XRP has 6x’d since we bought
Like Garlinghouse said: Bitcoin is like Napster, XRP is like Spotify.
XRP has more utility, is not centralized and will replace currencies & make central banks useless. Very few transact in Bitcoin, which takes an hour to process w/ high fees. You’ll be buying your coffee with XRP, in seconds, with little to no cost.
You’ll be able to spend your XRP, you will not have to convert it to dollars like other crypto.
Dude, good for you 👏
Wow. I love how they parent.
Trump is hinting at something VERY vital here: we CONSENT to pay property taxes to our states, cities and counties. Property tax is a complete rip-off, enriching our local, corrupt governments. Do we need TRUMP to take away property taxes? Or can we simply unite to stop paying them OURSELVES??? Let’s gooooooooooo, Patriots! 🔥
There are PLENTY of incredible lady Patriots that could govern better than the majority beta male pedos - on both sides of the aisle - running congress right now.
Trump is hinting at something VERY vital here: we CONSENT to pay property taxes to our states, cities and counties. Property tax is a complete rip-off, enriching our local, corrupt governments. Do we need TRUMP to take away property taxes? Or can we simply unite to stop paying them OURSELVES??? Let’s gooooooooooo, Patriots! 🔥
SO last year.
Don’t take their BS tests and stay vigilant, Frens!
Can you post this picture??
The military sprayed an experimental “harmless bacteria” over San Francisco in the 1950s and it attacked people’s lungs and caused pneumonia that made many sick and some died. I read about that a week before Christmas, before 4 of my fam members (all pure bloods except one) got pneumonia symptoms and are still coughing. The vaxxed fam member is struggling the most with lethargy, but fevers went mostly away by Christmas Eve, so we still got together to celebrate our Lord and savior.
Also, our church small group has 3 sick kids, 1 in the hospital, and 3-4 adults sick.
I believe it was sprayed on us like they did in the 1950s. Prove me wrong.
Careful of fake posts. People on X are running AI tests. This seems to be AI generated. That monster needs to be burned alive for his crimes.
The DS uses whoever is Trump-deranged: the weak, the blackmailed, the desperate and the compromised. They’re all panicking. Rosie likely fits that description perfectly. NCSWIC!!!
For serious. She needs to get some meds on that face herpes.
I will not ignore these idiots. The reason I posted her is because I think they are trying to push this alien thing as a false flag. She’s one of the first Trump haters that’s making this official. Mayorkas just said that we need more Orwellian laws bc of the drones. It’s important to watch these idiots - to see what they’re planning & be ready to counter. Also, some are saying they are spraying something and/or increasing radiation counts in their areas. That could start their next plandemic. You need to wake up & listen to what the enemy says is happening.
Sending big bold prayers to the big guy for you guys
Wow, this is quite a confession to being an accessory to premeditated crimes against humanity! Can’t wait to see this guy behind bars!
Notice that when X22 has Eric Trump on, he mentions things like “Dave” (the X22 host) being at Mar-a-Lago many times & that Dave knew the place “very well”. Dave is anonymous, has all guests on by video or phone conference (not in person) & doesn’t show his face to the public or mention his last name ever.
Eric Trump & Kash Patel have seen him in person various times by their own admission, however. Why?
If Dave has vacationed at Mar-a-Lago like thousands of other tourists, why would Eric Trump know about it, unless they were meeting in person?
Why would Kash mention that he’d see Dave at a rally if he hadn’t met him in person & known what this anonymous person looked like? Dave even mentioned to Kash, that he’d see Dave, but no one else would know what he looks like.
Why would these (super close to Trump) white hats be meeting Dave in person if he wasn’t on the inside?
Thank You, Lord Jesus for Zenith, her recovery, good health and for Your miracles. May her life and story glorify You. Thank You for our fren, @GodblessAmerica58 may his story and life glorify You as well. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Heavenly Father, thank you for healing and protecting Zenith. We pray for complete recovery, provision and that you use this for her and her family’s good. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Oh my gosh, yes, please! We can all dance the Trump.
Kash Patel would’ve been better 👎
It’s our red state’s property, franchise & excise taxes that are killing our small biz!