NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

He mattered before we were created.

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not exactly true; God matters even if nothing exists at all. Why were we made? What is our purpose? It's simple. We were commanded and then later it was reiterated. We are here to love God, to develop as strong of a relationship with God that we can. To trust God with all of our heart. That is all. In doing so, our actions will do as he has asked, we will take care of his creations. We will use our individual gifts to help with that. "Be all you can be" not exactly, be all God wants you to be. No more, no less. Of coarse we all fall short of what God asks of us. None of us are perfect, thus none of us our worthy of being in communion with him, but Jesus suffered and died so we may be forgiven

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did I say nothing matters? Many things on this earth do not matter. But not nothing

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

My potential to do/be what? What matters in this world? What can you take when you die?

NOT_ADMIN 3 points ago +3 / -0

All good Fren! I just want sure what the title meant exactly. Confusion on my part.

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +5 / -3

Race is not what makes or breaks a society. It's the culture, principle, and ethics. When you have migrants come over (regardless of race) that have a culture, with principles and ethics that are counter to the country they are entering, this is when conflict occurs.

NOT_ADMIN 13 points ago +14 / -1

Wake up to what?

I am here to love my God with all my heart and try to grow in a relationship with him. I have long disregarded most of the secular society.

What I don't do:

  • drugs
  • alcohol
  • smoke
  • gamble
  • party / club
  • vaccinate
  • watch TV
  • dress up (even for church)
  • think about money/power

What I do:

  • spent more time with my family than anything else. Everyday
  • go outside
  • allow for boredom.
  • love God and try my best to grow with him
NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't see it, all I see is her loving the attention of some gay dude.

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

You miss the point. A golden calf means nothing unless your intent is to replace God. Drinking a person's blood may get you sick but means nothing unless you intend it to be part of a form of worship. A peace of weed with letters on it means nothing unless you intend to use it to communicate with the non-living human relm. No food is unclean.

  • The point is intent is what matters. Nothing from the outside can defile us. We can only defile from the inside out.
  • Can evil use Ai? Yes like anything else, but only if people use ai with the intent to replace God, or communicate with sprites or anything else that we already know to be evil. Because of that person's evil acts and evil intent, THAT is whats wrong.
  • I'm starting to think you actually don't know what Ai is or ML.
NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0
  • I create machine learning data, and I've set up the training environments. There is not all that much more to it other than time and validation.

  • I do believe evil exists and is trying to destroy all good in this world. I believe evil is working on the tool we know as AI and use it as a weopon for evil.

  • What AI is not based on machine learning? ML involves algorithms searching for best set of parameters on its own. Rule based systems involve humans setting up those parameters themselves. Or do you mean symbolic AI? Or do you mean GAI?

  • if you would like to fear demon possession of AI, be my guest, but with the same logic, shouldn't you fear demon possession of toasters, electric shavers, pacemakers, televisions, cell phones etc?

NOT_ADMIN 5 points ago +5 / -0

"HIV being created" is one of those "Epstien didn't kill himself" easy red pills to swallow. Its good for those being introduced to the white / black hat psyop game. Many people that are still sleeping have a inclination to say it was created.

NOT_ADMIN 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's the beauty of a psyop. You never know what's real. Perhaps the whole idea of trump setting presidence was a psyop to trick the black hats. "Moves and counter moves" and all that jazz

NOT_ADMIN 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not sure if people are aware but most watch images are of this very time 10&2 or 10:10 due to the symmetrical and pleasant look. Maybe they picked this time to mask behind that nature so they have an excuse. Or maybe not. Who knows. Thats the fun of psyop!

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am a machine learning data generation developer. I work on creating the very AI people use. I work on Ai for the US government, as well as fortune 100 companies. I am a named inventor of an ai technology which I will not disclose.

NOT_ADMIN 5 points ago +5 / -0

Very sad. This just goes to show you have no idea how AI works. You know how your mobile keyboard can bring up the next letter or the next word you may want to write? Chat GPT and the like work in like this but on steroids. When we say "AI" is really just an algorism that a human could very well have made but instead of going the traditional route, the engineers and developers instead when with a flashcard approach. Instead of creating the algorithm directly they had the algorithm appear in a more "Natural" way. by giving it lots of reference data, then telling it if it did a good job or bad job on its many many attempts.

It is not intelligent. Not the ai you are using. GAI is another story. but this is not GAI

NOT_ADMIN 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a thing. Virus or not. This thing can infect people. This thing has infected me twice. This thing we will give a name. This thing will be called covid19

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe that this can be demonstrably falsified, many animals have gotten c19 whatever that is. At least that's what they say.

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where are you located? I suggest local.

NOT_ADMIN 5 points ago +5 / -0
  • Do we need more children? Yes.
  • should polygamy be used? NO.
  • is it race vs race? No.
NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0
  • Afib is likely due to lack of electrolytes from vomiting so much.
  • Make damn sure he isn't taking or being given any poisons.
  • restrict his diet to only beef, water, salt, magnesium.
  • give him vit D and Zink.
  • continue testing
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