MudPuddlePie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read the comments. Sounds like some pilots and former ATC chiming in.

Comment section: “According to her husband, she was texting him right before! Good grief WTH????” Apparently she was the “lookout” but was texting.

MudPuddlePie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Would have been epic if initial paint scribble was a Q or DJT (before being painted over).

MudPuddlePie 2 points ago +2 / -0


Question: since the flight deck was 200 ft(?)….would any alarms have gone off once that was breached?

MudPuddlePie 7 points ago +7 / -0


Wayne A. Root, who supposedly talked to his “Colonel” friend who flew Black Hawks (article on TGP) says it was just a bunch of errors. Not buying it.

Spouse anon’s thots were….maybe crew was un-alived (or no crew…who knows anymore) and the hawk was remote. Like the veteran (iirc) who supposedly shot himself, then blew up the Tesla (self driving/remote) in front of Trump tower.

“They” have manipulated the public for decades now…not to believe our lying eyes. And to accept official narratives. A simplistic, yet brilliantly evil plan…emotional abuse and gaslighting (Cluster B personality disorders with a frosting of sociopathy and psychopathy.)

I wish normies understood this. But “normal” people don’t lie and hurt other people to get what they want…and therefore can’t recognize it. (Yes, broad brush and simplistic but still accurate, imo. (rant over))

MudPuddlePie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t believe this video is the “lear jet” plane crash. Waaaay too small an explosion, nothing else on fire, no debris flying and hitting the ground, no cars on fire, etc.

Someone yankin’ for clicks.

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