Homemade ghost pepper salt.. wife chowing on a bowl of popcorn as we speak
The Bible gives signs re: end times, anti-Christ, etc.
We are to be aware of the signs with faith and guidance from the Holy Spirit and discernment gifted by God...it's there for the asking.
Christ Himself said that only the Father knows the time, etc.
Ours is to be patient and to trust with faith.
Was being facetious. Sorry.
No anti-Christ fagging!
All songs on his Greatest Hits are all greyed out and are unlistenable fyi
Semi fake news.
His catalog is NOT back on Spotify!
Just take 10 secs to look.
He lost 1 million out of 6 million "followers"...that's not 95%.
Look it up
Not taking up for neil, and what if i was? But this is incorrect. His page hasn't realky changed at all since the kerfuffle
My Spotify expires on the 20th. Cancelled .
Whew. Well said.
They have had it for quite some time.
Can't rush a good thing, fren.
His catalog is definitely NOT on Spotify.
Takes 10 secs to confirm
May i just say that the New Zealand accent grates on my nerves more than any other.
Unrelated drivel. Sorry.
...you double dog dared to post in duplicate...
Gotta keep some things in the family.
Arent w all!
So defensive. Chill!
Ahhh. It's totally unrelated to Q though.
As we learn more about Christ and are justified and sanctified through trials/dross burning and faith moments, we progress from milk to solid food.
Not Q related at all.
Q is earthly..
Milk/solid food comparison is of the Spirit.
"Its almost like we were part of a plan." "Like God is using some FORCE to keep this SPace alive"
Really? Isn't this a religious/prayer area??
That's milk...and kinda childish and naive to God's Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence and His Sovereign Will.
God is all the Power, the Glory and Perfect Love full of Patience and Grace. He doesn't, in my estimation, have " some FORCE". He IS the "FORCE". He is GOD. He is the great I AM. His Sovereign Will shall prevail in His time. Ours is to keep our wicks trimmed in the meantime.
"But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil." Hebrews 5:14 ESV
"I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready," 1 Corinthians 3:2 ESV
My opinion. No malice.
Forewarned is forearmed, man.
Pray for the right words and speak from your heart.
Water color is a dead giveaway
Looks like i did the photo editing and i dont photo edit
Im pretty sure we/us know where they are.
Seems Trump made a statement in the past.
I'll have to dig tomorrow.
Doc told my 86 y o mom whist sick that he sees lots of SAR-CoV-2 pts with blood " a little thick", which could theoretically interfere with bruise resolution. Less good in, bad out.
Victim is still a pussy.in the end. I believe in "Peace" so i won't defend myself cuckery.
Fk that sh*t . That's what aspca, etc says in their beggings, too