But I have a very clear idea of what it will be like if it does not happen. Let us pray.

Motzfeldt 8 points ago +8 / -0

Would be quite cruel if you actually did that. Hope you're not planning to.

Motzfeldt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope so my sister. The future is immeasurably dark without the help of the US military.

Motzfeldt 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's simple. There has been an intergenerational anti white genocide going on since ww2. You are witnessing it's apex. The people behind this are Zionists, ie Jewish supremacists who believe goyim (non Jews) are destined to be slaves.

Europeans are the biggest obstacle to this take over.

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