Mount_10_ear 2 points ago +2 / -0

With just a filter you can screw the Sawyer on the bags or a smart water bottle. That's what use alot. But they have kits to ( easy DYI) to attach to a faucet and one comes with a drill bit and other parts so you can attach it to the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket or what ever you want and use it for rain water etc.

I don't recommend this. But I do drink small amounts of water from steams ( in very wooded areas so no human pollution). To build up my nature ability to drink water right from a steam. I know it's not recommended and I don't recommend it. But humans at one time could drink water that way.

Mount_10_ear 1 point ago +1 / -0

30 bucks get a Sawyer water filter. ( Good for 10,000) gallons Also you can boil it I boil it when I winter camp

Mount_10_ear 2 points ago +2 / -0

Practice at the range alot. For small game get a good pellet gun why waste ammo. If you get beavers the pelts are water proof and can be traded or made into winter proof jacket .

All small critter's can be put in a pot

Fishing skills ,hand line is needed and a ways to make holes in ice to fish and get water

Most people in the US will die if things get hectic . Gardens are great depending on location. So canning will be needed . Knots are important. But making cordage is more important. Learn what plants have the great fiber to do so. Water water water. Learn how to gather filter and treat water. You can last week's with out food but only days with out water.

Learn bushcraft. If one is fully intune with his surroundings and has skills barter won't really be needed I would avoid. * Community* because history shows your worse enemy is people. People with out skills. Want what you have. If it's a SHTF world. People will kill you for a package of ramen

Mount_10_ear 4 points ago +4 / -0

Let me ask you. What has made sense since March 2020

Mount_10_ear 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shut it off. Tape the camera and walk away. Slowly. Walk backwards. Don't turn your back on it

Mount_10_ear 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's actually the most common gun world wide. In a shit hits the fan world. It would be a better choice. Finding ammo parts etc

Mount_10_ear 1 point ago +1 / -0

I only need one. And that's to take out commies.
They can have the AK. I'll take the scope rifle. Be dropping them at 800 yards

Mount_10_ear 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like the plan is for everyone to get their firearms ready. Hit the range boys and do lots of pushups

Mount_10_ear 4 points ago +5 / -1
  1. I don't get the Q tard posts over there and I don't get the anti Patriots.win over here. At the end of the day we are on the same team with a mutual enemy. The DS

  2. I don't see anything new here as far as a plan

  3. plan B that I assume that will happen will be a HOT. Meaning " live fire ". Something that will require actually doing something off line

  4. I'm here and there for 1 thing real news And I still filter it and make my own judgement...I do not blindly follow anyone or anything

Mount_10_ear 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm ready ..I'm not taking the shot and will lose my job too. But that will be my final straw.

Mount_10_ear 3 points ago +5 / -2

So ....no free think it's only the Q way or you are a doomer .. sounds equal to BLMs " silence is violence "

I know what *the plan is *. I also see more and more people losing jobs. Yes there is a pushback and I love it ..

But now I " hear" they want to give dishonorable discharges to those in the military who don't take it ...so if all the Patriots are booted from the military and it's full of pro commies. Then what ? Make more memes and post more pics of red squares and lines?
I get it. But all plans should have a plan B. So call me a doomer too. Woopty fucking doo

Mount_10_ear 4 points ago +4 / -0

And all the kneeling ...woke cunts. Stand up or get the fuck out

Mount_10_ear 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hard times create strong men.

We can and will rebuild..

I truly hope when this is all in. The rearview mirror people see how important it is to make and buy American. Not to be dependent on other nations , print our own money and most importantly people pay attention to politicians and watch them like a hawk

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