MuckeyDuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

FSMB (Federation of State Medical Boards )Physician Census Identifies 1,044,734 Licensed Physicians in U.S.

17K is a measly 1.6 percent of doctors.

Like the so call scientist that push the Climate Change bullshit, most of them are not climate scientist or even real scientist. Same applies to these so called doctors signing this. They are probably from inside the pharmaceutical industry, and not practicing doctors.

MuckeyDuck 5 points ago +5 / -0

Are you kidding me! Israel will not tolerate a Lebanon with no Hezbollah, they will kill that order and piece president within a week.

Took them years to create Hamas and Hezbollah. They ain't going to let it go without a fight.

I think GAW might be getting so ADL attention. Look at all the downvotes.

MuckeyDuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can see it now.

One firm member reportedly joked, "With big "Small Hat People" noses like these, it's hard not to stick them into other peoples business." But all joking aside, in lieu of a fine, the Israeli Spyware Firm promised they would not hack anymore servers.

MuckeyDuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hey, catch this 5 year old video I just found. How ironic that this is a Malibu firefighter telling home owners to do exactly what I described.


These folks are rich. Why the heck didn't all of them, and all of them had pools, have this set up?

Why did the fire department meet with home owners in high right areas that have lots of pools and educate them on this?

MuckeyDuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well hell, if I lived in that area I would have rigged to be my own fire department, and most likely would have talked all my neighbors in to getting a rig.

Takes two minutes to drop line into pool, fire up pump, and you have your own fire hose.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Went to doctor first time in a long time (long story.) And had to go back for recheck twice now. Every time I get into room, the first question the PA ask me is, "Are you in pain." I think that is a standard question they ask all patients. I always answer, "No more than usual."

But makes me wonder what they would do if I said, yes, ever joint in my body is screaming.

MuckeyDuck 5 points ago +5 / -0

Every friggin one of those houses have pools.

I have a pool, and I have a Harbor Freight 2" pump that can pump out water, 158 GPM, out of a fire hose from my pool through a 2" section of PVC with an L in it, that I can run down to bottom of 15K gallon pool.

Sure the hydrants may have been dry, but they have all the water needed to control the fire right in the back years. And you going to tell me that if the homes would have had a rig like I describe that they could not have kept house from burning down? Maybe not, but at least a chance, a good chance, a hell of a lot better than a 1/2 garden hose.

And they could just as easily had purchased a 3" pump ($400.00) that would put out 290 GPM. They live in a high fire zone, and none of the thought of this? Geez!!

MuckeyDuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every friggin one of those houses have pools. I have a pool, and I have a Harbor Freight 2" pump that can pump out water, 158 GPM, out of a fire hose from my pool through a 2" section of PVC with an L in it, that I can run down to bottom of 15K gallon pool.

Sure the hydrants may have been dry, but they have all the water needed to control the fire right in the back years. And you going to tell me that if the homes would have had a rig like I describe that they could not have kept house from burning down? Maybe not, but at least a chance, a good chance, a hell of a lot better than a 1/2 garden hose.

And they could just as easily had purchased a 3" pump ($400.00) that would put out 290 GPM.

I can guarantee you that if I lived in that area, I would have been rigged to be my own fire department, and probably would have talked my neighbors into fixing up a rig of their own.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

They most likely drank Chlorine Dioxide (MMS)

If you don't know about MMS, see my compiled information here.

MuckeyDuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just like child sex abuse coming to light in UK, is a detraction for something else coming down the pike.

With ever big story ask: Why Now?

MuckeyDuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every friggin one of those houses have pools. I have a pool, and I have a Harbor Freight 2" pump that can pump out water, 158 GPM, out of a fire hose from my pool through a 2" section of PVC with an L in it, that I can run down to bottom of 15K gallon pool.

Sure the hydrants may have been dry, but they have all the water needed to control the fire right in the back years. And you going to tell me that if the homes would have had a rig like I describe that they could not have kept house from burning down? Maybe not, but at least a chance, a good chance, a hell of a lot better than a 1/2 garden hose.

And they could just as easily had purchased a 3" pump ($400.00) that would put out 290 GPM. They live in a high fire zone, and none of the thought of this? Geez!!

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why Now? Why is the child rape activity that's been going on and covered up for 40 years just now being admitted. Always ask: Why Now!

See Here

The “why now” is almost certainly because those who want the distraction, needs a story of such consequence (‘child rape gang’) in order to provide cover for the issue advancing, but not being discussed. (1) The total takeover of liberty by an elite group under the guise of digital identity; (2) Artificial Intelligence driven control and surveillance facilitated by the tech industrialists; and (3) the need for war against Iran.

Aren't you tired of being played for a fool and manipulated. We need to start thinking for ourselves and ask when a big story arises, WHY NOW!

MuckeyDuck -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'm old enough to know that their are two sides to every story. I am sure the Risnicks, and farmers have a different story, and I wish I could hear both side tell it side by side.

This is why I wish that Rogan, Musk, or the white house even should host oxford style debates on key subjects. (prior to debate, vote on proposition. After debate see which side the needle moved the most) This would bring information out of echo chambers, and insure max number of people were exposed to facts, because each side would be plugging for their side to win.

MuckeyDuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

3 comments on this, but post a fucking stupid meme that says the obvious, and you get 20 comments.

Neil points out the question we all need to be aware of: Why now. How does it server their agenda now. We are being manipulated to accept digital IDs.

MuckeyDuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

George: Oh, they're not scared of you. They're scared of what you represent to 'em.

Billy: Hey man. All we represent to them, man, is somebody needs a haircut.

George: Oh no. What you represent to them is freedom.

Billy: What the hell's wrong with freedom, man? That's what it's all about.

George: Oh yeah, that's right, that's what it's all about, all right. But talkin' about it and bein' it - that's two different things. I mean, it's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace. 'Course, don't ever tell anybody that they're not free 'cause then they're gonna get real busy killin' and maimin' to prove to you that they are. Oh yeah, they're gonna talk to you, and talk to you, and talk to you about individual freedom, but they see a free individual, it's gonna scare 'em.

Billy: Mmmm, well, that don't make 'em runnin' scared.

George: No, it makes 'em dangerous. Nik, nik, nik, nik, nik, nik, nik, nik - Swamp.

MuckeyDuck 4 points ago +5 / -1

So did the Romans and look were they ended up.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry, if I don't have a link to the interview itself, I damn sure ain't going to trust hearsay evidence that he said it. No court in the land would admit hearsay evidence as proof.

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